भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981
The Controller of Publications
Bhārata kī janagaṇanā 1981
Some vols. have text in English and Hindi
Some vols. have title also in Hindi
Publisher varies
K.C. Dubey = Ke.Sī. Dube
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 11 . Madhya Pradesh ; pt. 8-A&B(iv)
Controller of Publications 1991 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 [ser. 18] . [Rajasthan]
Controller of Publications 1991 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 [ser. 32] . Pondicherry
drafted by V. Lakshmipathi Sastry ; ed. by P.V. James
Controller of Publications 1991 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 30 . Lakshadweep ; pt. 10-C
S.R. Chakraborty
Controller of Publication c1991 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 21 . Tripura ; pt. 12
drafted by R. Lakshminarayanan, A.G. Bhaskaran ; ed. by K.V. Ramaswami
The Controller of Publications 1991 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 20 . Tamil Nadu ; pt. 10-B
Kallakkudi town , Neyveli town
[report by G.S. Gill ; supervised by D.S. Jaspal]
Controller of Publications [1991] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 17 ; Punjab ; pt. 10-B
drafted & ed. by M.L. Sharma, G.B. Panda ; supervised by M.L. Sharma
Controller of Pub. 1991 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 11 . Madhya Pradesh ; pt. 10-D
Bell-metal craft
K.C. Dubey
[s.n.] , Printed by the Manager, Govt. of India Press [manufacture] 1991 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 Series 11 . Madhya Pradesh ; pt. 1-A
P. Padmanabha
Controller of Publications [1991] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 1 ; India ; pt. 4-B(i)
P. Padmanabha
Controller of Publications [1991] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 1 . India ; pt. 4-B(2)
edited by B. Satyanarayana
Controller of Publications 1991 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 31 . Mizoram ; pt. 10-C
draft, Khaja Moinuddin, D. Koteswara Rao ; editor, Ch. Purnachandra Rao
Controller of Publications 1990 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 2 ; Andhra Pradesh ; pt. 10-C . Survey report on village
Sivanagar (Medak District)
drafted by S.R. Rai ; edited by S.P. Grover ; supervised by M.L. Sharma
Controller of Publications 1990 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 11 . Madhya Pradesh ; pt. 10-B
draft report by B.M. Patel ; edited by J.K. Patel
Controller of Publications 1990 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 [ser. 5] . Gujarat
A. Pyrtuh
Controller of Publications 1990 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 25 . Arunachal Pradesh
B.T. Pillai
Directorate of Census Operations, Kerala , Controller of Publications 1990 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 [ser. 10] . [Kerala]
[draft report by J.N. Bordoloi] ; [edited by N. Bhattacharjee] ; [supervised by J.C. Bhuyan]
Controller of Publications 1990 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 3 . Assam ; pt. 10-C . Survey report on village
draft by Chhotey Lal Rohatgi ; edited by S.P. Sharma
Directorate of Census Operations 1990 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 28 . Delhi
draft by J.K. Nanda & S.P. Grover ; edited by S.P. Grover
Printed by the Controller Printing & Stationery Dept., for the Controller of Publications 1990 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 26 . Chandigarh ; pt. 10-E