If you want to use the Arduino IDE for STM32F103 boards, you need to do the following.
The instructions are for Linux, but it is just downloading, extracting and renaming, so you can use similar steps for Windows of Mac OS/X.
Install the Arduino IDE
First, go to the Arduino web site
Select your platform, and download
Extract the IDE
tar xJvf ~/Desktop/arduino-1.8.5-linux64.tar.xz
Rename the directory
mv arduino-1.8.5 arduino
Install the ARM Cortex M3 compiler toolchain
To do this, go to Tools -> Board -> Board, then Board Manager, type "Due".
Install STM32duino
Then download STM32duino
wget https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32/archive/master.zip
Unzip and rename the directory
cd ~/arduino/hardware/
unzip ~/Desktop/master.zip
mv Arduino_STM32-master/ Arduino_STM32
rm ~/Desktop/master.zip
From Tools -> Board -> Board -> Board Manager select your board.
For example if you have an STM32F103ZET6, select: STM32F103Z
If you have an STM32F103VET6, select: STM32F103V
Then under Variant, make sure you select STM32F103VE or STM32F103ZE.
If you do not select the proper variant, then you may get an error about no space on flash.
Installing the DigitalWriteFast Library
If your project requires the DigitalWriteFast library, you need to do the following:
cd ~/Desktop
wget https://github.com/watterott/Arduino-Libs/archive/master.zip
cd Arduino/libraries/
unzip ~/Desktop/master.zip
mv Arduino-Libs-master/digitalWriteFast/ .
rm -rf Arduino-Libs-master/
rm ~/Desktop/master.zip
That is it! You can now use Arduino for STM32F103 boards.
Note on STM32F405RG boards
The above works for STM32F103 boards, which has full support in STM32duino.
For STM32F405 boards, you need to use Koduino.
First download Koduino
wget https://github.com/avikde/koduino/archive/master.zip
Then install and rename the library
cd ~/arduino/hardware/
unzip ~/Desktop/master.zip
mv koduino-master/ koduino
rm ~/Desktop/master.zip
Note that Koduino has a different API than STM32duino. So your code may need to change if you plan to run it on different boards.