Aerosols containing radionuclides are called radioactive aerosols. They are
classified into two categories: aerosols containing natural radionuclides,
and those containing artificial radionuclides which are produced in radiation
facilities like accelerators. We study both from the viewpoint of formation
Natural radioactive aerosols
Neutralization mechanism of radon daughters
Artificial radioactive aerosols
We study radioactive aerosols formed in accelerator tunnel during
operation, and behaviors of radioactive aerosols which are generated
during heating operation of activated metals. These studies are necessary
to estimate internal radiation exposure when workers inhale radioactive aerosols.
They are very useful to understand behavior of radioactive aerosols released
in accidents of nuclear facilities.
Miura T.,Oki Y.,Suzuki T.,Numajiri M.,Kondo K., and Kanda Y.
" Relative abundance of HT and HTO in the accelerator tunnel air
and atmospheric air"
Applied Radiation and Isotopes,Vol.44,No.3,pp.499-504(1993)
Oki Y.,Numajiri M.,Suzuki T.,Kanda Y.,Miura T.,Iijima K., and Kondo K.
"Particle size and fuming rate of radioactive aerosols generated during
the heat cutting of activated metals"
Appl.Radiat.Isot. vol.45,No.5,pp.553-562(1994)