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Home > Deferred Pensioner > How to Claim Your Pension Benefits(To Overseas Residents and Foreign Nationals)
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How to Claim Your Pension Benefits
(To Overseas Residents and Foreign Nationals)

Claims for pension benefits start from the same age for foreign nationals and Japanese nationals alike. You cannot cash out with lump-sum money before you reach the age of pension benefit eligibility.

When Can You Start Receiving Old-Age Pensions?
Date of BirthThe Age of Pension Benefit Eligibility
To April 1, 1953 To April 1, 1958 60
From April 2, 1953
To April 1, 1955
From April 2, 1958
To April 1, 1960
From April 2, 1955
To April 1, 1957
From April 2, 1960
To April 1, 1962
From April 2, 1957
To April 1, 1959
From April 2, 1962
To April 1, 1964
From April 2, 1959
To April 1, 1961
From April 2, 1964
To April 1, 1966
From April 2, 1961 From April 2, 1966 65

When you reach the age of pension benefit eligibility, please file a request for claim form as described below.

How to Claim Your Pension Benefits

(Click on the image to see a larger image.)

What is required for claiming pension benefits

  1. An authentic document verifying your name, sex, date of birth and existence, which was dated and certified by a notary public or by a public institution (excluding churches, temples, etc.) in the last 6 month.
A copied certification is not acceptable.
  1. One of the following documents
    • A copy of the government-issued pension book (Page that basic pension number is noted)
    • A copy of the membership certificate for the employee's pension fund you belonged to
    • A copy of old-age welfare pension certificate
If you cannot provide the certificate of residence because you reside overseas or you are a foreign national, please provide the following documents instead:
  • Foreign nationals (residing in Japan)
    Certificate of foreign resident registration (issued within 6 months)
  • Japanese nationals and foreign nationals (residing overseas)
    Document certifying that the applicant is alive issued by a public institution of the country of residence, or the certificate of residence issued by a consulate of the country of nationality with jurisdiction over the applicant's place of residence
A copy of old-age welfare pension certificate is required to claim Subrogated Pension Benefit


If you cannot provide the basic pension number or a copy of the membership certificate of an employees' pension fund, please write in the margin of the request for claim form reasons for your not being able to provide it, along with the name of your employer (company name) during the period of your membership in the employees' pension fund, location of the company and the duration of your service at the company.
You will receive the pension claim form between 10 days to two weeks after we receive your request for the claim form.


Pension Consultation Office, Pension Service Center
Pension Fund Association
10F, B Hall, Shiba-Park BLD.
2-4-1, Shibakoen
Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8772 Japan
Phone navi dial 0570年02月26日66 (Only Japanese availabe)

For IP phones, please dial 03-5777-2666. (Only Japanese availabe)

Our Request

Telephone lines are often very busy, making it difficult to connect your call. Please try to contact us via postcards or other written forms as much as possible.

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