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v. 35 ISBN 9780120164356
Intended for researchers and graduate students in food science and nutrition. This volume includes updates on two major nutrient classes, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and proteins. Comparison of the beneficial effects of both the N-6 PUFAs (known to affect plasma cholesterol) and N-3 (from fish oils and seafoods) indicates that these exert different physiological effects. The digestibility of proteins is discussed and is an active area of research of importance to biomedical researchers and scientists in the food industry.
- a-linolenic acid - functions and effects on linolenic acid metabolism and eicosanoid-mediated reactions, J.E. Kinsella
- protein digestibility - in vitro methods of assessment, protein and enzyme stability - structural, thermodynamic and experimental aspects, H.E. Swaisgood and G.L. Catignani
- thermal analysis of food proteins, M.M. Kristjansson et al.
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v. 36 ISBN 9780120164363
This title recognizes the integral relationships between food science and nutrition and presents reviews of topics in nutrition as well as food science.
- Physicochemical properties of wheat proteins in relation to functionality, F. MacRitchie
- plant food protein engineering, S. Utsumi
- minerals and trace elements in milk, A. Flynn
- dietary fatty acids, lipoproteins, and cardiovascular disease, D.J. McNamara.
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v. 37 ISBN 9780120164370
Advances in Food Research, the leading publication for comprehensive reviews on important topics in food science, has evolved into Advances in Food and Nutrition Research under the editorial direction ofJohn E. Kinsella. This expanded title recognizes the integral relationships between food science and nutrition and presents reviews of topics in nutrition as well as food science. This change also encourages nutritionists and food scientists to become more familiar with relevant advances in these interrelated areas
J.J. Pestka, Food, Diet and Gastro-Intestinal Immune Function. M.E. Sanders, Effects of Consumption of Lactic Cultures on Human Health. L. Berner, Defining the Role of Milkfat in Balanced Diets. A. Berger,M.E. Hershwin, and J.B. German, Biochemistry of Cardiolipin: Sensitivity to Dietary Fatty Acids. A.M. Pearson and R.B. Young, Diseases and Disorders of Muscle.
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v. 38 ISBN 9780120164387
The appearance of Volume 38 marks a transition for Advances in Food and Nutrition Research as Steve L. Taylor assumes editorial responsibility for the series. Under John Kinsella's guiding hand, Advances in Food Research strengthened its reputation as the leading publication for comprehensive reviews on important topics in food science, evolving into Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, a title which better reflected his interest in the integral relationships between food science and nutrition. Building on this legacy of quality scholarship, Dr. Taylor brings a fresh perspective to the serial, seeking novel approaches to research in food and nutritional science.
- Hydrolic and transgalactosylic activities of commercial B-galctosidase (lactase) in food processing, L.F. Pivarnik et al
- glass transitions and water-food structure interactions, L. Slade and H. Levine
- corn wet milling - processing and chemistry, D. Jackson and D. Shandera, Jr
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v. 39 ISBN 9780120164394
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas encompassed by the fields of food science and nutrition and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academic and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
G.V. Barbosa-Canovas, L. Ma, J.L. Kokini, and A. Ibarz, The Rheology of Semiliquid Foods. S.F. Chang, A.M. Pearson, and T.C. Huang, Control of the Dehydration Process in Production of Intermediate-Moisture Meat Products: A Review. P.F. Fox, T.P. O'Connor, P.L.H. McSweeney, T.P. Guinee, and N.M. O'Brien, Cheese: Physical, Biochemical, and Nutritional Aspects. D.D. Rawles, G.J. Flick, and R.E. Martin, Biogenic Amines in Fish and Shellfish. Chapter References. Index
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v. 42 ISBN 9780120164424
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas encompassed by the fields of food science and nutrition and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academic and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
S.L. Taylor and E.S. Dormedy, The Role of Flavoring Substances in Food Allergy and Intolerance. S.M. Gendel, The Use of Amino Acid Sequence Alignments to Assess Potential Allergenicity of Proteins Used in Genetically Modified Foods. S.M. Gendel, Sequence Databases for Assessing the Potential Allergenicity of Proteins Used in Transgenic Foods. D. Sheehan, S.M. O'Sullivan, and K.B. Carey, Design of Emulsification Peptides. R. Chandrasekaran, X-Ray Diffraction of Food Polysaccharides. M. Naim, B.J. Striem, and M. Tal, Cellular Signal Transduction of Sweetener-Induced Taste. S.L. Cuppett and C.A. Hall, Antioxidant Activity of the Labiatae. Subject Index.
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v. 43 ISBN 9780120164431
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas encompassed by the fields of food science and nutrition and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
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v. 44 ISBN 9780120164448
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
This serial was established in 1948, and continues to publish top quality articles on emerging research and developments. Some of the topics in this volume include special processing methods for high-acid liquid foods, structure and properties of fat crystal networks, taste and smell perception in the elderly, edible coatings and films, and the composition and processing of buckwheat.
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v. 45 ISBN 9780120164455
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines. The Advisory Board includes Daryl Lund, a recipient of the International Award by the Institute of Food Technologists. All food scientists and nutritionists should have access to this publication.
Inonsitol Phosphates in Foods.
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Foods.
Application of Ultrasonic Sensors for the Food Industry.
Ozone and its Current and Future Applications for the Food Industry.
The High Molecular Weight Subunits of Wheat Glutenin and their Role in Determining Wheat Processing Properties.
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v. 46 ISBN 9780120164462
This is a cumulative index of Volumes 1-45 of the Advances in Food and Nutrition Research series, established in 1948. This ecclectic serial recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas encompassed by the fields of food science and nutrition and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry, as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians, are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
A cummulative index of Volumes 1-45.
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v. 47 ISBN 9780120164479
Advances in Food and Nutrition recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
Milk protein modification to improve functional and biological properties
Nutritional significance, metabolism, and toxicology of selenomethione
Echinacea as a functional food ingredient
Bioactive peptides and proteins
Plant products with hypocholesterolemic potentials
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v. 48 ISBN 9780120164486
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research is an eclectic serial established in 1948. The serial recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas encompassed by the fields of food science and nutrition and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry, as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians, are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
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v. 49 ISBN 9780120164493
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research is an eclectic serial established in 1948. The serial recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas encompassed by the fields of food science and nutrition and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry, as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians, are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
Re-Inventing the Food Guide Pyramid to Promote Health
Plant Pigments: Properties, Analysis, Degradation
Chitin, Chitosan and Co-Products: Chemistry, Production, Applications and Health Effects
A Review of the Application of Sourdough Technology to Wheat Breads
Detection of Insect Infestation in Stored Foods
Compression and Compaction Characteristics of Selected Food Powders
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v. 50 ISBN 9780120164509
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Uses in Animal Feeding to Improve Food Safety
Mycotoxins in fruits: microbiology, occurrence and changes during fruit processing
Human Protozoan Parasites in Molluscan Shellfish
Regulation of Human Immune and Inflammatory Responses by Dietary Fatty
Bacteria Important During Winemaking
Biosynthesis of Conjugated Linoleic Acid in Ruminants and Humans
Safety Issues Associated with Herbal Ingredients
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v. 51 ISBN 9780120164516
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
Food Components That Reduce Cholesterol Absorption
Imaging Techniques for the Study of Food Micrstructure
Electrodialysis Applications in the Food Industry
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v. 52 ISBN 9780123737113
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship.
Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition, and are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
Sweetpotato: A Review of Its Past, Present, and Future Role in Human Nutrition
Infectobesity: Obesity of Infectious Origin
Refrigerated Fruit Juices: Quality and Safety Issues
Tetrodotoxin Poisoning
Marine Biotechnology for Production of Food Ingredients
Fruits of the Actinidia Genus
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v. 53 ISBN 9780123737298
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship.
Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
- 1. Influence of Processing on Functionality of Milk and Dairy Proteins - Mary Ann Augustin and Punsandani Udabage
- 2. Central Nervous System Tissue in Meat Products: An Evaluation of Risk, Prevention Strategies, and Testing Procedures - M.B. Bowling, K.E. Belk, K. K. Nightingale, L.D. Goodridge, J.A. Scanga, J.N. Sofos, J.D. Tatum, and G.C. Smith
- 3. Functional Genomics of Wine Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Linda F. Bisson, Jonathan E. Karpel, Vidhya Ramakrishnan, Lucy Joseph
- 4. Monascus Rice Products - Tseng-Hsing Wang and Tzann-Feng Lin
- 5. Designer Milk - Latha Sabikhi
- 6. The Sweet Taste Receptor: A Single Receptor with Multiple Sites and Modes of Interaction - Pierandrea Temussi.
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v. 54 ISBN 9780123737403
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship.
Contributions detail the scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition are intended to ensure that food scientists in academia and industry as well as professional nutritionists and dieticians are kept informed concerning emerging research and developments in these important disciplines.
Chapters cover biosensors and bio-based methods for the separation and detection of foodborne pathogens, the immunological components of human milk, PCR-based diagnosis and quantification of mycotoxin-producing fungi, molluscan shellfish allergy, nutritargeting, and a review of the supporting science behind the health benefits of calcium citrate malate.
1. Biosensors and Bio-Based Methods for the Separation and Detection of Foodborne Pathogens
Arun K. Bhunia
2. The Immunological Components of Human Milk
Heather J. Hosea, Michelle C. Cicalo, Carol D. Holland & Catherine J. Field
3. PCR-Based Diagnosis and Quantification of Mycotoxin-Producing Fungi
Ludwig Niessen
4. Molluscan Shellfish Allergy
Steve L. Taylor
5. Nutritargeting
Hans Konrad Biesalski and Jana Tinz
6. The Health Benefits of Calcium Citrate Malate: A Review of the Supporting Science
S. Reinwald and C.M. Weaver
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v. 55 ISBN 9780123741202
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Ginsenosides: Chemistry, Biosynthesis, Analysis, and Potential Health Effects
Lars P. Christensen
Adherence, anti-adherence, and oligosaccharides: preventing pathogens from sticking to the host
Kari D. Shoaf-Sweeney and Robert W. Hutkins
Lung Disease in Flavoring and Food Production: Learning from Butter Flavoring
Nancy Sahakian and Kathleen Kreiss
Beneficial Health Properties of Psyllium and Approaches to Improve Its Functionalities
Liangli (Lucy) Yu, Herman Lutterodt, and Zhizong Cheng
Starch gelatinization
Wajira S. Ratanyake and David S. Jackson
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v. 56 ISBN 9780123744395
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
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v. 57 ISBN 9780123744401
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
(1) Fish-Induced Keriorrhea,
(2) Haze in Beverages,
(3) Carnosine in Nutrition and Health
(4) Recent Advances in Microbial Safety of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables,
(5) Quinoa: Composition, Chemistry, Nutritional and Functional Properties
(6) Understanding Oil Absorption During Deep-Fat Frying,
(7) Introduction of Oats in the Diet of Individuals with Celiac Disease,
(8) Pesticide Influences in Fermentation
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v. 58 ISBN 9780123744418
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
1. Soy protein in infant formula
Dominque Turck
2. Quinoa: Composition, Chemistry, and Functional and Nutritional Properties
Lillian Abugoch James
3. Gossypol
Xi Wang
4. Protein Haze Formation and Control in Wine
Elizabeth Waters
5. Traditional Balsamic Vinegar
Paolo Giudici, Pasquale Massimiliano Falcone and Lisa Solieri
6. Chemical Approaches to the Assessment of Cheese Quality
Luis E Rodriguez-Saona
7. 3D Molecular Similarity - Applications in Food Chemistry
Karina Martinez-Mayorga
8. 3D Molecular Similarity - Applications in Food Chemistry
Jose L. Medina-Franco
9. Clostridium difficile - Its Potential as a Source of Foodborne Disease
Maja Rupnik
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v. 61 ISBN 9780123744685
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Visual Perception of Effervescence in Champagne and other sparkling Beverages
Gerard Liger-Belair, Regis Gougeon and Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin
Chemometric Brains for Artificial Tongues
Paolo Oliveri, M. Chiara Casolino, Michele Forina
Photodynamic Treatment - A New Efficient Alternative for Surface Sanitation
Lubov Brovko
Micro-oxidation in Wine Production
Paul A. Kilmartin
The Morama Bean (Tylosema esculentum): A Potential Crop for Southern Africa
Jose C. Jackson, Kwaku G. Duodu, Mette Holse, Margarida D. Lima de Faria, Danie Jordaan, Walter Chingwaru, Aase Hansen, Avrelija Cencic, Martha Kandawa-Schultz, Selalelo M. Mpotokwane, Henrietta L. de Kock and Amanda Minnaar
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v. 59 ISBN 9780123809421
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Dairy Food Consumption And Obesity Related Chronic Disease - Eva Warensjoe
Pesticide Influences In Fermentation - Pierluigi Caboni, Paolo Cabras
Transmission Of Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) By Foods - KAREN SIGNORI PEREIRA
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance And Chemometrics To Assess Geographical Origin And Quality Of Traditional Food Products - Consonni R.
Chemical and Instrumental Approaches to Cheese Analysis - Luis Rodriguez-Saona
Finger Millet - Eleusine Coracana - Arun Chandrasekar
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v. 60 ISBN 9780123809445
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
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v. 63 ISBN 9780123849274
The issue concentrates on the history and current production practices unique to the specialty wines. This includes fortified wines, such as ports, sherries, sparkling wines, and distinctive table wines, such as vin santo, botrytised, and carbonic maceration wines.
Carbonic Maceration wines - Catherine Tesniere
Sherry-wines - Dra. M. Victoria Moreno-Arribas
Vin Santo - Paola Domizio
Mead - Leticia Estevinho
Port wines - Paula Guedes de Pinho & Antonio Cesar Silva Ferreira
Botrytised wines - Magyar Ildiko
Medeira - Jose Camara
Vermouth - Parmjit S Panesar
Appassimento - Franco Dellaglio
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v. 62 ISBN 9780123859891
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Norovirus as a foodborne disease hazard - Kirsten Mattison
Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Production of Fluid Milk - Peggy M. Tomasula and Darin W. Nutter
Chemical Composition, Characterization, and Differentiation of Honey Botanical and Geographical Origins - Jun Wang and Qing X. Li
Japan Food Allergen Labeling Regulation - History and Evaluation - Hiroshi Akiyama, Takanori Imai and Motohiro Ebisawa
Extrusion Texturized Dairy Proteins: Processing and Application - Charles I. Onwulata*, Michael H. Tunick, and Phoebe X. Qi
A Review of the Application of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) in Food Science and Technology - Shaoyang Liu and Yifen Wang
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v. 66 ISBN 9780123945976
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Sparkling Wines: Features and Trends From Tradition
Susana Buxaderas and Elvira Lopez Tamames
Occupational Allergies in Seafood Processing Workers
Mohamed F Jeebhay and Andreas L Lopata
Health Benefits of Algal Polysaccharides in Human Nutrition
Ladislava Misurcova, Sona Skrovankova, Dusan Samek, Jarmila Ambrozova, and Ludmila Machu,
Fiber, Protein & Lupin Enriched Foods: Role For Improving Cardiovascular Health
Regina Belski
"Green Preservatives" - Combating Fungi in The Food And Feed Industry By Applying Antifungal Lactic Acid Bacteria
Agata M. Pawlowska, Emanuele Zannini, Aidan Coffey, Elke K. Arendt
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v. 67 ISBN 9780123945983
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Metabolomics in Food Science
Juan Manuel Cevallos-Cevallos and Jose Ignacio Reyes-De-Corcuera
Implications of Light Energy on Food Quality and Packaging Selection
Susan E. Duncan and Hao-Hsun Chang
Antioxidant Activity and Protecting Health Effects of Common Medicinal Plants
Sona Skrovankova, Ladislava Misurcova and Ludmila Machu
Fatty Acid Profile of Unconventional Oil Seeds
Latha Sabikhi and Sathish Kumar M. H.
Modern Approaches in Probiotics Research to Control Foodborne Pathogens
Mary Anne Roshni Amalaradjou and Arun K. Bhunia
Bacteriophages for Detection and Control of Bacterial Pathogens in Food and Food-Processing Environment
Lubov Y. Brovko, Hany Anany, and Mansel W. Griffiths
Carbon Dioxide and Ethanol Release from Champagne Glasses, Under Standard Tasting Conditions
Gerard Liger-Belair, Fabien Beaumont, Marielle Bourget, Herve Pron, Philippe Jeandet, Bertrand Parvitte, Virginie Zeninari, Guillaume Polidori and Clara Cilindre
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v. 69 ISBN 9780124105409
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Finger Millet (Ragi, Eleusine coracana L.): A Review of its Nutritional Properties, Processing and Plausible Health Benefits
S. Shobana, K. Krishnaswamy, V. Sudha, N.G. Malleshi, R.M. Anjana, L. Palaniappan, and V. Mohan
Advances in Food Powder Agglomeration Engineering
B. Cuq, C. Gaiani, C. Turchiuli, L. Galet, J. Scher, R. Jeantet, S. Mandato, J. Petit, I. Murrieta-Pazos, A. Barkouti, P. Schuck, E. Rondet, M. Delalonde, E. Dumoulin, G. Delaplace, and T. Ruiz
Dietary Strategies to Increase Satiety
C.J. Rebello, A.G. Liu, F.L. Greenway, and N.V. Dhurandhar
Biotransformation of Polyphenols for Improved Bioavailability and Processing Stability A. Gupta, L.D. Kagliwal, and R.S. Singhal
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v. 70 ISBN 9780124165557
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Role of Proteins in Insulin Secretion and Glycemic Control
Viren Ranawana and Bhupinder Kaur
Physical Activity, Fitness and Energy Cost of Activities: Implications on Obesity in Children and Adolescents in the Tropics
Xiao Chuan Lau, Kar Hau Chong, Bee Koon Poh, and Mohd Noor Ismail
Starch Hydrolases Inhibitors from Edible Plants
Hongyu Wang, Tingting Liu, and Dejian Huang
Food Microstructure and Starch Digestion
Jaspreet Singh, Lovedeep Kaur, and Harjinder Singh
Food Based Ingredients for Modulating Blood Glucose Pariyarath Sangeetha Thondre
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v. 71 ISBN 9780128002704
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Antioxidants in Food: Content, Measurement, Significance, Action, Cautions, Caveats and Research NeedsIris F.F. Benzie and Siu-Wai Choi
Micronutrient Status in Type 2 Diabetics: A ReviewBhupinder Kaur and Jeyakumar Henry
Sarcopenia and NutritionAlessandro Laviano, Chiara Gori and Serena Rianda
Current Evidence on Dietary Pattern and Cognitive FunctionBernice H.K. Cheung, Ivan C.H. Ho, Ruth S.M. Chan, Mandy M.M. Sea and Jean Woo
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v. 74 ISBN 9780128022269
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences and brings together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. Contributions detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition and are intended to provide those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition Impact through the Feed the Future Initiative
Lidan du
Health Benefits of Prebiotic Fibers
Diederick Meyer
Vegetarian Diets Across the Lifecycle: Impact on Zinc Intake and Status
Meika Foster and Samir Samman
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v. 75 ISBN 9780128022276
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences, bringing together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship.
The book contains contributions that detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition, providing those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
- 1. Vitamin D, Cancer Risk and MortalityElena Tagliabue, Sara Raimondi and Sara Gandini2. Chia (Salvia hispanica): A Review of Native Mexican Seed and its Nutritional and Functional PropertiesMa. Angeles Valdivia-Lopez and Alberto Tecante 3. Physical Activity and Health: 'What is Old is New Again'Andrew P. Hills, Steven J. Street and Nuala M. Byrne4. Body Composition in Asians and Caucasians
- Comparative Analyses and Influences on Cardiometabolic Outcomes Sumanto Haldar, Siok Ching Chia and Jeyakumar Henry
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v. 76 ISBN 9780128036068
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences, bringing together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship.
The book contains contributions that detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition, providing those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
Capsaicin and Related Food Ingredients Reducing Body Fat Through the Activation of TRP and Brown Fat Thermogenesis
Masayuki Saito
School Based Interventions to Reduce Obesity Risk in Children in High and Middle Income Countries
Charlotte E. L. Evans, Salwa Albar, Elisa Vargas-Garcia and Fei Xu
Digestion and Postprandial Metabolism in the Elderly
Amber M. Milan and David Cameron-Smith
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica): Nutritional Properties, and Plausible Health Benefits Udumalagala Gamage Chandrika and Peramune A. A. S.Prasad Kumara
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v. 77 ISBN 9780128047729
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research recognizes the integral relationship between the food and nutritional sciences, bringing together outstanding and comprehensive reviews that highlight this relationship. The book contains contributions that detail scientific developments in the broad areas of food science and nutrition, providing those in academia and industry with the latest information on emerging research in these constantly evolving sciences.
1. Oats - From Farm to Fork Ravi Menon, Tanhia Gonzalez, Mario Ferruzzi, Eric Jackson, Dan Winderl and Jay Watson 2. Calcium and Vitamin D in Obesity and Related Chronic Disease Poonam K. Pannu, Emily K. Calton and Mario Soares
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v. 81 ISBN 9780128119167
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 81 provides updated knowledge on nutrients in foods and how to avoid deficiencies, paying special attention to the essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health. This new release in the series focuses on a variety of topics, including sections on nanotechnologies that can be used to increase nutrient bioavailability, an analysis of the implications of nitrites and nitrates in foods, metabolic phenotyping of diet and dietary intake, and an interesting discussion of foodomics, amongst other topics.
The series provides the latest advances on the identification and characterization of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits, as well as up-to-date information on food science, including raw materials, production, processing, distribution and consumption.
1. Nanotechnology Approaches for Increasing Nutrient Bioavailability S.M. Jafari and D.J. McClements 2. Food Processing Antioxidants F.J. Hidalgo and R. Zamora 3. Analysis of Nitrite and Nitrate in Foods: Overview of Chemical, Regulatory and Analytical Aspects L. Merino, U. Ornemark and F. Toldra 4. Protein Hydrolysates and Biopeptides: Production, Biological Activities and Applications in Foods and Health Benefits. A Review M. Nasri 5. Bioactive Properties of Maillard Reaction Products Generated from Food Protein-Derived Peptides K. Arihara, L. Zhou and M. Ohata 6. Use of Foodomics for Control of Food Processing and Assessing of Food Safety D. Josic, Z. Persuric, D. Restar, T. Martinovic, L. Saftic and S.K. Pavelic 7. Metabolic Phenotyping of Diet and Dietary Intake J. Brignardello, E. Holmes and I. Garcia-Perez 8. Nutritional Aspects of Dysphagia Management C. Gallegos, E. Brito-de la Fuente, P. Clave, A. Costa and G. Assegehegn
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v. 82 ISBN 9780128126332
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 82 provides updated knowledge on nutrients in foods and how to avoid deficiency. Topics covered in this latest release include Phenolic Compounds and its Bioavailability: In Vitro Bioactive Compounds or Health Promoters?, Health Risks of Food Oxidation, Metabolomics, Nutrition, and Potential Biomarkers of Food Quality, Intake, and Health Status, Improvement of Soybean Products Through the Response Mechanism Analysis Using Proteomic Technique, and Nanotechnology for Food Packaging and Food Quality Assessment. This resource is especially useful for those interested in the essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health.
It provides the latest advances on the identification and characterization of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits, as well as up-to-date information on food science, including raw materials, production, processing, distribution and consumption, with an emphasis on nutritional benefits and health effects.
1. Phenolic Compounds and Its Bioavailability: In Vitro Bioactive Compounds or Health Promoters?
2. Health Risks of Food Oxidation
3. Metabolomics, Nutrition, and Potential Biomarkers of Food Quality, Intake, and Health Status
4. Improvement of Soybean Products Through the Response Mechanism Analysis Using Proteomic Technique
5. Nanotechnology for Food Packaging and Food Quality Assessment
6. Influence of High Hydrostatic Pressure Technology on Wine Chemical and Sensorial Characteristics: Potentialities and Drawbacks
7. Methodologies for the Characterization of the Quality of Dairy Products
8. Pathogens of Food Animals: Sources, Characteristics, Human Risk, and Methods of Detection
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v. 84 ISBN 9780128149904
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 84 provides updated knowledge on nutrients in foods and how to avoid their deficiency, especially the essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health. The book provides the latest advances on the identification and characterization of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits. Readers will find up-to-date information on food science, including raw materials, production, processing, distribution and consumption, with an emphasis on nutritional benefits and health effects.
Specific sections in this new release include discussions on ethylcellulose oleogels, novel biosensors for the rapid detection of toxicants in foods, polyphenols and their interactions with other dietary compounds- implications for human health, protein hydrolysates and hypolipidemia, the effects of B-alanine supplementation on carnosine elevation and physiological performance, the effect of ultrasound technology on food and nutritional quality, modern procedures for removal of hazardous compounds from foods, the bioactive potential of Andean and Amazonian fruits, seeds and tubers, and more.
Fidel Toldra
1. Ethyl Cellulose Oleogels: Structure, Rheology, and Nutritional Properties
A.J. Gravelle and Alejandro G. Marangoni
2. Novel Biosensors for the Rapid Detection of Toxicants in Foods
Georgia-Paraskevi Nikoleli, Dimitrios P. Nikolelis, Christina G. Siontorou, Stephanos Karapetis and Theo Varzakas
3. Polyphenols and Their Interactions With Other Dietary Compounds: Implications for Human Health
Nevena Kardum and Maria Glibetic
4. Structural Basis of Bioactivity of Food Peptides in Promoting Metabolic Health
Shixiang Yao, Dominic Agyei and Chibuike C. Udenigwe
5. Effects of ss-Alanine Supplementation on Carnosine Elevation and Physiological Performance
Jay R. Hoffman, Alyssa Varanoske and Jeffrey R. Stout
6. Effect of Ultrasound Technology on Food and Nutritional Quality
Kumari S. Ojha, Brijesh K. Tiwari and Colm P. O'Donnell
7. Modern Procedures for Removal of Hazardous Compounds From Foods
Peter Simko
8. Bioactive Potential of Andean Fruits, Seeds, and Tubers
David Campos, Rosana Chirinos, Lena Galvez and Romina Pedreschi
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v. 85 ISBN 9780128150894
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 85, provides updated knowledge on nutrients in foods and how to avoid their deficiency, especially the essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health. The book provides the latest advances on the identification and characterization of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits. Readers will find up-to-date information on food science, including raw materials, production, processing, distribution and consumption, with an emphasis on nutritional benefits and health effects.
New sections in the updated volume include discussions on the biological and biomedical applications of egg peptides, omega-3 fatty acids and liver diseases in children, the characterization of the degree of food processing in relation to health, the impact of unit operations from farm to fork on microbial safety and quality of foods, new trends in the uses of yeasts in oenology, and more.
1. Egg Protein-Derived Bioactive Peptides: Preparation, Efficacy, and Absorption Wang Liao, Forough Jahandideh, Hongbing Fan, Myoungjin Son, and Jianping Wu
1. Introduction 2. Preparation of Bioactive Peptides From Egg Proteins 3. Bioactivities of Egg Protein-Derived Peptides 4. GI Digestion and Absorption of Egg Protein-Derived Bioactive Peptides 5. Scale-Up Production of Bioactive Peptides From Egg Proteins 6. Conclusion References Further Reading
2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fatty Liver Disease in Children Claudia Della Corte, Salvatore Iasevoli, Andrea Dello Strologo, Mariateresa Sanseviero, and Valerio Nobili
1. Introduction 2. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 3. "Metabolic" Effects of PUFA 4. NAFLD Pathogenesis 5. Therapeutic Strategies for Pediatric NAFLD 6. Conclusions References
3. Characterization of the Degree of Food Processing in Relation With Its Health Potential and Effects Anthony Fardet
1. Introduction: The Four Nutritional Transitions 2. Food Processing and Chronic Disease Risks 3. Food Processing and Food Health Potential 4. Food Processing and Ranking of Foods 5. Food Processing: Holistic vs Reductionist Approaches 6. Conclusions and Perspectives References
4. Impact of Unit Operations From Farm to Fork on Microbial Safety and Quality of Foods Veronica O. Alvarenga, Fernanda B. Campagnollo, Leonardo do Prado-Silva, Claudia N. Horita, Magdevis Y.R. Caturla, Eliene P.R. Pereira, Aline Crucello, and Anderson S. Sant'Ana
1. Introduction 2. Microbial Ecology-Methods and Relevance for Food Safety and Spoilage 3. Unit Operations-Basic Definitions 4. On-Factory Unit Operations and Their Impacts on Microbial Ecology of Foods 5. Distribution and Consumer Practices: Impact on Microbial Safety and Quality of Foods 6. Concluding Remarks References Further Reading
5. New Trends in the Uses of Yeasts in Oenology A. Querol, R. P>erez-Torrado, J. Alonso-del-Real, R. Minebois, J. Stribny, B.M. Oliveira, and E. Barrio
1. Introduction 2. Species of the Genus Saccharomyces Relevant in Wine Fermentation 3. New Demands of the Oenological Sector: The Role of the Yeasts 4. Application of Nonconventional Yeasts to Solve the Current Winemaking Demands 5. Conclusions References
6. Producing Powders Containing Active Dry Probiotics With the Aid of Spray Drying Nan Fu, Song Huang, Jie Xiao, and Xiao Dong Chen
1. Introduction 2. Probiotics: Taxonomy, Application, and the Next Generation 3. Spray Drying: Modern Understanding of the Process 4. Scientific Investigations on How to Preserve Probiotics Through Encapsulation/Formulation: Single Droplet Tests 5. Investigations Using Lab, Pilot, and Production-Scale Dryers 6. Concluding Remarks Acknowledgments References
7. Affinity Biosensors for Detection of Mycotoxins in Food Gennady Evtugyn, Veronika Subjakova, Sopio Melikishvili, and Tibor Hianik
1. Introduction 2. Mycotoxins and Conventional Analytical Methods for Their Detection in Food 3. Antibodies and DNA Aptamers as Receptors for Mycotoxin Recognition 4. Biosensors for Mycotoxin Detection 5. Conclusion and Future Perspectives Acknowledgments References Further Reading
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v. 87 ISBN 9780128160497
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 87 provides updated information on nutrients in foods and how to avoid deficiency, especially the essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimize health. The book provides the latest advances on the identification and characterization of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits. Chapters in this new release include discussions of the function and application of bioactive peptides from corn gluten meal, Dietary fatty acids and metabolic syndrome, the Microbial ecology of plant-based fermented foods and current knowledge on their impact on human health, and much more.
1. Functions and Applications of Bioactive Peptides From Corn Gluten Meal Guoming Li, Wenying Liu, Yuqing Wang, Fuhuai Jia, Yuchen Wang, Yong Ma, Ruizeng Gu and Jun Lu 2. Dietary Fatty Acids and the Metabolic Syndrome: A Personalized Nutrition Approach Sarah O'Connor and Iwona Rudkowska 3. Microbial Ecology of Fermented Vegetables and Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Current Knowledge on Their Impact on Human Health Laura Lavefve, Daya Marasini and Franck Carbonero 4. Marine Waste Utilization as a Source of Functional and Health Compounds Amin Shavandi, Yakun Hou, Alan Carne, Michelle McConnell and Alaa El-din A. Bekhit 5. Advanced Analysis of Roots and Tubers by Hyperspectral Techniques Wen-Hao Su and Da-Wen Sun 6. Advances in Sheep and Goat Meat Products Research Alfredo Teixeira, Severiano Silva and Sandra Rodrigues 7. Particular Alimentations for Nutrition, Health and Pleasure Jose Miguel Aguilera, Bum-Keun Kim and Dong June Park 8. Meat as a Pharmakon: An Exploration of the Biosocial Complexities of Meat Consumption Frederic Leroy
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v. 88 ISBN 9780128160732
Food Applications of Nanotechnology, Volume 88, consolidates the literature on recent developments in nanotechnology, addressing production, safety and nutritional aspects pertaining to foods and nutraceuticals. Chapters in this new release include Assembled protein nanoparticles in food and nutrition applications, Nano-scale carbohydrate Materials in food/nutrition/agricultural applications, Nanotechnology-based colloidal delivery systems in foods, Electrospinning and Electrospraying in food, Bioavailability of nanotechnology-based bioactives and nutraceuticals, and more.
1. Nanotechnology in food and nutrition - past, present and future perspectives Michael Rogers 2. Assembled protein nanoparticles in food and nutrition applications Owen Griffith Jones 3. Nano-scale carbohydrate Materials in food/nutrition/agricultural applications Alvaro Renato Guerra Dias and Elessandra da Rosa Zavareze 4. Nanotechnology-based colloidal delivery systems in foods Qingrong Huang 5. Electrospinning and Electrospraying in food L.T Lim 6. Bioavailability of nanotechnology-based bioactives and nutraceuticals Gabriel Davidov Pardo 7. Packaging Nanotechnology Rafael A. Auras and Maria Rubino 8. Health, environmental, safety of nanomaterials in food Hongda Chen
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v. 89 ISBN 9780128171714
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research provides updated knowledge about nutrients in foods and how to avoid their deficiency, especially for those essential nutrients that should be present in the diet to reduce disease risk and optimise health.
The series provides the latest advances on the identification and characterisation of emerging bioactive compounds with putative health benefits, as well as up-to-date information on food science, including raw materials, production, processing, distribution and consumption, always having in mind its nutritional benefits and health effects.
1. Genetic determinants of beverage consumption: Implications for nutrition and health Marilyn C. Cornelis 2. Current feeding strategies to improve pork intramuscular fat content and its nutritional quality C.M. Alfaia, P.A. Lopes, M.S. Madeira, J.M. Pestana, D. Coelho, F. Toldra and J.A.M. Prates 3. Dairy foods and positive impact on the consumer's health Silvani Verruck, Celso Fasura Balthazar, Ramon Silva Rocha, Ramon Silva, Erick Almeida Esmerino, Tatiana Colombo Pimentel, Monica Queiroz Freitas, Marcia Cristina Silva, Adriano Gomes da Cruz and Elane Schwinden Prudencio 4. Food-derived bioactive peptides and their role in ameliorating hypertension and associated cardiovascular diseases Advaita Ganguly, Kumakshi Sharma and Kaustav Majumder 5. Effects of phytochemicals against diabetes Merve Bacanli, Sevtap Aydin, Nursen Basaran and A. Ahmet Basaran 6. DMHF (2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone), a volatile food component with attractive sensory properties, brings physiological functions through inhalation K. Arihara, I. Yokoyama and M. Ohata 7. Challenges and opportunities regarding the use of alternative protein sources: Aquaculture and insects Belen Gomez, Paulo E.S. Munekata, Zhenzhou Zhu, Francisco J. Barba, Fidel Toldra, Predrag Putnik, Danijela Bursac Kovacevic and Jose M. Lorenzo 8. Mycotoxins in food and feed Jelka Pleadin, Jadranka Frece and Ksenija Markov
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v. 92 ISBN 9780128202166
Aquaculture and By-products: Challenges and Opportunities, Volume 92 in the Advances in Food and Nutrition Research series, explores the potential use of aquaculture and by-products as sources of proteins and bioactive compounds. Alternative extraction techniques to obtain, isolate and purify proteins and bioactive from aquaculture and by-products are thoroughly discussed. Chapters in this new volume include Alternative extraction techniques to obtain, isolate and purify proteins and bioactive from aquaculture and by-products, Development of new food and pharmaceutical products: Nutraceuticals and food additives, Evaluation of the protein and bioactive compound bioaccessibility/bioavailability and citotoxicity of the extracts obtained from aquaculture and by-products, and more.
1. Aquaculture and by-products as source of proteins and bioactive compounds Mohsen Gavahian 2. Alternative extraction techniques to obtain, isolate and purify proteins and bioactive from aquaculture and by-products Amin Mousavi Khaneghah 3. Development of new food and pharmaceutical products: Nutraceuticals and food additives Jose Manuel Lorenzo 4. Evaluation of the protein and bioactive compound bioaccessibility/bioavailability and citotoxicity of the extracts obtained from aquaculture and by-products Mirian Pateiro 5. Evaluation of the extracts on target populations Daniel Franco Sr. 6. Scaling-up processes: Industrial scale equipment, patents and commercial applications. Francisco J. Marti 7. Life cycle assessment Angelica Mendoza Beltran 8. Limitations for utilization in food industry: Legal regulations and consumer attitudes regarding the use of extracts and products obtained from aquaculture and by-products Krystian Marszalek
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v. 91 ISBN 9780128204702
Approx.322 pages
1. Polyphenols in the management of brain disorders: Modulation of the microbiota-gut-brain axis Diana Serra 2. Protein and amino acids in skeletal muscle health in aging Anna E. Thalacker-Mercer 3. Chemical Composition and Health Properties of Coffee and Coffee By-Products Carlos Ricardo Soccol Sr. 4. Seaweed and seaweed-derived metabolites as prebiotics Wei Zhang 5. Bioactive Potential of Fruit and Vegetable Wastes Dan Cristian Vodnar 6. Ohmic Heating as a Promising Technique for Extraction of Herbal Essential Oils: Understanding Mechanisms, Recent Findings, and Associated Challenges Mohsen Gavahian 7. Next generation Sequencing and Food Safety David Rodriguez-Lazaro 8. Advanced lipid-based biosensors for food analysis Georgia-Paraskevi Nikolelis
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