Die Medizinphysikerin Francesca Albertini hat einen neuen Workflow entwickelt. Damit kann der Behandlungsplan bei der Tumorbekämpfung mit Protonen täglich an kleinste körperliche Veränderungen angepasst werden. © Paul Scherrer Institut PSI/Mahir Dzambegovic
Iason Giannopoulos mit einem Teil der Apparatur, mit der die Experimente an der Synchrotron Lichtquelle Schweiz SLS durchgeführt wurden. © Paul Scherrer Institut PSI/Mahir Dzambegovic

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#Hyperloop, a novel mode of transportation, presents a promising solution to an urgent need for fast, low-carbon, long-distance travel. PSI Researchers Romain Sacchi and Christian Bauer in the ...
Yesterday, Wednesday 18 September, we concluded our annual internal poster event, which brought together PhD students, Postdocs, tenure-track scientists, and senior researchers from the PSI Center...
After 22 years of brilliant science, at 8 am on the 30th of September 2023, the SLS went into temporary shutdown as the SLS 2.0 upgrade began. In the video series #ThankYouSLS, seven beamline...
Heading towards the finish line: we're bringing the concrete blocks 🧱 back into the #SwissLightSource #SLS! For the upgrade of the electron storage ring of the #SLS, the blocks covering its roof...
🌟 🌠 The synthesis of elements heavier than iron within stars typically aligns well with theoretical models—except for one puzzling outlier: cerium-140. An international team of scientists, including...
🎓 Lehrabschlussfeier 2024 🎓 29 junge Menschen haben diesen Sommer ihre Lehre am PSI erfolgreich abgeschlossen – diesen Anlass haben wir am 16. August gemeinsam mit ihnen und ihren Eltern gefeiert...
#Hydrogen, too, leads to greenhouse gas emissions. Researchers at PSI have compiled geographical, economic data and forecasts to describe the development of a hydrogen economy in four different...
🚀 Willkommen am PSI: Der Start für unsere neuen Lernenden und Praktikant*innen! 🌟 Am 5. August durften wir 31 neue Lernende und Praktikant*innen bei uns begrüssen. Mit kreativen Plakaten,...
📽 The installation of the new arcs in the #SwissLightSource #SLS is progressing rapidly. By the end of July, 7 of the 12 new arcs had been installed, and work had begun on the new insertion devices,...
🖥️Miniaturising computer #chips is one of the keys to the #digital #revolution. It allows computers to become smaller and more powerful - a prerequisite for autonomous driving, AI and the 5G standard...
#UsersAtPSI - Using X-ray imaging at the #SwissLightSource #SLS, researchers at Queen Mary University of London @officialqmul and the University of Bonn unlocked life history secrets of Jurassic...
🌈🎈 Nanolino, the PSI day-care centre, returns to the campus! The big move has been completed – after four years in the neighbouring municipality of Rüfenach, the day-care children are returning to...
🌬️💨An international study led by researchers at PSI has used a new method to identify the various sources of aerosols that create smog in Beijing. Air pollution is responsible for several million...
#PeopleAtPSI 👋Meet Markus Jörg, head of Infrastructure and Electrical Installations for SLS 2.0. As part of the upgrade project SLS 2.0, the striking round building housing the Swiss Light Source SLS...
🌑🪐Samarium-146 has a half-life of 103 million years. Or 68 million years. Or maybe 98 million years? Until now, it wasn’t known precisely, because researchers have repeatedly come up with...
💥 New world record! 💥 In a collaboration with EPFL Lausanne @epflcampus, ETH Zürich @ethzurich and the University of Southern California, researchers at PSI have used X-rays from the Swiss Light...
Happy Swiss National Day! 🇨🇭 😊 From the majestic Alps to the cutting-edge large research infrastructures in #VilligenValley, we celebrate everything that makes Switzerland unique. ✨We are proud...
#PeopleAtPSI 👋 Meet Aldo Antognini, scientist in the Laboratory for Particle Physics at PSI. How big is the proton radius? This question has defined Aldo's research career. In the early 2000s, at...
#PeopleAtPSI 👋 Meet Laura Heyderman, head of the research group for Mesoscopic Systems at PSI and professor at ETH Zurich. Her superpower? She develops micromachines made of tiny magnets and then...
📦 Our Daycare centre is moving back to campus! The children are busy packing up their toys, so excited for their new adventure. 🏫 Soon, our little ones will be playing and learning in the brand-new...
#PeopleAtPSI 👋 Meet Valérie Panneels, scientist in PSI’s Laboratory for Biomolecular Research. She investigates the ultrafast processes that occur when light hits our eyes, which happen within a...
Exploring Light-Induced Changes in Cellulose at the cSAXS beamline. 💡 Cellulose structures that respond to light can be used to generate movement with potential application in soft robotics. ...
#PeopleAtPSI 👋 Meet Christian Bauer from the the Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis at PSI. 🚗 He specialises in life cycle and sustainability analyses and with his team he developed the web...
#PeopleAtPSI 👋 Meet Cristina Müller from the PSI Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences. Her goal is to develop radiopharmaceuticals that target and kill tumour cells and prevent the formation of...
Do unicorns exist? 🦄 While mythical unicorns may only live in our imaginations, the 'Unicorn of the Sea' is real! 🌊 Take a look at this beautiful #SciencePic showing the mineralised collagen fibres...

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Jedes Jahr kommen über 3000 Forscherinnen und Forscher aus aller Welt um Experimente an unseren Anlagen durchzuführen.