About 2021 Briefing Session for Entrance Examination
Briefing Online Session for Entrance Examination is scheduled.
Real time briefing session
Explanation of the entrance examination of HEES, introduction of each field of studies, and Q&A session will be held by using Zoom.
※(注記)1 Joint briefings for Division of Environmental Studies will be held. Please check the registration form if you want to participate into the briefings of other departments.
Please register before the start time of each session from here (Google form, Japanese Only). We will send a link to join the online session via e-mail.
On Demand Briefing Session
Explanation of the entrance examination of HEES and introduction of each field of studies will be uploaded on YouTube.
(Movies will be uploaded after the real time session on May 1.)
Introduction of each field of studies, and movies to see inside the laboratories will be uploaded on Facebook and YouTube.
on the website of HEES.If it is unclear, please contact from the following e-mail address.