Archives Unbound. Evangelism in Japan: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1859 - 1911 [Included in Gale Primary Sources]
Archives Unbound. Evangelism in Japan: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1859-1911 is available on Archives Unbound.
This database consists of the records of the foreign missions of the Presbyterian Church in Japan which report social conditions in Japan and efforts to spread the gospel during the nineteenth century.
Due to a change in the site's settings, PDF files are currently unavailable from off-campus. You can use this database only for search. May 25, 2021
- provider
- Gale Cengage Learning
- access to full text
- access
- source type
- Scientific/Technological Reports
- subject
- History & Geography, Humanities & Social Sciences
- language
- Western language