The Minister's Secretariat (MS) plays the role of "leading the ministry" by determining the way the ministry should be headed during the planning process, making the policies of the MIC and during the process of drafting bills.
The MS also oversees the entire MIC and coordinates work within the ministry to be smoothly conducted, thereby making the ministry livelier.
The Administrative Management Bureau (AMB) lays the foundation and framework for government administration through examining necessary resources for the ministries.
The Administrative Evaluation Bureau (AEB) is working together with 50 Regional offices nationwide to conduct (1) administrative evaluation bureau surveys, (2) policy evaluation, and (3) administrative counseling.
And as the demand is high for switching from the conventional administrative system, the AEB will work to step up its functions even further in order to restore public confidence in administration.
The AEB’s Administrative Counseling receives complaints, opinions and requests from citizens regarding the central government administration.
To help local public entities ensure smooth administration, the Local Administration Bureau (LAB) works to promote regional decentralization, plans and drafts regional autonomous programs, develops regional administrative systems, promotes new wide-ranging collaborations, builds a network system for Basic Resident Registers, creates energetic communities, promotes electronic autonomous bodies, internationalizes the regional level, develops and enhances regional local governmental employee programs, and works on other wide-ranging measures.
Regarding the election system, which is the most important system for the citizens to participate in politics, the LAB plans and drafts its measures in an attempt to establish a fair and appropriate election system.
The Local Public Finance Bureau (LPFB) drafts plans for regional finance, thereby ensuring and coordinating funds for administrative services that meet various inhabitant needs, such as arranging welfare, school education, fire defense, roads, rivers, and other forms of social infrastructure.
The LPFB also works to reform the regional financial system to promote regional sovereignty reforms.
Local taxes are an important element of financing for prefectures and municipalities to provide education, welfare, fire defense, rescue, garbage management, and various other inhabitant services. Local taxes are therefore a membership fee for the community. By enhancing and securing these local taxes, we proceed with decentralization reforms and plan and draft local taxation revisions corresponding to changes in the Japanese socioeconomic community.
ICT* is a key source of growth potential and enhanced competitiveness forth Japanese economy. It will be a great driving force for achieving growth of the overall Japanese economy to enhance international competitiveness in the ICT field. The Global Strategy Bureau (GSB) is making strategic efforts with a global perspective to facilitate research and development, standardization activities, and global promotion of Japanese ICTs, in the context of enhancing international competitiveness. As well, the GSB is committed to making comprehensive and strategic efforts to facilitate global promotion in a broad range of policy fields, including ICT policy, covered by MIC in a coordinated manner.
*Information & Communications Technology
The Information and Communications Bureau (ICB) promotes the digitalization of broadcasting and advanced use of Information & Communications Technology (ICT). The ICB also works to promote the privatization of the postal service.
According to the use of both broadband and mobile IP networks, rapid structural changes have been proceeding in the information-communications field, which has reached a major turning point.
The Telecommunications Bureau works to further disseminate and deploy telecommunications infrastructure and promote the development of a secure and reliable environment for using information-communications infrastructure, as well as the efficient use of radio waves and establishment of a globally-advanced wireless broadband environment to handle such changes.
Statistics are basic materials indispensable to socioeconomic affairs and civic life, which serve as a "compass," helping the administration to plan and draft administrative measures and citizens to make appropriate decisions. As socioeconomic conditions change and statistics become increasingly important, the Statistics Bureau and the Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Standards) arrange and provide statistics to meet needs.
The statistical system of the Japanese government is decentralized, in that each ministry produces statistics for its own policy purposes.
The Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Policy), being responsible for coordinating the statistical activities of different ministries, plans basic policy considerations for official statistics, examines statistical survey plans for approval, establishes statistical standards, and coordinates international statistical affairs.
The Director-General for Policy Planning (Pension) conducts surveys and planning on the pension program for public employees, which is the oldest system of its kind in Japan, and implements payment policy including appropriate disbursement to recipients.