研究賞|公益社団法人 日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会


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ご覧いただいているのは国立国会図書館が保存した2021年9月21日時点のページです。このページに掲載されている情報は過去のものであり、最新のものとは異なる場合がありますのでご注意下さい。収集時のURLは http(s)://www.orsj.or.jp/whatisor/award1.html ですが、このURLは既に存在しない場合や異なるサイトになっている場合があります。


(所属等は受賞時のものです. )
研究賞 Research Award

(年度) 受賞者





[1] P. Carmi, M. K. Chiu, M. J. Katz, M. Korman, Y. Okamoto, A. van Renssen, M. Roeloffzen, T. Shiitada and S. Smorodinsky, "Balanced line separators of unit disk graphs," Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 86, No. 101575, 2020.
[2] T. Ito, N. Kakimura, N. Kamiyama, Y. Kobayashi and Y. Okamoto, "Minimum-cost b-edge dominating sets on trees," Algorithmica, 81, pp. 343–366, 2019.
[3] T. Ito, N. Kakimura, N. Kamiyama, Y. Kobayashi and Y. Okamoto, "Efficient stabilization of cooperative matching games," Theoretical Computer Science, 677, pp. 69–82, 2017.
[4] S. Iwata, N. Kamiyama, N. Katoh, S. Kijima and Y. Okamoto, "Extended formulations for sparsity matroids," Mathematical Programming, 158, pp. 565–574, 2016.
[5] M. Cygan, H. Dell, D. Lokshtanov, D. Marx, J. Nederlof, Y. Okamoto, R. Paturi, S. Saurabh and
M. Wahlström, "On problems as hard as CNF-SAT," ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 12, No. 41, 2016.




[1] Iiduka, H. (2018). Distributed Optimization for Network Resource Allocation with Nonsmooth Utility Functions. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (accepted for publication).
[2] Iiduka, H. (2016). Convergence analysis of iterative methods for nonsmooth convex optimization over fixed point sets of quasi-nonexpansive mappings. Mathematical Programming, 159(1-2), 509-538.
[3] Iiduka, H. (2016). Proximal point algorithms for nonsmooth convex optimization with fixed point constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 253(2), 503-513.
[4] Iiduka, H. (2015). Acceleration method for convex optimization over the fixed point set of a nonexpansive mapping. Mathematical Programming, 149(1-2), 131-165.
[5] Iiduka, H., & Hishinuma, K. (2014). Acceleration method combining broadcast and incremental distributed optimization algorithms. SIAM Journal on optimization, 24(4), 1840-1863.
(Zuse Institute Berlin) [1] T. Koch, T. Ralphs, Y. Shinano. Could we use a million cores to solve an integer program? Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 76, pp. 67-93, 2012.
[2] Y. Shinano, T. Achterberg, T. Berthold, S. Heinz, T. Koch, M.Winkler. Solving hard MIPLIB2003 problems with ParaSCIP on supercomputers: An update. in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW’14, (Washington, DC, USA), pp. 1552--1561, IEEE Computer Society, 2014.
[3] G. Gamrath, T. Koch, S. J. Maher, D. Rehfeldt, Y. Shinano. SCIP-Jack - A solver for STP and variants with parallelization extensions. Math. Prog. Comp., 9, pp. 1-66, 2016.
[4] Y. Shinano, T. Achterberg, T. Berthold, S. Heinz, T. Koch, M. Winkler: Solving open MIP instances with ParaSCIP on supercomputers using up to 80,000 cores. In: 2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), pp. 770-779. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2016.
[5] Y. Shinano, S. Heinz, S.Vigerske, M.Winkler. FiberSCIP - A shared memory parallelization of SCIP. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 30, pp.11-30, 2018.

第8回 (2018)




[1] H. Masuyama. "Tail asymptotics for cumulative processes sampled at heavy-tailed random times with
applications to queueing models in Markovian environments," Journal of the Operations Research
Society of Japan, 56(2013), pp. 257–308.
[2] H. Masuyama. "Error bounds for augmented truncations of discrete-time block-monotone Markov
chains under geometric drift conditions," Advances in Applied Probability, 47(2015), pp. 83–105.
[3] H. Masuyama. "A sufficient condition for the subexponential asymptotics of GI/G/1-type Markov chains
with queueing applications," Annals of Operations Research, 247(2016), pp. 65–95.
[4] H. Masuyama. "Error bounds for augmented truncations of discrete-time block-monotone Markov
chains under subgeometric drift conditions," SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,
37(2016), pp. 877–910.
[5] H. Masuyama. "Continuous-time block-monotone Markov chains and their block-augmented
truncations," Linear Algebra and its Applications, 514(2017), pp. 105–150.


[1] J. Gotoh, and A. Takeda. "Minimizing loss probability bounds for portfolio selection," European Journal of Operational Research, 217(2012), pp. 371–380.
[2] J. Gotoh, K. Shinozaki, and A. Takeda. "Robust portfolio techniques for mitigating the fragility of CVaR minimization and generalization to coherent risk measures," Quantitative Finance, 13(2013), pp. 1621–1635.
[3] A. Takeda, M. Niranjan, J. Gotoh and Y. Kawahara. "Simultaneous pursuit of out-of-sample performance and sparsity in index tracking portfolios," Computational Management Science, 10(2013), pp. 21–49.
[4] J. Gotoh, and S. Uryasev. "Two pairs of families of polyhedral norms versus lp-norms: proximity and applications in optimization," Mathematical Programming, 156(2016), pp. 391–431.
[5] J. Gotoh, and S. Uryasev. "Support vector machines based on convex risk functions and general norms," Annals of Operations Research, 249(2017), pp. 301–328.



[1] A. Takeda, H. Mitsugi and T. Kanamori: A unified classification model based on robust optimization, Neural Computation, 25 (2013), pp.759-804.
[2] S. Okido and A. Takeda: Economic and environmental analysis of photovoltaic energy systems via robust optimization, Energy Systems, 4 (2013), pp.239-266.
[3] A. Barbero, A. Takeda and J. Lopez: Geometric intuition and algorithms for Eν-SVM, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16 (2015), pp.323-369.
[4] D. Bertsimas and A. Takeda: Optimizing over coherent risk measures and non-convexities: a robust mixed integer optimization approach, Computational Optimization and Applications, 62 (2015), pp.613-639.
[5] S. Iwata, Y. Nakatsukasa and A. Takeda: Computing the signed distance between overlapping ellipsoids, SIAM Journal on Optimization, 25 (2015), pp.2359-2384.

第5回 (2015)




[1] "Tree metrics and edge-disjoint S-paths", Mathematical Programming Series A, 147 (1-2) (2014), 81-123 (共著者 G. Pap).
[2] "Discrete Convexity and Polynomial Solvability in Minimum 0-Extension Problems", Proceedings of 24th SODA (Symposium on Discrete Algorithms) (2013) 1770-1788.
[3] "Bounded fractionality of the multiflow feasibility problem for demand graph K3+K3 and related maximization problems", Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 102(4) (2012), 875-899.
[4] "Folder complexes and multiflow combinatorial dualities", SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 25(3): (2011), 1119-1143.
[5] "Metric packing for K3+K3", Combinatorica 30(3) (2010), 295-326.



[1] High-Performance General Solver for Extremely Large-Scale Semidefinite Programming Problems, Proceedings of the 2012 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, SC ’12, 2012. (共著者T. Endo, H. Sato, M. Yamashita, S. Matsuoka and M. Nakata)
[2] Convex Optimization Approaches to Maximally Predictable Portfolio Selection Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, Available Online, December 2012. (共著者J. Gotoh)
[3] The Second-order Reduced Density Matrix Method and the Two-dimensional Hubbard Model, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry、Available online, August 2012, Volume 1003, 1 January 2013, pp. 22-27. (共著者J. S. M. Anderson, M. Nakata, R. Igarashi, and M. Yamashita)
[4] NETAL: High-performance Implementation of Network Analysis Library Considering Computer Memory Hierarchy, Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Vol. 54, No. 4, 2011, pp. 259-280. (共著者Y. Yasui, K. Goto N. Kamiyama, and M. Takamatsu)
[5] A Performance Characteristics of Graph500 on Large-Scale Distributed Environment, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization. 201[1] (共著者T. Suzumura, K. Ueno, H. Sato, and S. Matsuoka)



[1] M-convex Function Minimization by Continuous Relaxation Approach: Proximity Theorem and Algorithm.
Satoko Moriguchi, Akiyoshi shioura, and Nobuyuki TSuchimura
(SIAM Journal on Optimization, Vol.21, No.3 (2011), pp.633-668)
[2] Polynomial-Time Approximation Schemes for Maximizing Gross Substitutes Utility under Budget Constraints
Akiyoshi Shioura
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6942, Springer (2011), pp.1-123. )
[3] Neighbor Systems, Jump Systems, and Bisubmodular Polyhedra
Akiyoshi Shioura
(SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol.26, No.1 (2012), pp.114-144)
[4] New Algorithms for Convex Cost Tension Problem with Application to Computer Vision Vladimir Kolmogorov and Akiyoshi Shioura
(Discrete Optimization, Vol.6, No.4 (2009), pp.378-393. )
[5] Polynomial-time Algorithms for Linear and Convex Optimization on Jump Systems
Akiyoshi Shioura and Ken'ichiro Tanaka
(SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol.21, No.2 (2007), pp.504-522.)



"Cheating Strategies for the Gale-Shapley Algorithm with Complete Preference Lists," Algorithmica, Vol.58 (2010), No. 1 (共著者 H. Kobayashi).
"Successful Manipulation in Stable Marriage Model with Complete Preference Lists," IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems, Vol. E92-D (2009), No. 2 (共著者 H. Kobayashi).
"Perfectness and Imperfectness of Unit Disk Graphs on Triangular Lattice Points," Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 309 (2009), Issue 9 (共著者 Y. Miyamoto).
"An Approximation Algorithm for Multidimensional Assignment Problems Minimizing the Sum of Squared Errors," Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 157 (2009), No. 9 (共著者 Y. Kuroki).
"Polynomial Time Perfect Sampling Algorithm for Two-Rowed Contingency Tables," Random Structures and Algorithms, Vol. 29 (2006), Issue 2 (共著者 S. Kijima).

文献賞 Best Paper of the Year
回 年度 受賞者 研究内容
38 2010 神山直之

Arc-disjoint in-trees in directed graphs
(Combinatorica, Vol.29, No.2)

37 2009 山下信雄

ISparse quasi-Newton updates with positive definite matrix completion
(Mathematical Programming Series A, Vol.115, No.1)

36 2008 該当なし
35 2007 吉瀬章子

Interior Point Trajectories and a Homogeneous Model for Nonlinear Complementarity Problems over Symmetric Cones
(SIAM Journal on Optimization Vol.17, No.4)

34 2006 永持 仁
  1. A 4/3-approximation for the minimum 2-local-vertex-connectivity augmentation in a connected graph(Journal of Algorithms 56)

  2. Graph algorithms for network connectivity problems
    (Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan Vol.47, No.4)

33 2005 三好直人

On the subexponential properties in stationary single-server queues:
A Palm-martingale approach
(Advances in Applied Probability Vol.36, No.3)


An Ejection Chain Approach for the Generalized Assignment Problem
(INFORMS Journal on Computing Vol.16, No.2)

32 2004 牧野和久

New Results on Monotone Dualization and Generating Hypergrap Transversals
(SIAM Journal on Computing Vol.32, No.2)

31 2003 村松正和

On a Commutative Class of Search Directions for Linear Programming over Symmetric Cones
(Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications Vol.112, No.3)

30 2002 枇々木規雄

(JORSJ Vol.44, No.2)

29 2001 岩田 覚

A Combinatorial, Strongly Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Minimizing Submodular Functions
(Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Annual ACM)


Bicriteria Euclidean Location Associated with Maximin and Minimax Criteria
(Naval Research Logistics Vol.47, No.7)

27 2000 関谷和之

A Logical Interpretation for the Eigenvalue Method in AHP
(JORSJ Vol.42, No.2)

27 1999 久野誉人

A Finite Algorithm for Globally Optimizing a Class of Rank-Two Reverse Convex Programs
(Journal of Global Optimization Vol.12, No.3)

26 1998 斎藤 洋

(JORSJ Vol.40, No.4)


The Generalized Stable Set Problem for Perfect Bidirected Graphs
(JORSJ Vol.40, No.3)

25 1997 滝根哲哉

A Nonpreemptive Priority MAP/G/1 Queue with Two Classes of Customers
(JORSJ Vol.39, No.2)

土谷 隆

Superlinear convergence of the affine scaling algorithm
(Mathematical Programming Vol.75, No.1)

24 1996 該当なし
23 1995 高橋敬隆

Relationship between Queue-Length and Waiting Time Distributions in a Priority Queue with Batch Arrivals
(JORSJ Vol.37, No.1)

22 1994 室田一雄

Hierarchical Decomposition of Symmetric Discrete Systems by Matroid and Group Theories
(Mathematical Programming Vol.59, No.3)

21 1993 福田公明

Linear Complementarity and Oriented Matroid
(JORSJ Vol.35, No.1)

20 1992 木村俊一
(北海道大学・ 助教授)

Approximations for the Waiting Time in the GI/G/s Queue
(JORSJ Vol.34, No.2)


Second Order Necessary Optimality Conditions for Minimizing a Sup-type Function
(Mathematical Programming Vol.49, No.2)

19 1991 水野真治

An 0(n3L) Algorithm Using a Sequence for Linear Complementarity Problem
(JORSJ Vol.33, No.1)

18 1990 木島正明
  1. Upper Bounds of a Measure of Dependence and the Relaxation Time for Finite State Markov Chains

  2. On the Relaxation Time for Single Server Queues
    (JORSJ Vol.32, No.1)


An Efficient Algorithm for Bicriteria Minimum-Cost Circulation Problem
(JORSJ Vol.32, No.4)

17 1989 該当なし
16 1988 今井 浩

Extensions of the Multiplicative Penalty Function Method for Linear Programming
(JORSJ Vol.30, No.2)


A Path Following Algorithm for Stationary Point Problems
(JORSJ Vol.30, No.2)

15 1987 石井博昭

Two Machine Open Shop Scheduling Problems with Controllable Machine Speeds
(JORSJ Vol.29, No.2)

14 1986 川島幸之助

An Approximation of a Loss System with Two Heterogeneous Types of Calls
(JORSJ Vol.28, No.2)

13 1985 福島雅夫

A Nonsmooth Optimization Approach to Nonlinear Multicommodity Network Flow Problems
(JORSJ Vol. 27, No.2 他1 編)

12 1984 河合 一

An Optimal Ordering and Replacement Policy of a Markovian Deterioration System Under Incomplete Observation PartII
(JORSJ Vol.26, No.4)

11 1983 該当なし
10 1982 田辺國士
  1. Feasibility-improving gradient acute projection method ; A unified approach to nonlinear programming
    (The Newton Method and Related Topics Vol.3 )

  2. A geometric method in nonlinear Programming
    (J. Optim. Theory Appl. 30)

9 1981 今野 浩

Maximizing a Convex Quadratic Function over a Hypercube
(JORSJ Vol.23, No.2)

8 1980 該当なし
7 1979 小島政和

On the Homotopic Approach to Systems of Equations with Separable Mapping
(Mathematical Programming Study 7)

田口 東

Maximum-Flow Problem in Discrete-Continuous Compound Systems and its Numerical Approach
(JORSJ Vol.21, No.2)

6 1978 岩本誠一

A Class of Inverse Theorems on Recursive Programming with Monotonicity
(JORSJ Vol.20, No.2)

5 1977 該当なし
4 1976 森 雅夫

Some Bounds for Queues
(JORSJ Vol.18, No.3&4)

3 1975 高橋幸雄

A Sequencing Model with an Application to Speed Class Sequencing in Air Traffic Control
(JORSJ Vol.17, No.1)

2 1974 該当なし
1 1973 茨木俊秀

(経営科学 16巻 1号)

回 年度 受賞者 研究内容
5 1972 関口光晴

Models of the Human Forecasting Behavior
(JORSJ Vol.13, No.3)

4 1971 尾崎俊治

System Reliability by Markov Renewal Processes
(JORSJ Vol.12, No.4)

3 1970 青山吉隆

(経営科学 13巻第1号)

2 1969 阿部俊一

Multi-Stage Rearrangement Problem and its Applications to Multiple -System Reliability
(JORSJ Vol.11, No.1)

1 1968 柳井 浩

0n a Class of Optimal Stopping Rule Problem
(JORSJ Vol.8, No.2)

日 程:2021年10月9日(土)
場所:オンライ ン開催
テーマ:地理情 報システム入門
2021 年春季シンポジウム
日 程:2021年3月1日(月)
場所:東 京工業大学
(オ ンライン開催)
2021 年春季研究発表会
場所:東 京工業大学
(オ ンライン開催)
2021 年秋季研究発表会
場所:九 州大学
(オ ンライン開催)
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