KEK:Accelerator Laboratory


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>KEK top >Accel. Lab.
Last Updated: 2009年05月22日
The Accelerator Laboratory provides foundation to scientific research at KEK

Particle accelerators are the basis of all research activities carried at High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK). KEK would even lose the reason for its existence, if it did not have particle accelerators. The Accelerator Laboratory (ACCL) operates all accelerators at KEK, and develops the performance of the beam, which provides the basis of all corporative experiments on elementary particles, nuclear, material, and life sciences, etc., for researchers in Japan and the world. It is also endeavoring to research, design, and develop (RD&D) future accelerators and related technologies.

At Tsukuba Campus, ACCL operates KEKB B-Factory (electron-positron colliding rings with an injector linac), which gave experimental verification to Kobayashi-Maskawa theory to win 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics. It also operates two rings at Photon Factory (PF and PF-AR), which is a pioneer of synchrotron light sources in the world. It also performs RD&D for an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) as a future light source. Developments for the International Linear Collider (ILC) has been done at experimental accelerators ATF and STF.

At Tokai Campus, ACCL has already started the operation of J-PARC for user’s experiments together with JAEA, and is paying a lot of efforts for improvement of beam performance with conquering various issues accompanied by a high intensity proton beam.

ACCL has carried out collaboration research with various accelerator laboratories and researchers in the world, including the United States (Fermilab, SLAC, Cornell Univ., JLab, etc.), Asia (IHEP-Beijing, Shanghai, Pohan, Taiwan, BINP, RRCAT etc.), Europe (CERN, DESY, INFN, etc.).
New Topics
titleAccelerator Laboratory Newstitle

Using Crab Cavities, KEKB Breaks Luminosity World Record ( Current operation summary) (2009年5月7日)
Peak Luminosity 1.9644 x 1034 cm-2 s-1 (2009年5月6日 8:33)
Daily Integrated Luminosity 1.334 /fb (2009年5月6日)

dotProton beam reaches neutrino target at J-PARC (2009年4月23日)
At 19:09 on April 23, J-PARC has reached a new milestone with successful extraction of proton beam to a neutrino target.
The proton beam accelerated to 30 GeV in the J-PARC Main Ring was extracted and transported through the beam line which has 14 superconducting dipoles and then hit on the neutrino target.
This achievement denotes the start of challenge to send high-power neutrino beams to the Super-Kamiokande detector which locates 295 km west from the J-PARC cite for long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment.(J-PARC)

dotProtons are successfully accelerated and transported to J-PARC Hadron Experimental Hall
A new milestone was set by the 50 GeV Synchrotron, which is the 3rd and the last stage of the accelerators of the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), on January 27, 2009. Protons were accelerated up to 30 billion electron-volts (30 GeV), then successfully extracted to Hadron Experimental Hall in Nuclear and Particle Physics Facility and transported to the beam dump. (2009年1月28日)

dotATF2 for R&D of nano-meter electron beam has been started(2009年1月9日)
A new beamline for R&D toward nano-meter electron beam has started operation at KEK's Accelerator Test Facility - ATF.

dotNambu, Kobayashi and Maskawa win the 2008 Nobel Prize for Physics.(2008年10月7日)
Kobayashi and Maskawa are awarded for the discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature.

The Accelerator that Proved the Nobelists' Theory: KEKB
The Nobel Prize in Physics 2008

On Wednesday, 24 September, KEK held a symposium entitled "Starting up the world's most powerful accelerators: LHC and J-PARC" in Tokyo. This symposium was the second one in a series of symposiums aiming for gaining more understanding of accelerator science.

Global Collaboration Between KEKB and LHC
on Crab Cavities

Electron clearing electrode R&D
[CesrTA project]

Seminars & Workshops

Accelerator Operations
Accelerator R&D
Future Accelerator Projects
Theoretical Research

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