
ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年9月22日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e2017/submission.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。






ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年9月22日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e2017/submission.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。


Membership Subscription / Abstract Submission


A JpGU ID is required to propose a session, submit an abstract and make a registration.

< JpGU Membership Categories and Each Services>
Annual Due Registration Fee Membership (or ID) Duration
JpGU Member Annual due is charged depending on his/ her membership category Receive discounted rate in registration fee. Automatically extended for another year.
Nonmember No annual due No discount on registration fee. ID: Automatically deleted on August 31st, 2017.
AGU Member *
(with JpGU ID) Free of charge Receive JpGU member discounted rate in registration fee. ID: Automatically passed over to next year.
AOGS and EGU Member ** Free of charge Receive JpGU member discounted rate in registration fee. ID: Automatically deleted on August 31st, 2017.

To receive a JpGU member discounted rate, nonmembers must first join JpGU.

AGU, AOGS and EGU members can receive a discounted rate without joining JpGU.
* AGU Members: Click HERE to create a JpGU ID.
** AOGS and EGU Members: Click HERE to create a Nonmember ID and receive a discounted rate.
(Please make sure to check-mark your union.)

Annual dues received before or on January 5th ,2017 will be applied for 2016 year.
The 2017 membership year starts on January 6th,2017. Please note that annual due is required for each year.

JpGU Membership HERE.

Join JpGU>> HERE
Create JpGU ID>> HERE


Abstract submission site will be opened from January 6th through February 16th at 5:00 pm (JST), 2017.

Early-bird Submission Deadline: February 3rd at 11:59 am, 2017
Final Submission Deadline: February 16th at 5:00 pm, 2017


An abstract submission fee is charged per each submission.
JpGU offers a discounted submission rate if you made your payment by February 3rd at 11:59 am (JST), 2017.
Modification after the payment is also available until the final abstract submission deadline.
Please note that the abstract submission fee is not refundable except for non-accepted abstracts.

Abstract Submission Fee HERE


>> Regulation on Abstract Submissions
>> Copyright Regulations (PDF)

>> Abstract Submission Guidelines (Coming Soon)
>> Invited Authors Guidelines
>> Submission Items

Restrictions on number of characters
Japanese title (Optional Item) Within 60 two-byte characters without line feed
English title Within 120 one-byte characters without line feed
Affiliation in Japanese (Optional Item) Within 20 two-byte characters
Affliation in English Within 40 two-byte characters
Key word in Japanese (Optional Item) Within 30 two-byte characters without line feed
Key word in English (Optional Item) Within 60 one-byte characters without line feed
Abstract body in Japanese (Optional Item) Within 2,000 two-byte characters including spaces
Abstract body in English Within 4,000 one-byte characters including spaces
Image file (Optional Item) JPEG or PNG file (jpg, jpeg,png) less than 1024 KB


There will be a session language code (EE, EJ and JJ) in each session.
This is a combination of the language of posters/ slides and oral presentations.
In EJ and JJ session, presenters will choose their presentation language.
There is no need to inform presentation language in advance to the JpGU office.


To submit your abstract,

1. Log in with your JpGU ID and password to the member's page.

2. Open "Abstract Submission" tab on the menu bar on the left.

3. Click "My Submission Information" and "Submit an Abstract"

* Please note that not all Union and Public sessions accept submissions from the public.
Please see details about Union and Public sessions here.

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