Ahmed Mattar أحمد مطر is an Iraqi poet who have been living in exile for decades, most recently in London.
His style is somewhat reminiscent of Nizar Qabbani نزار قباني but does not have the latter's knack for vulgarities and themes of womanizing.
His poetry is extremely critical of rulers of Arab countries, lack of freedoms, the use of torture, clinging to power at all costs. He also laments the general situation of Arab societies.
Here are two examples that are very appropriate now, as they were when they were written.
This short poem was written after Saddam Hussein got 100% of votes in a sham election/referendum, a few months before the US invasion and him being deposed.
In it, he sarcastically states that everyone in the country voted, even unborn babies in their mothers' wombs, and those who lie in graves, and even Ahmad Mattar himself, and evey Iraqi in exile ...
He challenges Saddam to put this "love" of the people to the test and walk among them without guards.
لا.. لَمْ تكُنْ لُعْبَة
ولَمْ تكنْ كِذْبَة
ولم تكنْ خُلاصـةً لِلخـوفِ والرّهبَة
نِسبةُ تأييدكَ جاءَتْ كلُّها
بمُنتهى الإخلاصِ والرَّغبةالشّعـبُ كُلـُّهُ انحنـى
بينَ يَدَيـكَ آمِناً ومُؤمِنا
حتّـى أنا
وكُلُّ مَن حَـوْلـي هُنا
في غُربِـة الغُربـَهْوَكُـلُّ مَن في رَِحـمِ الأُمّ انثـنى
وكُلُّ مَن توسَّـدَ التُّربَـهْمَـلأتَ قلبَ الشّـعبِ بالحُـبِّ
فلا غَــرْوَ إذا
أعطاكَ هذا الشّعـبُ
مِن فـَرْطِ الهـوى.. قَلبَـهْ.
أوطـافَ مِن حَوْلكَ مَحمـومَ الخُـطى
أكثَر ممّا طِيـفَ بالكعبَهْ !يا مائـةً في مائـةٍ
يا غاطِساً في بركَـةِ الحُـبِّ إلى الرُّكْبَـهْ
شعُبـكَ أعَطـاكَ الذّي
لَمْ يُعْطـهِ رَبَّـهْ !ها أنتَ مِنهُ آمِـنٌ
وأنتَ فيهِ مُؤتَمَـنْ
فاصعَـدْ إلى الشّعـبِ إذَنْ
مُرتَدياً حُبَّـهْ
ولاتَضَـعْ بينكُما حِراسَـةٍ
يكفيكَ أن تَحرُسـكَ (النِّسْبـهْ).
أو دَعْـهُ يَتبَعْكَ إلى
سابـع أرضٍ
عَلَّـهُ.. يَنجـو مِنَ الضَّربَهْ!
Here is another ultra short poem. It is a telegram to Safeyyuddin Al-Hilli صفي الدين الحلي (d. 750 A.H) who has written famed verses of pride centuries ago.
Mattar turns the verses around lamenting the current situation in Arab countries.
برقية عاجلة إلى صفي الدين الحلي
Urgent telegram to Safeyyudin Al Hilli
سلوا بيوت الغواني عن مخازينا ... و أستشهدوا الغرب هل خاب الرجا فينا
Ask the brothels on our shameful deeds, and ask the West if we are hopeless
سود صنائعنا بيض بيارقنا ... خضر موائدنا حمر ليالينا
Our doings are black, our banners are white, our dining tables are green, and our nights are red
The original verses by Al-Hilli read:
سلي الرماح العوالي عن معالينا... واستشهدي البيض هل خاب الرجا فينا
Ask the high spears on our [high] traits, and ask the swords
بيض صنائعنا سود وقائعنا ... خضر مرابعنا حمر مواضينا
Our deeds are white, our battles are black, our pastures are green and our swords are red.
The full poem by Al Hilli can be read here.
Read more poems of Ahmed Mattar.
human being (not verified)
why I couldnt find all poems
Sat, 2008年07月12日 - 17:46why I couldnt find all poems of Ahmed Matar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zaher (not verified)
you can find all his poems in
Tue, 2014年04月22日 - 04:19you can find all his poems in avabic and english here in this website
amer (not verified)
how much i like you
Sat, 2009年06月20日 - 18:08to all who like matar (MAY GOD SOB7ANO YER7AMO) arabic words are like magic when done correctly ,it moves all senses all feelings and makes you feel what is a poem again , (ALLAH YER7AMAK ya agmal matar)
bouhamdani (not verified)
I need all the poems of ahmed
Fri, 2012年11月02日 - 10:20I need all the poems of ahmed mattar.