Some comparative and historical Middle East internet statistics
MidEast Internet : References
The very useful web site NUA Internet Surveys has various articles from around the web on:
MidEast Internet: Phone and Internet Penetration
Top Level Measures of Telephone and Internet Penetration
MidEast Internet: Selected Detailed Statistics
Detailed Statistics of Selected Countries
MidEast Internet: World Most Wired Nations
The following are some useful statistics that were gatheredfrom various sources, and addressing mainly the Middle EastArabic Speaking countries. Some comparison is provided forNorth American and Europe as well.
World Most Wired Nations
MidEast Internet : Middle East Internet Statistics
This site contains some useful statistics that were gathered from various sources, and addressing the Middle East Arabic Speaking countries.
Some comparison is provided for North American and Europe as well.
Note: For the year ending 13 March 2000, Internet users in the Arab World has doubled over the last year! It is forecasted that by the end of 2002, they will number 12 million. Read all about it in the Estimated Installed Base of Internet Users.
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