History of NCR (previously National Cash Register) and the computers they made

New York Times article on NCR Corp. leaving Dayton for Atlanta

By Khalid on 2010年02月02日 - 18:04, last updated 2010年02月02日 - 18:04


The New York Times has an in depth look at NCR's decision to leave its 125 years of history in Dayton, Ohio for Atlanta, Georgia. Read: In a Company’s Hometown, the Emptiness Echoes.

NCR's former headquarters in Dayton was sold to the University of Dayton in December, to house its new research institute.

NCR says its headquarters are in Dayton, while moving elsewhere

By Khalid on 2009年01月25日 - 12:44, last updated 2009年01月25日 - 12:44


The Dayton Daily News has a nice article on NCR's history and archives tracing some of the long history spanning more than a century.

The article, NCR maintains, 'Dayton is our headquarters' addresses the troubling trend of moving large parts of the company to other locations, such as Atlanta (for the Worldwide Customer Service center) and New York's World Trade Center (for the executive offices).

NCR on list of least rated companies, Bill Nuti has low approval

By Khalid on 2008年12月30日 - 21:15, last updated 2008年12月30日 - 21:15


According to Glass Door's blog on companies with lowest overall employee rating, NCR ranks 15th out of the 50 worst rated companies.

Bill Nuti has an approval rating of only 27%.

This is based on 'at least' 25 employees rating the company.

Other companies on the list are who's who in badly managed companies, such as United Airlines, Reynolds and Reynolds and Radioshack.

NCR moving 916 jobs from Dayton, Ohio to Peachtree City, Georgia

By Khalid on 2008年10月30日 - 12:13, last updated 2008年10月30日 - 12:19


First, it was the move of executive offices from Dayton to New York City's World Trade Center.

Now, it is the Worldwide Customer Services' turn. Peachtree City, Georgia, long time warehouse for spare parts, will now house 916 more jobs in customer services as well.

Of course, Dayton and Ohio officials are concerned about this.

Bill Nuti, NCR CEO, made 16ドル.8M in 2007, a 141% increase

By Khalid on 2008年03月13日 - 11:50, last updated 2008年03月13日 - 11:55


Bill Nuti, NCR's CEO, made 16ドル.8M in total compensation in 2007, an increase of 141% over 2006 (which was 6ドル.8M).

In 2007, NCR closed facilities in Scotland and Canada, outsourcing some manufacturing (Solectron/Flextronics in the USA) or moving it to low cost countries (Hungary, India). Moreover, the Customer Engineers had their pay and benefits slashed severely. In 2008, there is a hiring freeze in effect, as well as coop student hiring freeze. Many employees also got a zero % increase for 2008.

NCR Corp. acquires Touch Automation LLC.

By Khalid on 2008年01月10日 - 11:14, last updated 2008年01月13日 - 12:18


NCR has acquired Touch Automation LLC, a Milwaukee, Wis. company that builds digital media rentals and sales kiosks.

"Our launch of this unparalleled digital media solution underscores our strategy of expanding in to adjacent markets to drive future growth," said Bill Nuti, president and chief executive officer of NCR.

NCR to move executive offices to New York

By Khalid on 2007年12月22日 - 12:47, last updated 2007年12月23日 - 12:42


NCR Corporation has been headquartered in its birth place, Dayton Ohio, since its founding in 1884.

When Bill Nuti was hired as NCR's CEO in August 2005, his contract had a clause that he could be fired for cause if he does not relocate by August 2006. See the 8-K filing with the SEC.


NCR spins off Teradata, gets new New York offices, and Bill Nuti entertains the Clintons

By Khalid on 2007年10月21日 - 13:25, last updated 2007年10月21日 - 13:25


A few tidbits on NCR and Bill Nuti in the news ...

On October 1st, NCR spun off Teradata (TDC) as a separate company to the shareholders of record. So far, the net is positive gains by the combined shares as compared to the pre spin off price.
