भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981
The Controller of Publications
Bhārata kī janagaṇanā 1981
Some vols. have text in English and Hindi
Some vols. have title also in Hindi
Publisher varies
first draft by G.S. Pabla and C.L. Sharma ; final draft by K.C. Suri ; edited by H.S. Atwal
Controller of Publications 1993 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 7 ; Himachal Pradesh ; pt. 10-B . Special survey report on selected town
Ardaman Singh = Adĕmāna Siṃha
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 26 . Chandigarh = Canḍīgaṛha ; pt. 8-A & B(i)
J. Tayeng = Je. Tayoṃga
Controller of Publications [1992] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 14 ; Meghalaya = Meghālaya ; pt. 8-A & B (i)
first draft, K.S. Rudra Murthy ; final draft, Khaja Moinuddin and K.V. Sarma ; editor, Ch. Purnachandra Rao
The Controller of Publications 1992 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 2 . Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 10-B . Town survey report
Pī. Ela. Sāmī = P.L. Samy
The Controller of publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 Śr̥ṅkhalā 32 . Pāṇḍicerī = ser. 32 . Pondicherry ; pt. 8-A&B(i)
P. Lalnithanga = Pī. Lālanithaṃgā
The Controller of Publications 1992 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 31 . Mizoram = Mijorama ; pt. 8-A&B(i)
S.K. Gandhe = Esa. Ke. Gandhe
Controller of Publications
भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981
ser. 29 . Goa,
Vī. Ke. Bhallā = V.K. Bhalla
Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 28 . Delhi ; pt. 8-A&B(1)
S.K. Gandhe = Esa. Ke. Gandhe
Controller of Publications 1992 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 27 . Dadra & Nagar Haveli = Dādarā aura Nagara Havelī ; pt. 8-A&B(1)
M.B. Rai = Ema. Bī. Rāya
The Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 25 . Arunachal Pradesh = Aruṇācala Pradeśa ; pt. 8-A&B(1)
B.K. Singh = Bī.Ke. Siṃha
[s.n.] , Printed at Printwell Printers [manufacture] [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 24 . Andaman and Nicobar Islands = Aṇḍamāna aura Nikobāra Dvīpa Samūha ; pt. 8-A&B(i)
S.S. Jaya Rao = Esa.Esa. Jaya Rāva
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 8-A&B(v)
S.S. Jaya Rao = Esa.Esa. Jaya Rāva
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 8-A&B(iv)
S.N. Ghosh = Esa. Ena. Ghosha
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 23 . West Bengal ; pt. 8-A&B(4)
S.N. Ghosh = Esa. Ena. Ghosha
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 23 . West Bengal ; pt. 8-A&B(3)
Ravindra Gupta = Ravīndra Gupta
Controller of Pub. [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 22 . Uttar Pradesh = Uttara Pradeśa ; pt. 8-A&B(6)
Ravindra Gupta = Ravīndra Gupta
Controller of Pub. [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 22 . Uttar Pradesh = Uttara Pradeśa ; pt. 8-A&B(5)
S.R. Chakraborty = एस. अर. चक्रवर्ती
The Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 21 . Tripura ; pt. 8-A&B-1
A.P. Muthuswami = E. Pī. Muttusvāmī
Controller of Publications [1992] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 20 . Tamil Nadu = Tamilanāḍū ; pt. 8-A & B (3)
J.K. Thapa = Je.Ke. Thāpā
[s.n.] , Printed at Printwell Printers [manufacture] [1992] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 19 . Sikkim = Sikkima ; pt. 8-A&B(i)