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About Us

Greeting from Director of JST Singapore Office

Director of JST Singapore office
Emi Kaneko
Singapore Office
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)

Thank you for visiting the website of the JST Singapore Office. I am Emi Kaneko, director since April 1, 2019

Frequently asked questions:
"What are the functions of JST's overseas offices?"
My answer:
"Please think of the office as a miniature JST."

JST is an organization with an annual budget of about 114 billion yen, its three activity pillars being the "planning and proposal of R&D strategy co-creating the future", "creation of knowledge and transformation to economic and social value", and "promotion of future co-creation and the nurturing of human resources". JST carries out these activities in collaboration with related universities, research institutes, companies and schools.

The Singapore office is a gateway connecting Southeast Asia and South Asia to Japan's universities, research institutes and companies, and vice versa.

The following are descriptions of activities conducted with Southeast Asian and South Asian people, and think tank functions that contribute to JST's three key activity pillars.

1. Multi-lateral funding program (e-ASIA Joint Research Program)
A program for countries participating in the East Asia Summit, working together to find science & technology solutions to global problems affecting Southeast Asia.

2. Sakura Science Plan
A program inviting overseas high school students to Japan to support the development of friendly international relations and human resources development among the younger generations.

* We focus on the following countries in Southeast/Southwest Asia:
<Southeast Asia> Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Laos, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
<Southwest Asia> Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.

3. Young Generation Human Resource Development Program
A program supporting science and mathematics education in designated high schools (Super Science High Schools) and spurring on future researchers. A Student Fair is held once a year to present results, and high school students from around 10 countries are invited to participate in science and mathematics education programs.
https://www.jst.go.jp/cpse/ssh/index.html (Japanese only)

We also propose research and development strategies based on science, technology and innovation (STI) trends and policies in Japan and overseas.

Center for Research and Development Strategy (CRDS)
A think tank making comprehensive proposals for research and development in Japan.

Center for Low Carbon Society Strategy A center conducting research and demonstration experiments aimed at realizing a low carbon society in Japan.

If you are interested in Japanese research and development, please contact the JST Singapore office anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.

Singapore Office

Overseas Branch Office

About JST

Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) aims to establish Japan as a nation built on the creativity of science and technology, as a core organization for implementing Japan's science and technology policy in line with the objectives of the Science and Technology Basic Plan.

Mission and History

An integrated organization of science and technology in Japan that establishes an infrastructure for the entire process from the creation of knowledge to the return to the society

  • As an organization which plays a central role in the implementation of the Science and Technology Basic Plan, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) comprehensively promotes all of the process from the creation of knowledge, which leads to innovation in Japan, to the return of research results to the society/nation. As the bases of such process, JST also provides scientific and technical information, increases the understanding of science and technology (S&T), and promotes strategic international activities.
  • History
    Japan Science and Technology Agency History

Content of Activities

Specific JST programs are conducted in accordance with the mid-term plan compiled by JST and approved by the Government, in order to achieve the mid-term objectives set by the Government. During the second mid-term plan (April 2007-March 2012), the following five activities are being carried out:

When the mid-term plan has been completed, a thorough evaluation will be conducted, and the results of the evaluation will be reflected in the next mid-term plan.

Funding Programs

    CREST is JST's flagship funding program which has supported top scientists leading teams of researchers in politically prioritized strategic & innovative areas such as green innovation, life innovation and ICT, etc., with the aim of achieving innovations with big impact. The budget of CREST per project is approximately USD1.9-6.3M/year for 5 years and project funding is awarded through a strict process of fair competitive selection. Professor Shinya Yamanaka, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2012, was director of a CREST research project when he was younger, from March 2003 to October 2009. More than 1,000 top researchers have been supported by this program, including those involved in about 450 on-going projects (as of 2012).
    PRESTO is another major funding program implemented by JST. PRESTO promotes the independent research of young researchers in politically prioritized strategic & innovative areas, with the aim of generating new innovative science and technology (the same as CREST), with the advice of a Research Supervisor or Area Advisors, providing a place for exchange among researchers from various institutions and backgrounds involved in the same fields of research. The budget of PRESTO per project is approximately USD380K - 500K/year for 3 years, or USD625K - 1.3M/year for 5 years. There are more than 700 projects on-going (as of 2012).
    SICORP provides a larger scale of research fund to projects selected through open call. The financial support scale of about JPY 50-100 million is granted on Japanese side per project per year, for 3-5 years. The equivalent level of support will be funded to counterpart research institutions by the counterpart FAs. JST operation of this program is implemented under the supervision of Program Director (PD) and Program Officer (PO).
  • e-ASIA JRP
    The e-ASIA Joint Research Program is a matching-fund program which seeks to realize innovative and robust economies and societies in the East Asian region, by pursuing state-of -the-art technologies as well as solutions to common issues, such as those concerning the environment, natural disaster prevention and infectious diseases. In doing so, it also aims to strengthen research and development capabilities across the region.
  • SATREPS (Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development)
    SATREPS is a Japanese government program that promotes international joint research targeting global issues. Global challenges cannot be met by a single country or region acting on its own, so engagement by the international community is essential. To address these issues, SATREPS works through three- to five-year projects involving partnerships between researchers in Japan and researchers in developing countries. SATREPS projects are expected to lead to outcomes with potential for practical utilization, and to enhance research capacity in the developing country. The program is a collaboration between two Japanese government agencies: the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)New window and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)New window.

Operating Funds

Organization Chart

JST Brochure 2019

About JST Singapore Office (Singapore Office)

The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) established its Singapore Office in July 2009 which has taken over the function of our South-East Asia regional office from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. JST Singapore Office focuses on strengthening cooperation as well as promoting mutual understanding between JST and our counterpart organizations, scientists and researchers in South and Southeast Asian countries. In addition, the office provides not only useful information, but also various opportunities for cooperative programs and projects to enhance scientific cooperation in the region.

Activities of JST Singapore Office

In order to enhance scientific cooperation among Japan and South and Southeast Asian countries, JST Singapore Office is;

  • Collecting and disseminating information on science and technology in the region
    • Collected information is disseminated to Japan and the world by;
      • The website 'Daily Watcher' operated by Center for Research and Development Strategy (CRDS)
      • Research reports on science and technology policy trend in overseas published by CRDS , etc.
  • Supporting JST activities operated in the region
    • Singapore Office supports JST activities operated in the region, such as 'Strategic International Cooperative Program' and 'Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development' through collecting information or acting as a liaison to counterpart organizations.
  • Enhancing the presence of science and technology of Japan
    • Utilizing the network with major organization related to science and technology, Singapore Office carries out unique activities in the region and contributes to enhancing the presence of science and technology of Japan.