Publication Lists (Scientific Articles) 2012
Climate Science
Physical Oceanography
Chemical Oceanography
Ocean Floor Geoscience
Marine Ecosystem Dynamics
Marine Bioscience
Living Marine Resources
Multiple Field Marine Science
Climate Science
Berkelhammer M., Sinha A., Stott L., Cheng H., Pausata F.S.R. and Yoshimura K. (2012): An abrupt shift in the Indian monsoon4000 years ago. Geophysical Monograph Series, 198, 75-87.
Braconnot P., Harrison S.P., Kageyama M., Bartlein P.J., Masson-Delmotte V., Abe-Ouchi A., Otto-Bliesner B., and Zhao Y. (2012): Evaluation of climate models using palaeoclimatic data. Nature Climate Change, 2, 417-424.
Buenning N.H., Stott L., Yoshimura K., and Berkelhammer M. (2012): The cause of the seasonal variation in the oxygen isotopic composition of precipitation along the western U.S. coast. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D18114.
Chikamoto, M.O., Abe-Ouchi A., Oka A., and Lan Smith S. (2012): Temperature-induced marine export production during glacial period. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L21601.
Chikamoto M.O., Abe-Ouchi A., Oka A., Ohgaito R., and Timmermann A. (2012): Quantifying the ocean's role in glacial CO2 reductions. Climate of the Past, 8, 545-563.
Chikamoto M.O., Menviel L., Abe-Ouchi A., Ohgaito R., Timmermann A., Okazaki Y., Harada N., Oka A., and Mouchet A. (2012): Variability in North Pacific intermediate and deep water ventilation during Heinrich events in two coupled climate models. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 61-64, 114-126.
Chikamoto Y., Kimoto M., Ishii M., Mochizuki T., Sakamoto T.T., Tatebe H., Komuro Y., Watanabe M., Nozawa T., Shiogama H., Mori M., Yasunaka S., and Imada Y. (2012): An overview of decadal climate predictability in a multi-model ensemble by climate model MIROC. Climate Dynamics, 40, 1201-1222.
Chikamoto, T., Kimoto M., Ishii M., Watanabe M., Nozawa T., Mochizuki T., Tatebe H., Sakamoto T. T., Komuro Y., Shiogama H., Mori M., Yasunaka S., Imada Y., Koyama H., Nozu M., and Jin F.-F. (2012): Predictability of a stepwise shift in Pacific climate during the late 1990s in hindcast experiments using MIROC. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan,90A, 1-21.
Chikamoto Y., Kimoto M., Watanabe M., Ishii M., and Mochizuki T. (2012): Relationship between the Pacific and Atlantic stepwise climate change during the 1990s. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L21710.
Day J.J., Hargreaves J.C., Annan J.D., and Abe-Ouchi A. (2012): Sources of multi-decadal variability in Arctic sea ice extent. Environmental Research Letters, 7, 034011.
Dirmeyer P.A., Cash B.A., Kinter III J.L., Jung T., Marx L., Satoh M., Stan C., Tomita H., Towers P., Wedi N., Achuthavarier D., Adams J.M., Altshuler E.L., Huang B., Jin E.K., and Manganello J. (2012): Simulating the diurnal cycle of rainfall in global climate models: Resolution versus parameterization. Climate Dynamics, 39, 399-418.
Dowsett H.J., Robinson M.M., Haywood A.M., Hill D.J., Dolan A.M., Stoll D.K., Chan W.-L., Abe-Ouchi A., Chandler M.A., Rosenbloom N.A., Otto-Bliesner B.L., Bragg F.J., Lunt D.J., Foley K.M., and Riesselman C.R. (2012): Assessing confidence in Pliocene sea surface temperatures to evaluate predictive models. Nature Climate Change, 2, 365-371.
Friedrich T., Timmermann A., Abe-Ouchi A., Bates N.R., Chikamoto M.O., Church M.J., Dore J.E., Gledhill D.K., Gonzalez-Davila M., Heinemann M., Ilyina T., Jungclaus J.H., McLeod E., Mouchet A., and Santana-Casiano J.M. (2012): Detecting regional anthropogenic trends in ocean acidification against natural variability. Nature Climate Change, 2, 167-171.
Gimeno L., Stohl A., Trigo R.M., Dominguez F., Yoshimura K., Yu L., Drumond A., Duran-Quesada A.M., and Nieto R. (2012): Oceanic and terrestrial sources of continental precipitation. Review of Geophysics, 50, RG4003.
Ha K.-J, Chu J.-E., Lee J.-Y., Wang B., Saji N.H., and Watanabe M. (2012): What causes cool summer over northern central and East Asia and central North America during 2009? Environmental Research Letters, 7, 044015.
Harada N., Sato M., Seki O., Timmermann A., Moossen H., Bendle J., Nakamura Y., Kimoto K., Okazaki Y., Nagashima K., Gorbarenko S.A., Ijiri A., Nakatsuka T., Menviel L., Chikamoto M.O., Abe-Ouchi A., and Schouten S. (2012): Sea surface temperature changes in the Okhotsk Sea and adjacent North Pacific during the last glacial maximum and deglaciation. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 61-64, 93-105.
Hargreaves J.C., Annan J.D., Yoshimori M., and Abe-Ouchi A. (2012): Can the Last Glacial Maximum constrain climate sensitivity? Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L24702.
Hashimoto M., Nakajima T., Dubovik O., Campanelli M., Che H., Khatri P., Takamura T., and Pandithurai G. (2012): Development of a new data processing method for the SKYNET skyradiometer observation. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 2723-2737.
Hirota N. and Takayabu Y.N. (2012): Inter-model differences of future precipitation changes in CMIP3 and MIROC5 climate models. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90A, 307-316.
Hirota N. and Takahashi M. (2012): A tripolar pattern as an internal mode of the East Asian summer monsoon. Climate Dynamics, 39, 2219-2238.
Hu A., Meehl G.A., Han W., Abe-Ouchi A., Morrill C., Okazaki Y., and Chikamoto M.O. (2012): The Pacific-Atlantic seesaw and the Bering Strait. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L03702.
Hu A., Meehl G.A., Han W., Timmermann A., Otto-Bliesner B., Liu Z., Washington W.M., Large W., Abe-Ouchi A., Kimoto M., Lambeck K., and Wu B. (2012): Role of the Bering Strait on the hysteresis of the ocean conveyor belt circulation and glacial climate stability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, 6417-6422.
Hu A., Meehl G.A., Han W., Yin J., Wu B., and Kimoto M. (2012): Influence of continental ice retreat on future global climate. Journal of Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00102.1.
Imada Y. and Kimoto M. (2012): Parameterization of Tropical Instability Waves and Examination of Their Impact on ENSO Characteristics. Journal of Climate, 25, 4568-4581.
Imada Y., Kimoto M., and Chen X. (2012): Impact of the atmospheric mean state on tropical instability wave activity. Journal of Climate, 25, 2341-2355.
Imada Y., Kimoto M., and Kanae S. (2012): Seasonal prediction by statistical downscaling using singular value decomposition analysis. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 68, 1369-1374. (今田 由紀子・木本 昌秀・鼎 信次郎 (2012): 特異値分解解析を用いた統計的ダウンスケーリングによる季節予測-インドシナ半島の秋季の降水の予測可能性-. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 68, 1369-1374.)
Inatsu M., Satake Y., Kimoto M., and Yasutomi N. (2012): GCM bias of the Western Pacific summer monsoon and its correction by two-way nesting system. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90B, 1-10.
Ishizaki Y., Shiogama H., Emori S., Yokohata T., Nozawa T., Ogura T., Abe M., Yoshimori M., and Takahashi K. (2012): Temperature scaling pattern dependence on representative concentration pathway emission scenarios. Climatic Change Letters, 112, 535-546.
Ishizaki Y., Yoshimura K., Kanae S., Kimoto M., Kurita N., and Oki T. (2012): Interannual variability of H2 18O in precipitation over the Asian monsoon region. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D16308.
Iwao K., Inatsu M., and Kimoto M. (2012): Recent changes in explosively developing extratropical cyclones over the winter northwestern Pacific. Journal of Climate, 25, 7282-7296.
Jiang J.H., Su H., Zhai C., Perun V.S., Del Genio A., Nazarenko L.S., Donner L.J., Horowitz L., Seman C., Cole J., Gttelman A., Ringer M., Rotstayn L., Jeffrey S., Wu T., Brient F., Dufresne J.-L., Kawai H., Koshiro T., Watanabe M., Lecuyer T., Read W.G., Waters J.W., Tian B., Teixeira J.P., and Stephens G.L. (2012): Evaluation of cloud and water vapor simulations in IPCC AR5 climate models using NASA "A-Train" satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D14105, doi:10.1029/2011JD017237.
Kamae Y., and Watanabe M. (2012): Tropospheric adjustment to increasing CO2: its timescale and the role of land-sea contrast. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1555-1.
Kamae Y., and Watanabe M. (2012): On the robustness of tropospheric adjustment in CMIP5 models. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L23808.
Kimoto M. (2012): Studies of climate variability and change using numerical models. In Two Kinds of Climate Warming, edited by Kai K., Seizando-shoten, Tokyo, 74-93.(木本昌秀 (2012): 数値モデルによる気候変動研究. 「二つの温暖化」(甲斐憲次編), 成山堂書店, 東京, 74-93.)
Kodama C., Noda A.T., and Satoh M. (2012): An Assessment of the Cloud Signals Simulated by NICAM using ISCCP, CALIPSO, and CloudSat Satellite Simulators. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D12210, doi:10.1029/2011JD017317.
Kojima K., Yoshimura K., Suzuki A., and Oki T. (2012): Quantitative understanding of sea water δ18O variability using coral records and isotope general circulation model. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 68, 433-438.(小島 啓太郎・芳村 圭・鈴木 淳・沖 大幹 (2012): サンゴ記録と同位体大循環モデルを用いた海水酸素同位体比変動メカニズムの定量的理解. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 68, 433-438.)
Komuro Y., Suzuki T., Sakamoto T.T., Hasumi H., Ishii M., Watanabe M., Nozawa T., Yokohata T., Nishimura T., Ogochi K., Emori S., and Kimoto M. (2012): Sea-ice in twentieth-century simulations by new MIROC coupled models: a comparison between models with high resolution and with ice thickness distribution. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90A, 213-232.
Kubokawa H., Fujiwara M., Nasuno T., Miura H., Yamamoto M., and Satoh M. (2012): Analysis of the tropical tropopause layer using the Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM): 2. An experiment under the atmospheric conditions of December 2006-January 2007. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D17114, doi:10.1029/2012JD017737.
Lee J.-H., Worden J., Koh D.-C., Yoshimura K., and Lee J.-E. (2012): A seasonality of δD of water vapor (850-500 hPa) observed from space over Jeju Island, Korea. Geosciences Journal, 17, 87-95.
Li H., Kanamitsu M., Hong S.-Y., Yoshimura K., Cayan D.R., and Misra V. (2012): A High-Resolution Ocean-Atmosphere coupled downscaling of a present climate over California. Climate Dynamics, 40, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1670-7.
Liu Z., Bowen G.J., Welker J.M., and Yoshimura K. (2012): Winter precipitation isotope (δ18O) slopes of the contiguous USA and their relationship to the Pacific/North American (PNA) pattern. Climate Dynamics, 39, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1548-0.
Menviel L., Timmermann A., Elison Timm O., Mouchet A., Abe-Ouchi A., Chikamoto M.O., Harada N., Ohgaito R., and Okazaki Y. (2012): Removing the North Pacific halocline: Effects on global climate, ocean circulation and the carbon cycle. Deep Sea Research Part II : Topical Studies in Oceanography, 61-64, 106-113.
Miyakawa T., Takayabu Y.N., Nasuno T., Miura H., Satoh M., and Moncrieff M.W. (2012): Convective momentum transport by rainbands within a Madden-Julian Oscillation in a global nonhydrostatic model with explicit deep convective processes. Part I: Methodology and general results. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 1317-1338.
Mochizuki T., Chikamoto T., Kimoto M., Ishii M., Tatebe H., Komuro Y., Sakamoto T., Watanabe M., and Mori M. (2012): Decadal prediction using a recent series of MIROC global climate models. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90A, 373-383.
Mori M., Watanabe M., and Kimoto M. (2012): A numerical experiment on 2010 summer by MIROC atmospheric model., In A Heat Wave that struck Japan in 2010 Summer, edited by Kusunoki S., Meteorological Society of Japan, Tokyo, 127-134. (森 正人・渡部雅浩・木本昌秀 (2012): MIROC大気モデルによる2010年夏季の天候再現実験. 「2010年夏 日本の猛暑」(楠 昌司 編), 日本気象学会, 東京, 127-134.)
Nakajima T., Goto D., Dai T., and Schutges N. (2012): World Climate Research Programme and Perspectives of the climate research. Trends in the Sciences, November issue, 56-61.(中島映至・五藤大輔・Tie Dai・Nick Schutgens (2012): 世界気候研究計画(WCRP)と気候研究の方向性. 学術の動向, 2012年11月号, 56-61.)
Nakajima T. and Tajika E. (2012): Correct understanding the climate sciences-Revisit to the basis of the science discussion. Gijutsu-Hyohron, Tokyo, 208pp.(中島映至・田近英一 (2012): 「正しく理解する気候の科学 - 論争の原点にたち帰る」. 技術評論社, 東京, 208pp.)
Nakajima T., Tsuruta H., Goto D., Schutges N., and Nakata M. (2012): Construction of an integrated system for CAI satellite data analysis and model simulation. NIES Supercomputer Annual Report 2012, 70-77.(中島映至・鶴田治雄・五藤大輔・Nick Schutgens・中田 真木子 (2012): CAI衛星解析とモデルシミュレーションの統合システムの構築. 平成23年度国立環境研究所スーパーコンピューター利用研究年報, 70-77.)
Nishii K., Miyasaka T., Nakamura H., Kosaka Y., Yokoi S., Takayabu Y.N., Endo H., Ichikawa H., Inoue T., Oshima K., Sato N., and Tsushima Y. (2012): Relationship of the reproducibility of multiple variables among global climate models. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90A, 87-100.
Nitta T., Yoshimura K., Takata K., O’ishi R., Kanae S., and Oki T. (2012): Representation of subgrid scale snow cover and snow depth variabilities in a global land model. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 68, 325-330.(新田友子・芳村 圭・高田久美子・大石龍太・鼎 信次郎・沖 大幹 (2012): 陸面モデルにおけるサブグリッドスケールの積雪被覆率と積雪深の変化の表現. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 68, 325-330.)
Niwa Y., Machida T., Sawa Y., Matsueda H., Schuck T., Brenninkmeijer C.A.M., Imasu R., and Satoh M. (2012): Imposing strong constraints on tropical terrestrial CO2 fluxes using passenger aircraft based measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D11303, doi:10.1029/2012JD017474.
Noda A.T., Oouchi K., Satoh M., and Tomita H. (2012): Quantitative assessment of diurnal variation of tropical convection simulated by a global nonhydrostatic model without cumulus parameterization. Journal of Climate, 25, 5119-5134.
Ohba M., and Watanabe M. (2012): Role of the Indo-Pacific interbasin coupling in predicting asymmetric ENSO transition and duration. Journal of Climate, 25, 3321-3335.
Oka A., Hasumi H., and Abe-Ouchi A. (2012): The thermal threshold of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and its control by wind stress forcing during glacial climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L09709.
Okazaki A., Yeh P.J.-F., Yoshimura K., Watanabe M., Kimoto M., and Oki T. (2012): Changes in flood risk under global warming estimated using MIROC5 and the discharge probability index. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90, 509-524.
Oouchi K., Taniguchi H., Nasuno T., Satoh M., Tomita H., Yamada Y., Ikeda M., Shirooka R. Yamada H., and Yoneyama K. (2012): A prototype quasi real-time intra-seasonal forecasting of tropical convection over the warm pool region: a new challenge of global cloud-system-resolving model for a field campaign. In Cyclones: Formation, Triggers and Control, edited by Oouchi K. and Fudeyasu H., Nova Science Publishers. Inc., Chapter 11, New York, 233-248.
Pfahl S., Wernli H., and Yoshimura K. (2012): The isotopic composition of precipitation from a winter storm - a case study with the limited-area model COSMOiso. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 1629-1648.
Pierce D., Cayan D., Das T., Maurer E., Miller N., Bao Y., Kanamitsu M., Yoshimura K., Snyder M., Sloan L., Franco G., and Tyree M. (2012): The key role of heavy precipitation events in climate model disagreements of future annual precipitation changes in California. Journal of Climate, 26, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00766.1.
Pierce D., Das T., Cayan D., Maurer E., Miller N., Bao Y., Kanamitsu M., Yoshimura K., Snyder M., Sloan L., Franco G., and Tyree M. (2013, Published online 2012): Probabilistic estimates of future changes in California temperature and precipitation using statistical and dynamical downscaling. Climate Dynamics, 40, 3-4, 839-856.
Saitoh N., Touno M., Hayashida S., Imasu R., Shiomi K., Yokota T., Yoshida Y., Machida T., Matsueda H., and Sawa Y. (2012): Comparisons between XCH4 from GOSAT Shortwave and Thermal Infrared Spectra and Aircraft CH4 Measurements over Guam. SOLA, 8, 145-149.
Sakamoto T.T., Komuro Y., Nishimura T., Ishii M., Tatebe H., Shiogama H., Hasegawa A., Toyoda T., Mori M., Suzuki T., Imada Y., Nozawa T., Takata K., Mochizuki T., Ogochi K., Emori S., Hasumi H., and Kimoto M. (2012): MIROC4h--a new highresolution atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation model. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90, 325-359.
Sato Y., Nakajima T.Y. and Nakajima T. (2012): Investigation of the vertical structure of warm-cloud microphysical properties using the Cloud Evolution Diagram, CFODD, simulated by a three dimensional spectral bin microphysical model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 69, 2012-2030.
Satoh M., Iga S., Tomita H., Tsushima Y., and Noda A.T. (2012): Response of upper clouds due to global warming tested by a global atmospheric model with explicit cloud processes. Journal of Climate, 25, 2178-2191.
Satoh M., Oouchi K., Nasuno T., Taniguchi H., Yamada Y., Tomita H., Kodama C., Kinter J., Achuthavarier D. Manganello J, Cash B., Jung T., Palmer T., Wedi N. (2012): The Intra-Seasonal Oscillation and its control of tropical cyclones simulated by high-resolution global atmospheric models. Climate Dynamics, 39, 2185-2206.
Schneider M., Barthlott S., Hase F., Gonzalez Y., Yoshimura K., Garcia O.E., Sepulveda E., Gomez-Pelaez A., Gisi M., Kohlhepp R., Dohe S., Blumenstock T., Wiegele A., Christner E., Strong K., Weaver D., Palm M., Deutscher N.M., Warneke T., Notholt J., Lejeune B., Demoulin P., Jones N., Griffith D.W.T., Smale D., and Robinson J. (2012): Ground-based remote sensing of tropospheric water vapour isotopologues within the project MUSICA. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 5, 3007-3027.
Schutgens N., Nakata M., and Nakajima T. (2012): Estimating aerosol emissions by assimilating remote sensing observations into a global transport model. Remote Sensing, 4, 3528-3543.
Shiogama H., Watanabe M., Yoshimori M., Yokohata T., Ogura T., Annan J.D., Hargreaves J.C., Abe M., Kamae Y., O’ishi R., Nobui R., Emori S., Nozawa T., Abe-Ouchi A., and Kimoto M. (2012): Perturbed physics ensemble using the MIROC5 coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM without flux corrections: Experimental design and results. Climate Dynamics, 39, 3041-3056.
Smith D.M., Scaife A.A., Boer G.J., Caian M., Doblas-Reyes F.J., Guemas V., Hawkins E., Hazeleger W., Hermanson L., Ho C.K., Ishii M., Kharin V., Kimoto M., Kirtman B., Lean J., Matei D., Merryfield W.J., Müller W.A., Pohlmann H., Rosati A., Wouters B., and Wyser K. (2012): Real-time multi-model decadal climate predictions. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1600-0.
Sumi A., Tsuyuki T., Kawamiya M., and Kimoto M. (2012): High Performance Computing and Earth’s Environment, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 228pp.(住 明正・露木 義・河宮未知生・木本昌秀 (2012): 「計算と地球環境」. 岩波書店, 東京, 228pp.)
Sunmonu N., Muramoto K., Kurita N., Yoshimura K., and Fujiyoshi Y. (2012): Characteristics of seasonal variation of nearsurface water vapor D/H isotope ratio revealed by continuous in situ measurement in Sapporo, Japan. SOLA, 8, 5-8.
Takahashi C., Yoneyama K., Sato N., Seiki A., Shirooka R., and Takayabu Y.N. (2012): The Madden-Julian Oscillation and extratropical teleconnection over East Asia during the Northern winter in IPCC AR4 climate models. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90A, 361-371.
Tanaka T., Shiomi K., Kawakami S., Saitoh N., Imasu R., Inoue M., Morino I., Uchino O., Sweeney C., and Tans P. (2012): Characterization and validation of CO2 and CH4 products derived from the GOSAT thermal infrared band. SPIE conference proceedings, 8528, 852810-1.
Tanaka K., Kim H.-J., Saito K., Takahashi H.G., Watanabe M., Yokohata T., Kimoto M., Takata K., and Yasunari T. (2012): How have both cultivation and warming influenced annual global isoprene and monoterpene emissions since the preindustrial era? Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 16515-16555.
Tatebe, H., Ishii M., Mochizuki T., Chikamoto Y., Sakamoto T.T., Komuro Y., Mori M., Yasunaka S., Watanabe M., Ogochi K., Suzuki T., Nishimura T., and Kimoto M. (2012): The initialization of the MIROC climate models with hydographic data assimilation for decadal prediction. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 90A, 275-294.
Taylor T.E., O’Dell C.W., O’Brien D.M., Kikuchi N., Yokota T., Nakajima T.Y., Ishida H., Crisp D., Nakajima T. (2012): Comparison of cloud-screening methods applied to GOSAT near-infrared spectra. Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 50, 295-309.
Thatcher L., Takayabu Y.N., Yokoyama C., and Pu Z.X. (2012): Characteristics of tropical cyclone precipitation features over the western Pacific warm pool. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D16208.
Tomikawa Y., Sato K., Watanabe S., Kawatani Y., Miyazaki K., and Takahashi M. (2012): Growth of planetary waves and the formation of an elevated stratopause after a major stratospheric sudden warming in a T213L256 GCM. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D16101.
Tsuruta H. and Nakajima T. (2012): Radioactive materials in the atmosphere released by the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), 46, 99-111.
Uemura R., Yonezawa N., Yoshimura K., Asami R., Kadena H., Yamada K., and Yoshida N. (2012): Factors controlling isotopic composition of precipitation on Okinawa Island, Japan: Implications for paleoclimate reconstruction in the East Asian Monsoon region. Journal of Hydrology, 475, 314-322.
Urakawa L.S. and Hasumi H. (2012): Eddy-resolving model estimate of the cabbeling effect on the water mass transformation in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 42, 1288-1302.
Watanabe M., Shiogama H., Yokohata T., Kamae Y., Yoshimori M., Ogura T., Annan J.D., Hargreaves J.C., Emori S., and Kimoto M. (2012): Using a multi-physics ensemble for exploring diversity in cloud-shortwave feedback in GCMs. Journal of Climate, 25, 5416-5431.
Watanabe M., Shiogama H., Yoshimori M., Ogura T., Yokohata T., Okamoto H., Emori S., and Kimoto M. (2012): Fast and slow timescales in the tropical low-cloud response to increasing CO2 in two climate models. Climate Dynamics, 39, 1627-1641.
Watanabe M. and Wittenberg A.T. (2012): A method for disentangling El Niño-mean state interaction. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L14702.
Watanabe M., Kug J.-S., Jin F.-F., Collins M., Ohba M., and Wittenberg A.T. (2012): Uncertainty in the ENSO amplitude change from the past to future. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L20703.
Weaver A.J., Sedlacek J., Eby M., Alexander K., Crespin E., Fichefet T., Philippon-Berthier G., Joos F., Kawamiya M., Matsumoto K., Steinacher M., Tachiiri K., Tokos K., Yoshimori M., and Zickfeld K. (2012): Stability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation: A model intercomparison. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L20709.
Yamada Y., Oouchi K., Satoh M., Noda A.T., and Tomita H. (2012): Sensitivity of tropical cyclones to large- scale environment in a global non-hydrostatic model with explicit cloud microphysics. In Cyclones: Formation, Triggers and Control, edited by Oouchi K. and Fudeyasu H., Nova Science Publishers. Inc., Chapter 7, New York, 145-160.
Yamamoto M., and Takahashi M. (2012): Venusian middle-atmospheric dynamics in the presence of a strong planetary-scale 5.5-day wave. Icarus, 217, 702-713.
Yasunaka S. and Kimoto M. (2012): Upper ocean temperature warming pattern in the past 50 years. Journal of Oceanography, 69, 87-95.
Yiou P., Servonnat J., Yoshimori M., Swingedouw D., Khodri M., and Abe-Ouchi A. (2012): Stability of weather regimes during the last millennium from climate simulations. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L08703.
Yokoyama C. and Takayabu Y.N. (2012): Relationships between rain characteristics and environment. Part I: TRMM precipitation feature and the large-scale environment over the tropical Pacific. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 2831–2840.
Yokoyama C. and Takayabu Y.N. (2012): Relationships between rain characteristics and environment. Part II: Atmospheric disturbances associated with shallow convection over the eastern tropical Pacific. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 2841–2859.
Yoshida M., Haywood J.M., Johnson B.T., Murakami H., and Nakajima T. (2012): Spatial distribution of dust’s optical properties over the Sahara and Asia inferred from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12, 1-45.
Yoshimori M. and Abe-Ouchi A. (2012): Sources of spread in multi-model projections of the Greenland ice-sheet surface mass balance. Journal of Climate, 25, 1157-1175.
Yoshimori M., Yokohata T., Ogura T., O’ishi R., Kawamiya M., Shiogama H., Tsushima Y., Kodama C., Noda A.T., Chikira M., Takemura T., Sato M., Abe-Ouchi A., Watanabe M., and Kimoto M. (2012): Climate Sensitivity. Part 1: Concept and current understanding of climate feedbacks. Tenki, 59, 5-22.(吉森正和・横畠徳太・小倉知夫・大石龍太・河宮未知生・塩竈秀夫・對馬洋子・小玉知央・野田 暁・千喜良稔・竹村俊彦・佐藤正樹・阿部彩子・渡部雅浩・木本昌秀 (2012): 気候感度 Part 1: 気候フィードバックの概念と理解の現状. 天気, 59, 5-22.)
Yoshimori M., Yokohata T., Ogura T., O’ishi R., Kawamiya M., Shiogama H., Tsushima Y., Kodama C., Noda A.T., Chikira M., Takemura T., Sato M., Abe-Ouchi A., Watanabe M., and Kimoto M. (2012): Climate Sensitivity. Part 2: Efforts toward reducing uncertainty. Tenki, 59, 91-109.(吉森正和・横畠徳太・小倉知夫・大石龍太・河宮未知生・塩竈秀夫・對馬洋子・小玉知央・野田 暁・千喜良稔・竹村俊彦・佐藤正樹・阿部彩子・渡部雅浩・木本昌秀 (2012): 気候感度 Part 2: 不確実性の低減への努力. 天気, 59, 91-109.)
Yoshimori M., Yokohata T., Ogura T., O’ishi R., Kawamiya M., Shiogama H., Tsushima Y., Kodama C., Noda A.T., Chikira M., Takemura T., Sato M., Abe-Ouchi A., Watanabe M., and Kimoto M. (2012): Climate Sensitivity. Part 3: Verification from the past environment. Tenki, 59, 143-150.(吉森正和・横畠徳太・小倉知夫・大石龍太・河宮未知生・塩竈秀夫・對馬洋子・小玉知央・野田 暁・千喜良稔・竹村俊彦・佐藤正樹・阿部彩子・渡部雅浩・木本昌秀 (2012): 気候感度 Part 3: 古環境からの検証. 天気, 59, 143-150.)
Yoshizaki M., Iga S., and Satoh M. (2012): Eastward-propagating property of large-scale precipitation systems simulated in the coarse-resolution NICAM and an explanation of its formation. SOLA, 8, 21-24.
Yoshizaki M., Yasunaga K., Iga S., Satoh M., Nasuno T., Noda A.T., Tomita H., and Fujita M. (2012): Why do super clusters and Madden Julian Oscillation coexist over the equatorial region? SOLA, 8, 33-36.
Zhang H., Qing Y., Nakajima T., Nakata M.M., Peng L. and Jihnai H.E. (2012): Influence of changes in solar radiation on changes of surface temperature in China. Acta Meteorol Sinica, 27, 87-97.
Zhu M., Stott L., Buckley B., and Yoshimura K. (2012): 20th century seasonal moisture balance in Southeast Asian montane forests from tree cellulose δ18O. Climatic Change, 115, 505-517.
Zhu M., Stott L.D., Buckley B., Yoshimura K., and Ra K. (2012): Indo-Pacific Warm Pool convection and ENSO since 1867 AD derived from Cambodian pine tree cellulose oxygen isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D11307.
Physical Oceanography
Itoh S., Yasuda I., Yagi M., Osafune S., Kaneko H., Nishioka J., Nakatsuka T., Volkov Y.N., Tanaka Y., and Konda S. (2012): Turbulence in the Urup Strait and its influence on water mass formation. Kaiyo Monthly, 44, 432-440.(伊藤幸彦・安田一郎・八木雅宏・長船哲史・金子 仁・西岡 純・中塚 武・Volkov Y.N.・田中祐希・近田俊輔 (2012): ウルップ海峡の乱流強度と水塊形成への影響. 月刊海洋, 44, 432-440.
Kaneko H., Yasuda I., Komatsu K., and Itoh S. (2012): Observations of the structure of turbulent mixing across the Kuroshio. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L15602.
Kawabe M. and Fujio S. (2012): Effect of bottom slope in northeastern North Pacific on deep-water upwelling and overturning circulation. Journal of Oceanography, 68, 267-284.
Kouketsu S., Tomita H., Oka E., Hosoda S., Kobayashi T., and Sato K. (2012): The role of meso-scale eddies in mixed layer deepening and mode water formation in the western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography, 68, 63-77.
Nakanishi M. and Niino H. (2012): Large-eddy simulation of roll vortices in a hurricane boundary layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Science, 69, 3558-3575.
Niino H. (2012): Challenges and prospect for understanding and prediction of severe phenomena. Tenki, 59, 533-539.(新野 宏(2012): 「シビア現象」の理解・予測への課題と期待. 2010年春季大会シンポジウム「災害軽減に向けたシビア現象予測の将来」の報告. 天気, 59, 533-539.)
Niino H. (2012): Interactions between the boundary layer and the free atmosphere. Tenki, 59, 769-778.(新野 宏 (2012): 境界層と自由大気の相互作用. 2010年度秋季大会シンポジウム「大気圏のさまざまな境界面での相互作用」の報告. 天気, 59, 769-778.)
Oka E. and Kouketsu S. (2012): Shipboard physical oceanographic observation in the Argo era. Kaiyo Monthly, 44, 640-641.(岡英太郎・纐纈慎也 (2012): アルゴ時代の海洋物理船舶観測. 月刊海洋, 44, 640-641.)
Oka E. and Qiu B. (2012): Progress of North Pacific mode water research in the past decade. Journal of Oceanography, 68, 5-20.
Oka E., Qiu B., Kouketsu S., Uehara K., and Suga T. (2012): Decadal seesaw of the Central and Subtropical Mode Water formation associated with the Kuroshio Extension variability. Journal of Oceanography, 68, 355-360.
Osafune S., Yagi M., Itoh S., Tanaka Y., Kaneko H., Konda S., Yasuda I., and Volkov Y.N. (2012): Observations of water-mass and current around the northeastern Kuril Straits. Kaiyo Monthly, 44, 392-402.(長船哲史・八木雅宏・伊藤幸彦・田中祐希・金子 仁・近田俊輔・安田一郎・Volkov Y.N. (2012): 北東部千島列島海域における水塊・流速観測. 月刊海洋, 44, 392-402.)
Ueno H., Yasuda I., Itoh S., Onishi H., Hiroe Y., Suga T., and Oka E. (2012): Modification of a Kenai eddy along the Alaskan Stream. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C08032.
Wagawa T., Yoshikawa Y., Isoda Y., Oka E., Uehara K., Nakano T., Kuma K., and Takagi S. (2012): Flow fields around the Emperor Seamounts detected from current data. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C06006.
Yanase W., Satoh M., Iga S., Chan J.C.L., Fudeyasu H., and Wang Y. (2012): Multi-scale dynamics of tropical cyclone formations in an equilibrium simulation using a global cloud-system resolving model. In Cyclones: Formation, Triggers and Control, edited by Oouchi K. and Fudeyasu H., Nova Science Publishers. Inc., Chapter 10, New York, 221-231.
Yanase W., Satoh M., Taniguchi H., and Fujinami H. (2012): Seasonal and intraseasonal modulation of tropical cyclogenesis environment over the Bay of Bengal during the extended summer monsoon. Journal of Climate, 25, 2914-2930.
Yokota S., Niino H., and Yanase W. (2012): Tropical cyclogenesis due to breakdown of intertropical convergence zone: An idealized numerical experiment. SOLA, 8, 103-106.
Chemical Oceanography
Fujiya W., Sugiura N., Hotta H., Ichimura K., and Sano Y. (2012): Evidence for the late formation of hydrous asteroids from young meteoritic carbonates. Nature Communications, 3, doi:10.1038/ncomms1635.
Gamo T. (2012): A current notable topic in chemistry: biogeochemical cycles of iron in seawater. Kagaku (Chemistry), 67, 36-40. (蒲生俊敬 (2012): いま,海洋の鉄が面白い! 化学, 67, 36-40.)
Gamo T., Tsunogai U., Hirota A., Nakayama N., Kang D-J., and Kim K-R. (2012): First measurements of methane and its carbon isotope ratio in the Japan Sea (East Sea). Marine Chemistry, 128/129, 92-99.
Imayama T., Takeshita T., Yi K., Cho D.-L., Kitajima K., Tsutsumi Y., Kayama M., Nishido H., Okumura T., Yagi K., Itaya T., and Sano Y. (2012): Two-stage partial melting and contrasting cooling history within the Higher Himalayan Crystalline Sequence in the far-eastern Nepal Himalaya. Lithos, 134/135, 1-22.
Jung J., Furutani H. and Uematsu M.: (2011, published in 2012): Atmospheric inorganic nitrogen in marine aerosol and precipitation and its deposition to the North and South Pacific Oceans. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 68, 157-181.
Kagoshima T., Takahata N., Jung J., Amakawa H., Kumagai H., and Sano Y. (2012): Estimation of sulfur, fluorine, chlorine and bromine fluxes at Mid Ocean Ridges using a new experimental crushing and extraction method. Geochemical Journal, 46, e21-e26.
Okubo A., Obata H., Gamo T., and Yamada M. (2012): 230Th and 232Th distributions in the mid-latitudes of the North Pacific Ocean: Effect of bottom scavenging. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 339/340, 139-150.
Roulleau E., Pinti D.L., Stevenson R.K., Takahata N., Sano Y., and Pitre F. (2012): N, Ar and Pb isotopic co-variations: discriminating magmatic sources from fractionation processes in Monteregian Hills, Québec, Canada. Chemical Geology, 326/327, 123-131.
Saido K., Amamiya K., Sato H., Okabe A., Ogawa N., Kamaya Y., Kogure K., Nishimura M., Okukawa K., and Kuaui T. (2012): Analysis of styrene oligomer contaminants generated from marine debris polystyrene on the coast of Okinawa. Bunseki Kagaku, 61, 629-636(. 道祖土 勝彦・雨宮恵司・佐藤秀人・岡部顕史・小川直人・釜谷保志・木暮一啓・西村昌彦・奥川光治・楠井隆史 (2012): 沖縄沿岸における漂流・漂着ポリスチレン由来のスチレンオリゴマー汚染の分析. 分析化学, 61, 629-636.)
Sakata S., Maekawa T., and Sano Y. (2012): Geochemistry and origin of natural gases dissolved in brines from gas fields in southwest Japan. Geofluids, 12, 327-335.
Sano Y., Kobayashi S., Shirai K., Takahata N., Matsumoto K., Watanabe T., Sowa K., and Iwai K. (2012): Past daily light cycle recorded in strontium/calcium ratios of giant clam shell. Nature Communications, 3, doi:10.1038/ncomms1763.
Shozugawa K., Matsuo M., Sano Y., Toh Y., Murakami Y., Furutaka K., Koizumi M., Kimura A., Hara K., Kin T., Oshima M., Nakamura S., and Harada H. (2012): Chemical composition of sediments from marine shallow-water hydrothermal mounds in Wakamiko submarine crater revealed by multiple prompt gamma-ray analysis. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291, 341-346.
Terada K. and Sano Y. (2012): In-situ U-Pb dating of apatite by Hiroshima-SHRIMP: Contribution to Earth and Planetary Science. Mass Spectrometry, 1, A0011.
Toki T., Honda R., Oomine K., Tsunogai U., Komatsu D., Sano Y., Takahata N., Kinoshita M., and Yamashiro H. (2012): The origin of seeping gas from the coastal area of Yagaji Island in Northern Okinawa Island. Chikyukagaku (Geochemistry), 46, 257-274.(土岐知弘・本田龍太郎・大嶺一希・角皆 潤・小松大祐・佐野有司・高畑直人・木下正高・山城秀之 (2012): 沖縄本島北部屋我地島沿岸における湧出ガスの起源. 地球化学, 46, 257-274.)
Ocean Floor Geoscience
Ashi J., Ikehara K., Kinoshita M., and KY04-11 and KH-10-3 shipboard scientists (2012): Settling of earthquake-induced turbidity on the accretionary prism slope of the central Nankai subduction zone. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 13, 561-571.
Bronk Ramsey C., Staff R.A., Bryant C.L., Brock F., Kitagawa H., van der Plicht J., Schlolaut G., Marshall M.H., Brauer A., Lamb H.F., Payne R.L., Tarasov P.E., Haraguchi T., Gotanda K., Yonenobu H., Yokoyama Y., Tada R., and Nakagawa T. (2012): A complete terrestrial radiocarbon record for 11.2 to 52.8 kyr B.P. Science, 338, 370-374.
Camoin G.F., Seard C., Deschamps P., Webster J.M., Abbey E., Braga J.C., Iryu Y., Durand N., Bard E., Hamelin B., Yokoyama Y., Thomas A.L., Henderson G.M., and Dussouillez P. (2012): Reef response to sea-level and environmental changes during the last deglaciation: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310, Tahiti Sea Level. Geology, 40, 643-646.
Deschamps P., Durand N., Bard E., Hamelin B., Camoin G., Thomas A.L., Henderson G.M., Okuno J., and Yokoyama Y. (2012): Ice-sheet collapse and sea-level rise at the Bølling warming 14,600 years ago. Nature, 483, 559-564.
Hamanaka N., Kan H., Yokoyama Y., Okamoto T., Nakashima Y., and Kawana T. (2012): Disturbances with hiatuses in highlatitude coral reef growth during the Holocene: correlation with millennial-scale global climate change. Global and Planetary Change, 80, 21-35.
Honsho C., Ura T., and Tamaki K. (2012): The inversion of deep-sea magnetic anomalies using Akaike’s Bayesian information criterion. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, B01105.
Ikehara K., Ashi J., Machiyama H., and Shirai M. (2012): Submarine slope response to earthquake shaking within western Sagami Bay, Central Japan. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 13, 539-547.
Kameda J., Hina S., Kobayashi K., Yamaguchi A., Hamada Y., Hamahashi M., and Kimura G. (2012): Silica diagenesis and its effect on interplate seismicity in cold subduction zones. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 317/318, 136-144.
Katsuki K., Ikehara M., Yokoyama Y., Yamane M., and Khim B.-K. (2012): Holocene migration of oceanic front systems over the Conrad Rise in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 203-210.
Kimura G., Hina S., Hamada Y., Kameda J., Tsuji T., Kinoshita M., and Yamaguchi A. (2012): Runaway slip to the trench due to rupture of highly pressurized megathrust beneath the middle trench slope: The tsunamigenesis of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake off the east coast of northern Japan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 339/340, 32-45.
Kimura G., Yamaguchi A., Hojo M., Kitamura Y., Kameda J., Ujiie K., Hamada Y., Hamahashi M., and Hina S. (2012): Tectonic mélange as fault rock of subduction plate boundary. Tectonophysics, 568/569, 25-38.
Koppers A.A.P., Yamazaki T., Geldmacher J., Gee J.S., Pressling N., Hoshi H. et al. (2012): Limited latitudinal mantle plume motion for the Louisville hotspot. Nature Geoscience, 5, 911-917.
Lee C.-T., Shen B., Slotmick B.S., Liao K., Dickens G.R., Yokoyama Y., Lenardic A., Dasgupta R., Jellinek M., Lackey J.S., Schneider T., and Tice M.M. (2012): Continent-island arc fluctuations, growth of crustal carbonates, and long-term climate change. Geosphere, 8, doi:10.1130/GES00822.1.
Miyahara H. and Yokoyama Y. (2012): Cosmic rays and global climate. Parity, 27, 46-50.(宮原ひろ子・横山祐典 (2012): 宇宙線と気候変動. パリティ, 27, 46-50.)
Nakagawa T., Gotanda K., Haraguchi T., Danhara T., Yonenobu H., Brauer A., Yokoyama Y., Tada R., Takemura K., Staff R.A., Payne R., Bronk Ramsey C., Bryant C., Brock F., Schlolaut G., Marshall M., Tarasov P., Lamb H., and Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2012): SG06, a fully continuous and varved sediment core from Lake Suigetsu, Japan: stratigraphy and potential for improving the radiocarbon calibration model and understanding of late Quaternary climate changes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 36, 164-176.
Nakamura A., Yokoyama Y., Maemoku H., Yagi H., Okamura M., Matsuoka H., Miyake N., Osada T., Teramura H., Adhikari D.P., Dangol V., Miyairi Y., Obrochta S., and Matsuzaki H. (2012): Late Holocene Asian monsoon variations recorded in Lake Rara sediment, western Nepal. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 125-128.
Obrochta S.P., Miyahara H., Yokoyama Y., and Crowley T.J. (2012): A re-examination of evidence for the North Atlantic "1500-year cycle" at Site 609. Quaternary Science Reviews, 55, 23-33.
Ohkouchi N. and Yokoyama Y. (2012): The third boom in radiocarbon researches. Kagaku, 82, 483-485.(大河内直彦・横山祐典(2012): 三度目の春を迎えつつある放射性炭素年代法. 科学, 82, 483-485.)
Omura A., Ikehara K., Sugai T., Shirai M., and Ashi J. (2012): Determination of the origin and processes of deposition of deepsea sediments from the composition of contained organic matter: An example from two forearc basins on the landward flank of the Nankai Trough, Japan. Sedimentary Geology, 249/250, 10-25.
Park J.-O., and Kodaira S. (2012): Seismic reflection and bathymetric evidences for the Nankai earthquake rupture across a stable segment-boundary. Earth, Planets and Space, 64, 299-303.
Partin J.W., Jenson J.W., Banner J.L., Quinn T. M., Taylor F.W., Sinclair D., Hardt B., Lander M.A., Bell T., Miklavič B., Jocson J.M.U., and Taboroši D. (2012): Relationship between modern rainfall variability, cave dripwater, and stalagmite geochemistry in Guam, USA. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13, Q03013.
Sagawa T., Yokoyama Y., Ikehara M., and Kuwae M. (2012): Shoaling of the western equatorial Pacific thermocline during the last glacial maximum inferred from multispecies temperature reconstruction of planktonic foraminifera. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 346/347, 120-129.
Schlolaut G., Marshall M.H., Brauer A., Nakagawa T., Lamb H.M., Staff R.A Ramsey C.B., Bryant C.L., Brock F., Kossler A., Tarasov P.E., Yokoyama Y., Tada R., and Haraguchi T. (2012): An automated method for varve interpolation and its application to the Late Glacial chronology from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Quaternary Geochronology, 13, 52-69.
Seki A., Yokoyama Y., Suzuki A., Kawakubo Y., Okai T., Miyairi Y., Matsuzaki H., Namizaki N., and Kan H. (2012): Mid- Holocene sea-surface temperature reconstruction using fossil corals from Kume Island, Ryukyu, Japan. Geochemical Journal, 46, 27-32.
Shiau L.J., Chen M.T., Huh C.A., Yamamoto M., and Yokoyama Y. (2012): Insolation and cross-hemispheric controls on Australian monsoon variability over the past 180 ka: new evidence from offshore southeastern Papua New Guinea. Journal of Quaternary Science, 27, 911-920.
Simkins L., Simms A.R., Cruse A.M., Troiani T., Atekwana E.A., Puckette J., and Yokoyama Y. (2012): Correlation of early and mid-Holocene events using magnetic susceptibility in estuarine cores from bays along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 346/347, 95-107.
Takano Y., Tyler J.J., Kojima H., Yokoyama Y., Tanabe Y., Sato T., Ogawa N.O., Ohkouchi N., and Fukui M. (2012): Holocene lake development and glacial-isostatic uplift at Lake Skallen and Lake Oyako, Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica: based on biogeochemical facies and molecular signatures. Applied Geochemistry, 27, 2546-2559.
Tauxe L., Stickley C.E., Sugisaki S., Bijl P.K., Bohaty S.M., Brinkhuis H., Escutia C., Flores J.A., Houben A.J.P., Iwai M., Jiménez-Espejo F., McKay R., Passchier S., Pross J., Riesselman C.R., Röhl U., Sangiorgi F., Welsh K., Klaus A., Fehr A., Bendle A.P.J., Dunbar R., Gonzàlez J., Hayden T., Katsuki K., Olney M.P., Pekar S.F., Shrivastava P.K., van de Flierdt T., Williams T., and Yamane M. (2012): Chronostratigraphic framework for the IODP Expedition 318 cores from the Wilkes Land Margin: Constraints for paleoceanographic reconstruction. Paleoceanography, 27, PA2214.
Thomas A.L., Fujita K., Iryu Y., Bard E., Cabioch G., Camoin G., Cole J.E., Deschamps P., Durand N., Hamelin B., Heindel K., Henderson G.M., Mason A.J., Matsuda H., Ménabréaz L., Omori A., Quinn T., Sakai S., Sato T., Sugihara K., Takahashi Y., Thouveny N., Tudhope A.W., Webster J., Westphal H., and Yokoyama Y. (2012): Assessing subsidence rates and paleo water-depths for Tahiti reefs using U-Th chronology of altered corals. Marine Geology, 295, 86-94.
Yamaguchi A., Ujiie K., Nakai S., and Kimura G. (2012): Sources and physicochemical characteristics of fluids along a subduction-zone megathrust: A geochemical approach using syn-tectonic mineral veins in the Mugi mélange, Shimanto accretionary complex. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13, Q0AD24.
Yamamoto Y., Chiyonobu S., Kurihara T., Yamaguchi A., Hina S., Hamahashi M., Raimbourg H., Augier R., and Gadenne L. (2012): Unconformity between a Late Miocene-Pliocene accretionary prism (Nishizaki Formation) and Pliocene trench-slope sediments (Kagamigaura Formation), central Japan. Island Arc, 21, 231-234.
Yokoyama Y. (2012): Sea level changes and stability of ice sheets. Japan Geoscience Letters, 8, 6-8.(横山祐典 (2012): 氷床の安定性と海水準. Japan Geoscience Letters, 8, 6-8.)
Yokoyama Y., Okuno J., Miyairi Y., Obrochta S.P., Demboya N., Makino Y., and Kawahata H. (2012): Holocene sea-level change and Antarctic melting history derived from geological observations and geophysical modeling along the Shimokita Peninsula, northern Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L13502.
Yoshikawa S., Okino K., and Asada M. (2012): Geomorphological variations at hydrothermal sites in the southern Mariana Trough: Relationship between hydrothermal activity and topographic characteristics. Marine Geology, 303-306, 172-182.
Marine Ecosystem Dynamics
Buesseler K.O., Jayne S.R., Fisher N.S., Rypina I.I., Baumann H., Baumann Z., Breier C.F., Douglass E.M., George J., Macdonald A.M., Miyamoto H., Nishikawa J., Pike S.M., and Yoshida S. (2012): Fukushima-derived radionuclides in the ocean and biota off Japan. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109, 5984-5988.
Chow S., Niwa K., Okamoto S., Murauchi Y., Hirai R., Hibino M., Wakui K., Tomiyama T., Kobayashi Y., Toba M., and Kano Y. (2012): Genetic diversity in three local populations of the parasitic sea spider Nymphonella tapetis and taxonomic position of the species. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 54, 25-35.(張 成年・丹羽健太郎・岡本俊治・村内嘉樹・平井 玲・日比野 学・涌井邦浩・冨山 毅・小林 豊・鳥羽光晴・狩野泰則 (2012): カイヤドリウミグモNymphonella tapetis地域集団の遺伝的分化 と分類学的位置. 日本水産学会誌, 54, 25-35.)
Goto R., Kawakita A., Ishikawa H., Hamamura Y., and Kato M. (2012): Morecular phylogeny of the bivalve superfamily Galeommatoidea reveals the dynamic evolution of symbiotic lifestyle and interphylum host switching. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12, 172.
Hamasaki K. (2012): Complexity in biological light utilization: dynamics and phototrophy of microbial communities in the ocean. Iden, 66, 432-437.(浜崎恒二 (2012): 光エネルギーをめぐる複雑系:海洋における微生物群集の動態と光栄養. 遺伝, 66, 432-437.)
Kano Y., Kimura S., Kimura Y., and Warén A. (2012): Living Monoplacophora: morphological conservatism or recent diversification? Zoologica Scripta, 41, 471-488.
Kitahashi T., Kawamura K., Veit-Köhler G., Danovaro R., Tietjen J., Kojima S., and Shimanaga M. (2012): Assemblages of Harpacticoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) from the Ryukyu and Kuril Trenches, Northwest Pacific Ocean. Journal of Marine Biology Association of United Kingdom, 92, 275-286.
Kojima S., Murakami S., Nemoto S., Watanabe H., Miyake H., and Tsuchida S. (2012): Genetic diversity and population structure of a vestimentiferan annelid Lamellibrachia satsuma in Japanese and northern Mariana waters. Plankton and Benthos Research, 7, 146-150.
Lindsay D.J., Yoshida H., Uemura T., Yamamoto H., Ishibashi S., Nishikawa J., Reimer J.D., Beaman R.J., Fitzpatrick R., Fujikura K., and Maruyama T. (2012): The untethered remotely operated vehicle PICASSO-1 and its deployment from chartered dive vessels for deep sea surveys off Okinawa, Japan, and Osprey Reef, Coral Sea, Australia. Marine Technology Society Journal, 46, 20-32.
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Marine Bioscience
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Yada T., McCormick S.D., and Hyodo S. (2012): Effects of environmental salinity, biopsy, and GH and IGF-I administration on the expression of immune and osmoregulatory genes in the gills of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture, 362, 177-183.
Yamaguchi Y., Kaiya H., Konno N., Iwata E., Miyazato M., Uchiyama M., Bell J.D., Toop T., Donald J.A., Brenner S., Venkatesh B., and Hyodo S. (2012): The fifth neurohypophysial hormone receptor is structurally related to the V2-type receptor but functionally similar to V1-type receptors. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 178, 519-528.
Yamamoto T., Takahashi A., Oka N., Shirai M., Yamamoto M., Katsumata N., Sato K., Watanabe S., and Trathan P.N. (2012): Inter-colony differences in the incubation pattern of streaked shearwaters in relation to the local marine environment. Waterbirds, 35, 248-259.
Yoda K., Tajima T., Sasaki S., Sato K., and Niizuma Y. (2012): Influence of local wind conditions on the flight speed of the great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. International Journal of Zoology, 2012, 187102.
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Yuyama I., Ito Y., Watanabe T., Hidaka M., Suzuki Y., and Nishida M. (2012): Differential gene expression in juvenile polyps of the coral Acropora tenuis exposed to thermal and chemical stresses. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 430/431, 17-24.
Living Marine Resources
Hayakawa J., Kawamura T., Kurogi H., and Watanabe Y. (2012): Shelter effect of coralline algal turfs: protection for Turbo cornutus juveniles from predation by a p redatory gastropod and wrasse. Fisheries Science, 79, 15-22.
Hayakawa J., Kawamura T., Ohashi S., Ohtsuchi N., Kurogi H., and Watanabe Y. (2012): Predation by neogastropods on Turbo cornutus juveniles and other small. Fisheries Science, 78, 309-325.
Hiramatsu K. and Fukuwaka M. (2012): Parameter estimation of stock and recruitment relationship of Japanese common squid. Report of the 2011 Annual Meeting on Squid Resources, 30-36.(平松一彦・福若雅章 (2012): スルメイカの再生産関係パラメータの推定. スルメイカ資源評価協議会報告(平成23年度), 30-36.)
Ichimi K., Kawamura T., Yamamoto A., Tada K., and Harrison P.J. (2012): Extremely high growth rate of the small diatom Chaetoceros salsugineum isolated from an estuary in the eastern Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Journal of Phycology, 48, 1284-1288.
Itakura S., Nagasaki K., Kawamura T., and Imai I. (2012): Cryopreservation tolerance of Marine Diatom Resting Stage Cells in the Coastal Sea Bottom Sediments. Bulletin of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, 62, 15-19.(板倉 茂・長崎慶三・河村知彦・今井一郎 (2012): 沿岸域海底泥中に存在する珪藻類休眠期細胞の凍結耐性. 北海道大学水産科学研究彙報, 62, 15-19.)
Itoh S., Yasuda I., Yagi M., Osafune S., Kaneko H., Nishioka J., Nakatsuka T., Volkov Y.N., Tanaka Y., and Konda S. (2012): Turbulence in the Urup Strait and its influence on water mass formation. Kaiyo Monthly, 44, 432-440.(伊藤幸彦・安田一郎・八木雅宏・長船哲史・金子 仁・西岡 純・中塚 武・Volkov Y.N.・田中祐希・近田俊輔 (2012): ウルップ海峡の乱流強度と水塊形成への影響. 月刊海洋, 44, 432-440.)
Kato Y., Oshima M., Yamashita Y., Kitagawa T., and Kimura S. (2012): Effects of larval ontogeny, turbulence, and prey density on survival in red sea bream Pagrus major larvae. Coastal Marine Science, 35, 262-268.
Kawamura T. (2012): Is abalone a snail? Kouseisya Kouseikaku, Tokyo, 116pp.(河村知彦 (2012): アワビって巻貝? 磯の王者を大解剖. 恒星社厚生閣, 東京, 116pp.)
Kitagawa T. (2012): Maguro ha omoshiroi. Kodansha, Tokyo, 272pp.(北川貴士 (2012): マグロはおもしろい 美味のひみつ,生き様のなぞ. 講談社, 東京, 272pp.)
Kitagawa T. (2012): Migratory and behavioral ecology of Pacific bluefin tuna detected by electric devices. Kagaku, 82, 885-889.(北川貴士 (2012): クロマグロの回遊・行動生態の謎にせまる. 科学, 82, 885-889.)
Kitagawa T. (2012): Studies on migratory ecology of Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis. Kaiyo Monthly, 496, 70-78.(北川貴士 (2012): 回遊経路はどこまで解ったか. 月刊海洋, 496, 70-78.)
Nishida S. (2012): The larval life of spiny lobsters: inferences based on the function of various organs. In Jasus Spiny Lobsters - The Wonders of Their Lives and the Challenges to Farming Them, supervised by Kittaka J., edited by Hayakawa Y., Seibutsukenkyusha, Tokyo, 263-281.(西田周平 (2012): イセエビ科幼生の生活とさまざまな器官のはたらき. 「ミナミイセエビー驚くべき生態と増養殖への挑戦」(橘 高二郎 監修・早川康博 編), 生物研究社, 東京, 2 63-281.)
Okamoto M, Motomura H., Hoshino K., Yanagimoto T., and Saruwatari T. (2012): Occurrence and additional specimens of a Scorpionfish, Idiastion pacificum (Actinopterygii: Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae), from the Central North Pacific. Species Diversity, 17, 1-5.
Onitsuka T., Unuma T., and Kawamura T. (2012): Effects of diet and temperature on post-settlement growth and survival of the short-spined sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius. Aquaculture Research, 2012, 1-15.
Osafune S., and Yasuda I. (2012): Numerical study on the impact of the 18.6-year period nodal tidal cycle on watermasses in the subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, C05009.
Shirakihara M. and Shirakihara K. (2012): Bycatch of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in gillnet fisheries off Amakusa Shimoshima Island, Japan. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 12, 345-351.
Shirakihara M., Shirakihara K., Nishiyama M., Iida T., and Amano M. (2012): Long-distance movements of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) and habitat preference of two species of bottlenose dolphins in eastern Kyushu, Japan. Aquatic Mammals, 38, 145-152.
Takami H., Won N.-I., and Kawamura T. (2012): Ontogenetic habitat shift in ezo abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 78, 1213-1216.(高見秀輝・元 南一・河村知彦 (2012): エゾアワビの成長に伴う棲み場の変化. 日本水産学会誌, 78, 1213-1216.)
Takami H., Fukazawa H., Kawamura T., and Muraoka D. (2012): Effects of food quality and quantity on maturation and spawning of Ezo abalone Haliotis discus hannai. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 78, 1205-1207.(高見秀輝・深澤博達・河村知彦・村岡大祐 (2012): エゾアワビの成熟に及ぼす餌料の質・量の影響. 日本水産学会誌, 78, 1205-1207.)
Tanaka T., Yasuda I., Kuma K., and Nishioka J. (2012): Vertical turbulent iron flux sustains Green Belt along the shelf break in the southeastern Bering Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L08603.
Tanaka Y., Yasuda I., Hasumi H., Tatebe H., and Osafune S. (2012): Effects of 18.6-year modulation of tidal mixing on bidecadal climate variability in the North Pacific. Journal of Climate, 25, 7625-7642.
Watanabe Y. (2012): Sardines and Anchovies. Kouseisya Kouseikaku, Tokyo, 111pp.(渡邊良朗 (2012): イワシ―意外と知らないほんとの姿-. 恒星社厚生閣, 東京, 111pp.)
Watanabe Y. ( 2012): Fisheries and aquacultured epending on biological productivity of the sea. Ship & Ocean Newsletter, 296, 4-5.(渡邊良朗 (2012): 海の生産力に依存する水産業. Ship & Ocean Newsletter, 296, 4-5.)
Yagi M., and Yasuda I. (2012): Deep intense vertical mixing in the Bussol’ Strait. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L01602.
Yamane K., Shirai K., Nagakura Y., and Otake T. (2012): Assessing the usefulness of otolith elemental compositions for evaluating the population structure of the Pacific herring Clupea pallasii in northern Japan. Fisheries Science, 78, 295-307.
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Multiple Field Marine Science
Aoyama M., Tsumune D., Uematsu M., Kondo F., and Hamajima Y. (2012): Temporal variation of 134Cs and 137Cs activities in surface water at stations along coastal line near the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident site, Japan. Geochemical Journal, 46, 321-325.
Fujisawa N., Fukushima M., Yamamoto M., Iwai H., Komai T., Kawabe K., and Liu D. (2012): Structural alterations of humic acid fractions in a steel slag-compost fertilizer during fertilization. Analysis by pyrolysis/methylation-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 95, 126-133.
Fukushima M., Fujisawa N., Furubayashi K., Iwai H., Otsuka K., Yamamoto M., Komai T., Kawabe Y., and Horiya S. (2012): Structural features and Fe(II)-binding capacities of humic acids from reservoir sediments. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 45, 452-458.
Goto D., Kanazawa S., Nakajima T., and Takemura T. (2012): Evaluation of a relationship between aerosols and surface downward shortwave flux through an integrative analysis of modeling and observation. Atmospheric Environment, 49, 294-301.
Ichikawa H., Otobe H., Ono T., Kikuchi T., Kishi M., Suga T., Tanaka T., Tsunogai S., Hasegawa H., Fukushima T., Matsuzawa T., Matuno T., Michida Y., Yanagi T. (2012): Legal issues in oceanographic studie. In Umi ha meguru, edited by Oceanographic Society of Japan, Chijin Shokan, Tokyo, 181-200.(市川 洋・乙部弘隆・小埜恒夫・菊地知彦・岸 道郎・須賀利雄・田中恒夫・角皆静雄・長谷川 博・福島朋彦・松沢孝俊・松野 健・道田 豊・柳 哲雄 (2012): 法律はめぐる. 「海はめぐる人と生命を支える海の科学」(日本海洋学会 編), 地人書館, 東京, 181-200.)
Iwai H., Fukushima M., and Yamamoto M. (2012): Binding characteristics and dissociation kinetics for iron(II) complexes with seawater extractable organic matter and humic substances in a compost. Analytical Sciences, 28, 819-820.
Iwamoto Y. and Uematsu M. (2012): Spatial variations of particulate biogenic and crustal elements in surface waters of subarctic North Pacific and its marginal seas during summer. Kaiyo Monthly, 44, 422-427.(岩本洋子・植松光夫 (2012): 夏季の北太平洋亜寒帯域とその縁辺海表面水における懸濁粒子中の生物起源・地殻起源元素の濃度分布. 月刊海洋, 44, 422-427.)
Kanakidou M., Duce R.A., Prospero J.M., Baker A.R., Benitez-Nelson C., Dentener F.J., Hunter K.A., Liss P.S., Mahowald N., Okin G.S., Sarin M., Tsigaridis K., Uematsu M., Zamora L.M., and Zhu T. (2012): Atmospheric fluxes of organic N and P to the global ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26, GB3026.
Michida Y. (2012): Importance of oceanographic data and information management. Proceedings of new technology in hydrography, 26, 45-50.(道田 豊 (2012): 海洋情報の整備と管理の意義. 水路新技術講演集, 26, 45-50.)
Moffet R.C., Furutani H., Rödel T.C., Henn T.R., Sprau P.O., Laskin A., Uematsu M., and Gilles M.K. (2012): Iron speciation and mixing in single aerosol particles from the Asian continental outflow. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D07204.
Nagata T. (2012): Identification of nitrogen emission sources. In Nitrogen saturation in forests and watershed management, edited by Furumai H., Sakai K., and Kawakami T., Gihodoshuppan, Tokyo, 83-92.(永田 俊 (2012): 窒素の排出源の特定. 「森林の窒素飽和と流域管理」(古米弘明・酒井憲司・川上智規編), 技法堂出版, 東京, 83-92.)
Nagata T. (2012): Microbial loop. In Limnology of Global Warming, edited by Nagata T., Kumagai M., and Yoshiyama K., Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 140-145.(永田 俊 (2012): 微生物ループ. 「温暖化の湖沼学」(永田 俊・熊谷道夫・吉山浩平 編), 京都大学学術出版会, 京都, 140-145.)
Nagata T. (2012): Effects of warming on metabolic balances in ecosystems. In Limnology of Global Warming, edited by Nagata T., Kumagai M., and Yoshiyama K., Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 169-173.(永田 俊 (2012): 生態系代謝バランスに対する温度上昇の影響. 「温暖化の湖沼学」(永田 俊・熊谷道夫・吉山浩平 編), 京都大学学術出版会, 京都, 169-173.)
Nagata T. (2012): Autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter. In Limnology of Global Warming, edited by Nagata T., Kumagai M., and Yoshiyama K., Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 212.(永田 俊 (2012): 自生性有機物と他生性有機物. 「温暖化の湖沼学」(永田 俊・熊谷道夫・吉山浩平 編), 京都大学学術出版会, 京都, 212.)
Nagata T. and Ban S. (2012): Regeneration of nutrient salt. In Limnology of Global Warming, edited by Nagata T., Kumagai M., and Yoshiyama K., Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 146-150.(永田 俊・伴 修平 (2012): 栄養塩の再生. 「温暖化の湖沼学」(永田 俊・熊谷道夫・吉山浩平 編), 京都大学学術出版会, 京都, 146-150.)
Nagata T. and Yoshiyama K. (2012): Limnology of the warming era. In Limnology of Global Warming, edited by Nagata T., Kumagai M., and Yoshiyama K., Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 1-15.(永田 俊・吉山浩平 (2012): 温暖化時代の湖沼学.「温暖化の湖沼学」(永田 俊・熊谷道夫・吉山浩平 編), 京都大学学術出版会, 京都, 1-15.)
Nagata T. and Yoshiyama K. (2012): Future directions. In Limnology of Global Warming, edited by Nagata T., Kumagai M., and Yoshiyama K., Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 249-251.(永田 俊・吉山浩平 (2012): 今後の課題. 「温暖化の湖沼学」(永田 俊・熊谷道夫・吉山浩平 編), 京都大学学術出版会, 京都, 249-251.)
Nishida S., Fukuyo Y., Inoue K., Kawaguchi S., and Mtsuura K. (Eds.) (2012): Proceedings of the Horiba International Conference "New Direction of Ocean Research in the Western Pacific". Coastal Marine Science, 35, 1-254.
Nunoura T., Takaki Y., Kazama H., Hirai M., Ashi J., Imachi H., and Takai K. (2012): Microbial Diversity in Deep-sea Methane Seep Sediments Presented by SSU rRNA Gene Tag Sequencing. Microbes Enviroment, 27, 382-390.
Nurhayati N., and Nakajima T. (2012): A study of aerosol optical properties at the global GAW station Bukit Kototabang, Sumatra, Indonesia. Atmospheric Environment, 46, 597-606.
Ozaki H. and Iwasaki W. (2012): Overview of the ENCODE project. Cell Technology, 32, 101-106.(尾崎 遼・岩崎 渉 (2012): ENCODEプロジェクトで明らかになったこと. 細胞工学, 32, 101-106.)
Praneenararat T., Takagi T., and Iwasaki W. (2012): Integration of interactive, multi-scale network navigation approach with Cytoscape for functional genomics in the big data era. BMC Genomics, 13(Suppl. 7), S24.
Sato Y., Hachiya T., and Iwasaki W. (2012): Next-generation sequencing in aquatic biology: current status and future directions. Fish Genetics and Breeding Science, 41, 17-32.(佐藤行人・八谷剛史・岩崎 渉 (2012): 水圏生物学における次世代シーケンサー活用の現状と応用可能性への展望. 水産育種, 41, 17-32.)
Uno I., Itahashi S., Yamaji K., Takami A., Osada K., Yokouchi Y., Shimizu A., Kaneyasu N., Kajii Y., Kato S., Furutani H., and Uematsu M. (2012): Modeling studies of outflow of continental polluted air mass observed in Cape Hedo, Okinawa, during the W-PASS 2008 spring observation campaign. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment, 47, 195-204.(鵜野伊津志・板橋秀一・山地一代・高見昭憲・長田和雄・横内陽子・清水 厚・兼保直樹・梶井克純・加藤俊吾・植松光夫 (2012): 2008年W-PASS沖縄辺戸岬集中観測時の越境汚染の数値シミュレーションによる解析. 大気環境学会誌, 47, 195-204.)
von Glasow R., Jickells T.D., Baklanov A., Carmichael G.R., Church T.M., Gallardo L., Hughes C., Kanakidou M., Liss P.S., Mee L., Raine R., Ramachandran P., Ramesh R., Sundseth K., Tsunogai U., Uematsu M., and Zhu T. (2013, published online 2012): Megacities and large urban agglomerations in the coastal zone: interactions between atmosphere, land, and marine ecosystems. Ambio, 42, 13-28.
Yamada N., Fukuda F., Ogawa H., Saito H., and Suzumura M. (2012): Heterotrophic bacterial production and extracellular enzymatic activity in sinking particulate matter in the western North Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Microbiology, 3, doi:10.3389/fmicb.2012.00379.
Yamamoto M., Fukushima M., and Liu D. (2012): The effect of humic substances on iron elution in the method of restoration of seaweed beds using steelmaking slag. ISIJ international, 52, 1909-1913.
Yoshiyama K. and Nagata T. (2012): Indicators for warming effect assessement. In Limnology of Global Warming, edited by Nagata T., Kumagai M., and Yoshiyama K., Kyoto University Press, Kyoto, 242-249.(吉山浩平・永田 俊 (2012): 温暖化影響評価の汎用的な指標. 「温暖化の湖沼学」(永田 俊・熊谷道夫・吉山浩平 編), 京都大学学術出版会, 京都, 242-249.)
日本地球化学会(編) 蒲生俊敬・海老原充(監修) (2012): 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」. 朝倉書店, 東京, 479pp.
蒲生俊敬(2012):海水の物理化学的性質.「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 99.
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蒲生俊敬(2012):海底熱水活動.「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 111-112.
蒲生俊敬(2012):海洋表面のミクロレイヤー.「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 115.
蒲生俊敬(2012):海洋化学観測機器.「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 116-117.
蒲生俊敬(2012):海洋観測船・潜水船.「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 132.
永田 俊 (2012): 生態系. 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 126.
中山典子 (2012): 酸素極小層. 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 114.
小畑 元 (2012): 海水の年齢. 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 102.
小畑 元 (2012): 鉄仮説. 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 113.
小川浩史(2012): 溶存有機物. 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 120
沖野郷子 (2012): 海洋性地殻の形成と年代. 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 240-241.
佐野有司 (2012): 海洋の希ガスと同位体比. 「地球と宇宙の化学事典」(日本地球化学会 編), 朝倉書店, 東京, 56-57.
佐野有司 (2012): 希ガスの分析. 「分析化学便覧」(日本分析化学会 編), 丸善出版, 東京, 250-251.
小島茂明 (2012): 日本列島周辺の海洋生物. 「進化学事典」(日本進化学会 編), 共立出版, 東京, 500-502.
平松一彦 (2012): 資源管理の基礎概念. 「最新水産ハンドブック」(島一雄ほか 編), 講談社サイエンティフィク, 東京, 132-133.
北川貴士 (2012): バイオロギング調査による回遊の推定. 「最新水産ハンドブック」(關文威ほか 編), 講談社サイエンティフィク, 東京, 122-123.
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佐藤克文 (2012): 泳ぐ動物たち:浮力を使ってグライディングするペンギン. swim, 3月号, 55.
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佐藤克文 (2012): 教育熱心な母アザラシ. 日本の学童ほいく, 8月号, 6-7.
佐藤克文 (2012): 鳴き声で我が子を見分けるペンギン. 日本の学童ほいく, 9月号, 6-7.