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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2009年5月26日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://rcwww.kek.jp/rc_en.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。



Radiation Science Center at KEK

Welcome to our Home Page!

[ Japanese | English ]

The Radiation Science is concerned with the management of both radiation and chemical safety in KEK. In addition to right routine work, R&D work in this field is also conducted.
Deliberative Committee on Radiation Safety is organized to determine the philosophy of radiation safety or to deliberate about the radiation safety abut the new project. Deliberative Committee on Chemical Safety is also organized to determine the philosophy of chemical safety. Both commitees include specialists outside KEK.


"Data Library of Line- and Conical-Beam Response Functions and Four-Parameter Empirical Formula in Approximating Response Functions for Gamma-ray Skyshine Dose Analyses"

by H. Hirayama et al. was published as KEK Report 2008-2.

Release Codes and Databases
EGS5: The Electron and Gamma Shower code.

BULK-I: Radiation Shielding Tool for Proton Accelerator Facilities.

DUCT-III: A Simple Design Code for Duct-Streaming Radiation.

PHITS: The Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System.

► " Data Library of Line- and Conical-Beam Response Functions and Four-Parameter Empirical Formula in Approximatin Response Functions for Gamma-ray Skyshine Dose Analyses",
KEK Report 2008-2.

Gamma-ray Skyshine Database (LBRF or CBRF using EGS4)

Line Beam Response Function (LBRF)
Exposure with Bremsstrahlung.
Exposure without Bremsstrahlung.
Exposure with Bremsstrahlung (NBS-29).
Ambient Dose Equivalent.
Effective Dose (Anterior-Posterior Geometry).
Effective Dose (Isotropic Geometry).
Conical Beam Response Function (CBRF)
Exposure with Bremsstrahlung.
Exposure without Bremsstrahlung.
Exposure with Bremsstrahlung (NBS-29).
Ambient Dose Equivalent.
Effective Dose (Anterior-Posterior Geometry).
Effective Dose (Isotropic Geometry).
Four Parameter Coefficients for LBRF and CBRF
Four Parameter Coefficients for LBRF.
Four Parameter Coefficients for CBRF.

Radiation Safety Control System

at KEK is here.

Research Activities at the Radiation Science Center KEK
Activity at Radiation Science Center was published as Activity Report.


Radiaction Science Center, KEK
Oho 1-1, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan
Tel/Fax: +81-29-864-5495/1993

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Last updated on 2008年03月28日

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