भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981
The Controller of Publications
Bhārata kī janagaṇanā 1981
Some vols. have text in English and Hindi
Some vols. have title also in Hindi
Publisher varies
I.C. Srivastava = I.Sī. Śrīvāstava
The Controller of Publication [1992] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 18 . Rajasthan = Rājasthāna ; pt. 8-A&B(4)
I.C. Srivastava = I.Sī. Śrīvāstava
The Controller of Publication [1992] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 18 ; Rajasthan = Rājasthāna ; pt. 8-A&B(3)
Daniel Kent = Ḍeniyala Kenṭa
Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 15 ; Nagaland = Nāgālaiṇḍa ; pt. 8-A&B(1)
R.K. Birendra Singh = Āra. Ke. Bīrendra Siṃha
Controller of Publications
भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981
ser. 13 . Manipur = Maṇipura ; pt. 8,
P.P. Mahana = Pī.Pī. Mahāna
Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 12 . Maharashtra = Mahārāshṭra ; pt. 8-A&B(5)
P.P. Mahana = Pī.Pī. Mahāna
Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 12 . Maharashtra = Mahārāshṭra ; pt. 8-A&B(4)
D.N. Dhir = Ḍī. Ena. Dhīra
Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 17 ; Punjab = Pañjāba ; pt. 8-A&B(1)
A.R. Nanda = E.Āra Nandā
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 16 ; Orissa = Uṛīsā ; pt. 8-A&B(4)
A.R. Nanda = E.Āra Nandā
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 16 ; Orissa = Uṛīsā ; pt. 8-A&B(3)
K.C. Dubey = Ke.Sī. Dube
Controller of Publications [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 Series 11 . Madhya Pradesh = Madhya Pradeśa ; pt. 8-A&B(5)
K. Gopinathan
The Controller of Publication 1992 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 Ser. 10 . Kerala ; pt. 10-C
M. Vijayan Unni = Ema. Vijayān Uṇṇi
[s.n.] , Printed at Printwell Printers [manufacture]
भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981
Ser. 10 . Kerala = Kerala ; pt. 8,
B.K. Das = Bī. Ke. Dāsa
Controller of Pub. 1992 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 9 . Karnataka = Karnāṭaka ; pt. 8-A & B(3)
A.H. Khan = E.Eca. Khāṃ
Controller of Publications [1992] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 Ser. 8 . Jammu and Kashmir = Jammū-Kaśmīra ; pt. 8-A&B(1)
K.L. Negi = Ke.Ela. Negī
Printed at Printwell Printers 1992 भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 7 . Himachal Pradesh = Himācala Pradeśa ; pt. 8-A & B(1)
O.P. Bharadwaj = O.Pī. Bhāradvāja
Controller of Publication [1992?] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 6 . Haryana =Harịỵāṇā ; pt. 8-A & B(1)
R.S. Chhaya = Āra.Esa., Chāyā
Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 5 ; Gujarat = Gujarāta ; pt. 8-A&B(3)
B.B. Lal = Bī.Bī. Lāla
Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 4 ; Bihar = Bihāra ; pt. 8-A&B(vi)
B.B. Lal = Bī.Bī. Lāla
Controller of Publications [1992 foreword] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 4 ; Bihar = Bihāra ; pt. 8-A&B(v)
P. Padmanabha = Pī. Padmanābha
Controller of Publications [1992 preface] भारत की जनगणना 1981 = Census of India 1981 ser. 1 . India ; pt. 8-A&B(8)