Domestic and international collaborations are intensively implemented while propagating and globalizing research results.

NIMS positively collaborates with external organizations and makes contributions to society with its research results in various forms. At the same time, NIMS is committed to the globalization of material research and establishment of research networks targeting the realization of a sustainable society by reinforcing relationships and exchanges with other research institutes around the world as a core research institute of material science.

Membership-based Collaboration

Academic Collaboration

Exchanges with overseas research institutes are positively implemented.

International Activities

Introduction of our international activities

Academic Collaborative Center

Enhancing collaborations between NIMS and overseas institutions.

Human Resources Development

NIMS researchers supervise post graduate students for their degrees through cutting-edge research activities

Device License Agreement with NIMS

S/CASN Device License Agreement

It has become mandatory for the manufacturers who produce LED devices etc., using the nitride red phosphor* to enter into the Device License Agreement with NIMS.

The green beta-sialon phosphor

It has become mandatory for the manufacturers who produce LED devices etc., using the nitride green beta-sialon phosphor to enter into the Device License Agreement with NIMS.

What's New

NIMS Internship Program

( Human Resources Development )

S/CASN Device License Agreement

( 企業連携に関すること )


( Collaborative Institute )


( Collaborative Institute )