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Publication Lists (Scientific Articles) 2009

Climate Science
Physical Oceanography
Chemical Oceanography
Ocean Floor Geoscience
Marine Ecosystem Dynamics
Marine Bioscience
Living Marine Resources
Multiple Field Marine Science

Climate Science

Abe O., Agata S., Morimoto M., Abe M., Yoshimura K., Hiyama T. and Yoshida N.: A 6.5-year continuous record of sea surfacesalinity and seawater isotopic composition at Harbor of Ishigaki Island, southwest Japan. Isotopes in Environmental andHealth Studies, 45, 247-258, 2009.

Akiyoshi H., Zhou L.B., Yamashita Y., Sakamoto K., Yoshiki M., Nagashima T., Takahashi M., Kurokawa J., Takigawa M. andImamura T.: A CCM simulation of the breakup of the Antarctic polar vortex in the years 1980-2004 under the CCMValscenarios. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D03103, 2009.

Aonashi K., Awaka J., Hirose M., Kozu T., Kubota T., Liu G., Shige S., Kida S., Seto S., Takahashi N. and Takayabu Y.N.: GSMaP passive microwave precipitation retrieval algorithm ─ Algorithm description and validation. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87A, 119-136, 2009.

Chen X., Hu B., Kimoto M. and Li W.: A numerical simulation study of influence of tropical instability waves on air-seainteraction. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 33, 145-154, 2009.

Chen X. and Kimoto M.: Simulating tropical instability waves in the equatorial eastern Pacific with a coupled circulation model. Advances in Atmospheric Science, 26, 1015-1026, 2009.

Collins W.D. and Satoh M.: Simulating Global Clouds, Past, Present, and Future. In: “Clouds in the Perturbed Climate System ─Their Relationship to Energy Balance, Atmospheric Dynamics, and Precipitation”, Heintzenberg J. and Charlson R.J. (eds.), The MIT Press, 469-486, 2009.

Frankenberg C., Yoshimura K., Warneke T., Aben I., Butz A., Deutscher N., Griffith D., Hase F., Notholt J., Schneider M., Schrijver H. and Rockmann T.: Dynamic processes governing lower-tropospheric HDO/H2O ratios as observed fromspace and ground. Science, 325, 1374-1377 , 2009.

Gribanov K.G., Imasu R. and Zakharov V.I.: Neural networks for CO2 profile retrieval from data of GOSAT/TANSO-FTS. Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics, 22, 890-895, 2009.

Hagos S., Zhang C., Tao W.-K., Lang S., Takayabu Y.N., Shige S., Katsumata M., Olson B. and L’Ecuyer T.: Estimates oftropical diabatic heating profiles: Commonalities and uncertainties. Journal of Climate, 23, 542-558, 2009.

Imada Y. and Kimoto M.: ENSO amplitude modulation related to Pacific decadal variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L03706, 2009.

今須良一: リモートセンシングによる水蒸気同位体の測定, 気象研究ノート, 220, 109-124, 2009.

Imasu R., Saitoh N., Shiomi K., Suto H., Kuze A. and Nakajima M.: Upper atmospheric CO2 concentration retrieved from thermalinfrared spectrum as observed using GOSAT TANSO-FTS (TIR) sensor. Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE 7474-20, 2009.

Inatsu M. and Kimoto M.: A scale interaction study on East Asian cyclogenesis using a general circulation model with aninteractively nested regional model. Monthly Weather Review, 137, 2851-2868, 2009.

Inoue M. and Takahashi M.: Connection between the Asian summer monsoon and stratosphere-troposphere circulation over the Asian region. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87, 119-138, 2009.

Ishii M. and Kimoto M.: Reevaluation of historical ocean heat content variations with an XBT depth bias correction. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 287-299, 2009.

Kawatani Y., Takahashi M., Sato K., Alexander S.P. and Tsuda T.: Global distribution of atmospheric waves in the equatorialupper troposphere and lower stratosphere: AGCM simulation of sources and propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D01102, 2009.

木本昌秀: 今後の数値予報への期待. 天気, 56, 908-913, 2009.

Kosaka Y., Nakamura H., Watanabe M. and Kimoto M.: Analysis on the dynamics of a wave-like teleconnection pattern alongthe summertime Asian jet based on a reanalysis dataset and climate model simulations. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87, 561-580, 2009.

Kozu T., Iguchi T., Kubota T., Yoshida N., Seto S., Kwiatkowski J. and Takayabu Y.N.: Feasibility of raindrop size distribution parameter estimation with TRMM precipitation radar, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87A, 53-66, 2009.

Kug J.-S., Ham Y.-G., Kimoto M., Jin F.-F. and Kang I.-S.: New approach for optimal perturbation method in ensemble climateprediction with empirical singular vector. Climate Dynamics, 35, 331-340, 2009.

Kurahashi-Nakamura T., Abe-Ouchi A. and Yamanaka Y.: Effects of physical changes in the ocean on the atmospheric pCO2: glacial-interglacial cycles. Climate Dynamics, 35, 713-719, 2009.

Kuroda T., Mevedev A.S., Hartogh P. and Takahashi M.: On forcing the winter polar warmings in the Martian middle atmosphere during dust storms. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87, 913-921, 2009.

Liu P., Satoh M., Wang B., Fudeyasu H., Nasuno T., Li T., Miura H., Taniguchi H., Masunaga H., Fu X. and Annamalai H.: An MJO simulated by the NICAM at 14-km and 7-km resolutions. Monthly Weather Review, 137, 3254-3268, 2009.

Meehl, G.A., Goddard L., Murphy J., Stouffer R.J., Boer G., Danabasoglu G., Dixon K., Giorgetta M.A., Greene A., Hawkins E., Hegerl G., Karoly D., Keenlyside N., Kimoto M., Kirtman B., Navarra A.,Miura H., Satoh M. and Katsumata M.: Spontaneous onset of a Madden-Julian oscillation event in a cloud-system-resolvingsimulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L13802, 2009.

Mukai M. and Nakajima T.: Potentiality of aerosols in changing the precipitation field in Asia. SOLA, 5, 97-100, 2009.

Murphy J., Kattsov V., Keenlyside N., Kimoto M., Meehl G.A., Mehta V., Pohlmann H., Scaife A. and Smith D.: Towardsprediction of decadal climate variability and change. A white paper for the decadal climate variability session of the WorldClimate Conference-3, 31 August-4 September 2009, Geneva, 2009.

中島映至(監修): 「気候科学の冒険者―温暖化を測るひとびと」, 技術評論社, 240pp, 2009.

中島映至: 球温暖化問題解決のために―知見と施策の分析、我々の取るべき行動の選択肢. 日本学術会議地球温暖化問題に関わる知見と施策に関する分析委員会対外報告書, 2009.

Nakajima T.Y., Higurashi A., Nakajima T., Fukuda S. and Katagiri S.: Development of cloud and aerosol retrieval algorithms for ADEOS-II/GLI mission. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 60-69, 2009.

中島映至・井上豊志郎(監訳), King M.D. et al. (編): 「変わりゆく地球―衛星写真にみる環境と温暖化」, 丸善, 384pp, 2009.

Nakajima T.Y., Masunaga H. and. Nakajima T.: Near-global scale retrieval of the optical and microphysical properties of cloudsfrom Midori-II GLI and AMSR data. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 29-39, 2009.

Nakajima T., Murakami H., Hori M., Nakajima T.Y., Yamamoto H., Ishizaka J., Tateishi R., Aoki T., Takamura T., Kuji M., NguyenD.D., Ono A., Fukuda S. and Muramatsu K.: Overview and science highlights of the ADEOS-II/GLI project. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 11-28, 2009.

Nakajima T.Y., Nakajima T., Yoshimori K., Mishra S.K. and Tripathi S.N.: Development of a light scattering solver applicable to particles of arbitrary shape on the basis of the surface integral equations method of Müller-type. I. Methodology, accuracy of calculation, and electromagnetic current on the particle surface. Applied Optics, 48, 3526-3536, 2009.

Nakajima T. and Schulz M.: What do we know about large-scale changes of aerosols, clouds, and the radiation budget? In: “Clouds in the Perturbed Climate System: Their Relationship to Energy Balance, Atmospheric Dynamics, and Precipitation”, Heintzenberg J. and Charlson R.J. (eds.), The MIT Press, 597pp, 2009.

中島映至・竹村俊彦: 新用語解説「放射強制力」. 天気, 56, 997-999, 2009.

Nakajima T. and Yamasoe M.: Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation (IRS2008). American Institute of Physics, Melville, NewYork, 2009.

中村 尚・遊馬芳雄・寺尾 徹・中島映至: 日本気象学会・日本学術会議IAMAS小委員会共同実施「若手研究者アンケート」第1次集計結果の分析, 天気, 56, 575-585, 2009.

Nasuno T., Miura H., Satoh M., Noda A.T. and Oouchi K.: Multi-scale organization of convection in a global numerical simulationof the December 2006 MJO event using explicit moist processes. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87, 335-345, 2009.

Niwano M., Hayashida S., Akiyoshi H. Takahashi M.: Seasonal cycles of Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II nearbackground aerosol in the lower stratosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D14306, 2009.

Noda A.T., Oouchi K., Satoh M., Tomita H., Iga S.-I. and Tsushima Y.: Importance of the subgrid-scale turbulent moist process ─cloud distribution in global cloud-resolving simulations. Atmospheric Research, 96, 208-217, 2009.

Ohgaito R. and Abe-Ouchi A.: The effect of sea surface temperature bias in the PMIP2 AOGCMs on mid-Holocene Asianmonsoon enhancement. Climate Dynamics, 33, 975-983, 2009.

O'hishi R. and Abe-Ouchi A.: Influence of dynamic vegetation change on climate change arising from increasing CO2. Climate Dynamics, 33, 645-663, 2009.

O'hishi R., Abe-Ouchi A., Prentice C. and Sitch S.: Vegetation dynamics and plant CO2 responses as positive feedbacks in agreenhouse world. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L11706, 2009.

Oouchi K., Noda A.T., Satoh M., Wang B., Xie S.-P., Takahashi H. and Yasunari T.: Asian summer monsoon simulated by aglobal cloud-system resolving model ─Diurnal to intra-seasonal variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L11815, 2009.

Oouchi K., Noda A.T., Satoh M., Miura H., Tomita H., Nasuno T. and Iga S.-I.: A simulated preconditioning of typhoon genesiscontrolled by a boreal summer Madden-Julian Oscillation event in a global cloud-resolving mode. SOLA, 5, 65-68, 2009.

Ota Y., Higurashi A., Nakajima T. and Yokota T.: Matrix formulations of radiative transfer including the polarization effect in acoupled atmosphere-ocean system. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 111, 878-894, 2009.

Otto-Bliesner B.L., Schneider R., Brady E.C., Kucera M., Abe-Ouchi A., Bard E., Braconnot P., Crucifix M., Hewitt C., KageyamaM., Marti O., Paul A., Rosell-Melé A., Waelbroeck C., Weber S.L., Weinelt M. and Yu Y.: A comparison of PMIP2 model simulations and the MARGO proxy reconstruction for tropical sea surface temperatures at last glacial maximum. Climate Dynamics, 32, 799-815, 2009.

Quaas J., Bony S., Collins W.D., Donner L., Illingworth A., Jones A., Lohmann U., Satoh M., Schwartz S.E., Tao W.-K. and Wood R.: Current understanding and quantification of clouds in the changing climate system and strategies for reducing critical uncertainties. In: “Clouds in the Perturbed Climate System: Their Relationship to Energy Balance, Atmospheric Dynamics, and Precipitation”, Heintzenberg J. and Charlson R.J. (eds.), The MIT Press, pp. 557-573, 2009.

Rojas M., Moreno P., Kageyama M., Crucifix M., Hewitt C., Abe-Ouchi A., Ohgatio R., Brady E.C. and Hope P.: The Southern Westerlies during the last glacial maximum in PMIP2 simulations. Climate Dynamics, 32, 525-548, 2009.

Saitoh N., Imasu R., Ota Y. and Niwa Y.: CO2 retrieval algorithm for the thermal infrared spectra of the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite: Potential of retrieving CO2 vertical profile from high-resolution FTS sensor. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D17305, 2009.

Sato K., Watanabe S. Kawatani Y. Tomikawa Y. Miyazaki K. and Takahashi M.: On the origins of mesospheric gravity waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L19801, 2009.

Sato N., Takahashi C., Seiki A., Yoneyama K., Shirooka R. and Takayabu Y.N.: An evaluation of the reproducibility of the Madden-Julian oscillation in the CMIP3 multi-models. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87, 791-805, 2009.

Sato T., Miura H., Satoh M., Takayabu Y.N. and Wang Y.: Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the tropics simulated by a globalcloud resolving model. Journal of Climate, 22, 4809-4826, 2009.

Sato Y., Nakajima T., Suzuki K. and Iguchi T.: A Monte-Carlo size integration approximation for collision and coagulation growthprocesses of hydrometeors in a bin-type model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D09215, 2009.

Satoh M., Matsuda Y.: Statistics on high-cloud areas and their sensitivities to cloud microphysics using single-cloud experiments. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 2659-2677, 2009.

Seiki A., Takayabu Y.N., Yoneyama K., Naoki S. and Yoshizaki M.: The oceanic Response to the Madden-Julian Oscillation and ENSO. SOLA, 5, 93-96, 2009.

Shige S., Takayabu Y.N., Kida S., Tao W.-K., Zeng X., Yokoyama C. and L’Ecuyer T.: Spectral retrieval of latent heating profilesfrom TRMM PR Data. Part IV: Comparisons of lookup tables from two- and three-dimensional cloud-resolving model simulations. Journal of Climate, 22, 5577-5594, 2009.

Shin S.-H., Kimoto M. and Ha K.-J.: Comparison of two different vertical diffusion schemes in amplitude and phase of the diurnal variation and its impact on a GCM. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L18706, 2009.

Shin S.-H., Kimoto M., Ha K.-J. and Yun K.-S.: Impact of different diffusion schemes on simulated rainfall: Land -Ocean contrast. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D13101, 2009.

Sugiura N., Awaji T., Masuda S., Toyoda T., Igarashi H., Ishikawa Y., Ishii M. and Kimoto M.: The potential for decadal predictability in the North Pacific region. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L20701, 2009.

Takamura T., Takenaka H., Cui Y., Nakajima T.Y., Higurashi A., Fukuda S., Kikuchi N., Nakajima T., Sato I. and Pinker R.T.: Aerosol and cloud validation system based on SKYNET observations: Estimation of shortwave radiation budget using ADEOS-II/GLI data. Journal of Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 29, 40-53, 2009.

Takayabu Y.N. and Masunaga H.: Clouds and precipitation: Extreme rainfall and rain from shallow clouds, In: “Clouds in thePerturbed Climate System: Their Relationship to Energy Balance, Atmospheric Dynamics, and Precipitation”, Heintzenberg J. and Charlson R.J. (eds.), The MIT Press, pp. 107-126, 2009.

Takayabu Y.N. and Hikosaka K.: A statistical analysis of oceanic rainfall characteristics in the Baiu season utilizing TRMM PR data, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87A, 341-354, 2009.

Takemura T., Egashira M., Matsuzawa K., Ichijo H., O'ishi R. and Abe-Ouchi A.: Global distribution and radiative forcing of soildust aerosols in the Last Glacial Maximum simulated by the aerosol climate model. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 9, 3061-3073, 2009.

Takigawa M., Niwano M. Akimoto H. Takahashi M. and Kobayashi K.: Projection of surface ozone over East Asia in 2020. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 65, 161-166, 2009.

Tao W.-K., Lang S., Zeng X., Shige S. and Takayabu Y.N.: Relating convective and stratiform rain to latent heating. Journal of Climate, 23, 1874-1893, 2009.

Terasaki K., Tanaka H.L. and Satoh M.: Characteristics of the Kinetic Energy Spectrum of NICAM model atmosphere. SOLA, 5, 180-183, 2009.

Urakawa L.S. and Hasumi H.: A remote effect of geothermal heat on the global thermohaline circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, C07016, 2009.

Urakawa L.S. and Hasumi H.: The energetics of global thermohaline circulation and its wind-enhancement. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 1715-1728, 2009.

Watanabe E. and Hasumi H.: Pacific water transport in the western Arctic Ocean simulated by an eddy-resolving coupled seaice-ocean model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 2194-2211, 2009.

Watanabe M.: Self-limiting feedback between baroclinic waves and a NAO-like sheared zonal flow. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L08803, 2009.

Watanabe M., S. Emori, M. Satoh, and H. Miura, 2009: A PDF-based hybrid prognostic cloud scheme for general circulationmodels. Climate Dynamics, 33, 795-816, 2009.

Watanabe S., Tomikawa Y., Sato K., Kawatani Y., Miyazaki K. and Takahashi M.: Simulation of the eastward 4-day wave in theAntarctic winter mesosphere using a gravity wave resolving general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D16111, 2009.

Yamamoto M. and Takahashi M.: Influences of Venus’topography on fully developed superrotation and near-surface flow. Earth, Planets and Space, 61, 45-48, 2009.

Yamamoto M. and Takahashi M.: Dynamical effects of solar heating below the cloud layer in a Venus-like atmosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, E12004, 2009.

Yokoi S. and Takayabu Y.N.: Multi-model projection of global warming impact on tropical cyclone genesis frequency over thewestern North Pacific. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87, 525-538, 2009.

Yokoi S., Takayabu Y.N. and Chan J.C.L.: Tropical cyclone genesis frequency over the western North Pacific simulated inmedium-resolution coupled general circulation models. Climate Dynamics, 33, 665-683, 2009.

吉森正和・阿部彩子: 気候感度の制約において第四紀研究の果たす役割と可能性について.第四紀研究, 48, 143-162, 2009.

Yoshimori M. and Broccoli A.J.: On the link between Hadley circulation changes and radiative feedback processes. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, L20703, 2009.

Yoshimori M., Yokohata T. and Abe-Ouchi A.: A comparison of climate feedback strength between CO2 doubling and LGM experiments. Journal of Climate, 22, 3374-3395, 2009.

芳村 圭: 気象・気候と水の安定同位体比との関わり. 気象研究ノート, 220, 1-14, 2009.

芳村 圭: 水同位体比のためのモデリングとモデルを用いた解析.気象研究ノート, 220, 79-108, 2009.

芳村 圭・一柳錦平: 東アジアにおける降水d-excess季節変動に関する再考察. 水文・水資源学会誌, 22, 262-276, 2009.

Yoshimura K. and Kanamitsu K.: Specification of external forcing for regional model integrations. Monthly Weather Review, 137, 1409-1421, 2009.

Physical Oceanography

Akitomo K., Tanaka K. and Kumagai M.: Annual cycle of circulations in Lake Biwa. Part 2: Mechanisms. Limnology, 10, 119-129, 2009.

Akitomo K., Tanaka K., Kumagai M. and Jiao C.: Annual cycle of circulations in Lake Biwa. Part 1: Model validation. Limnology, 10, 105-118, 2009.

Kato F. and Kawabe M.: Volume transport and distribution of deep circulation at 165°W in the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 56, 2077-2087, 2009.

川辺正樹: 海流と生命. 「海洋生命系のダイナミクス5 海と生命―「海の生命観」を求めて」, 塚本勝巳 (編), 東海大学出版会, pp. 52-68, 2009.

川辺正樹: 白鳳丸航海KH-08-3航程2の予備報告, 東京大学海洋研究所, 40pp, 2009.

Kawabe M., Fujio S., Yanagimoto D. and Tanaka K.: Water masses and currents of deep circulation southwest of the Shatsky Rise in the western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 56, 1675-1687, 2009.

Komaki K. and Kawabe M.: Deep-circulation current through the Main Gap of the Emperor Seamounts Chain in the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 56, 305-313, 2009.

Mashiko W., Niino H. and Kato T.: Numerical simulation of a tornadogenesis in a mini-supercell in an outer rainband of Typhoon Shanshan on 17 September 2006. Monthly Weather Review, 137, 4238-4260, 2009.

道田 豊・田中 潔・小松輝久・石神健二・中島理人: 海洋の収束・発散・拡散等による表層浮遊物の移動. 沿岸海洋研究, 46, 77-83, 2009.

Nakanishi M. and Niino H.: Development of an improved turbulence closure model for the atmospheric boundary layer. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 87, 895-912, 2009.

Oka E.: Seasonal and interannual variation of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water in 2003-2006. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 151-164, 2009.

Oka E., Toyama L. and Suga T.: Subduction of North Pacific central mode water associated with subsurface mesoscale eddy. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L08607, 2009.

岡 英太郎・遠山勝也・鋤柄千穂・嶋田啓資・吉田次郎・須賀利雄: アルゴと船舶観測による北太平洋亜熱帯モード水の新たな形成・循環像. 月刊海洋, 41, 676-682, 2009.

岡 英太郎・植原量行・鋤柄千穂・須賀利雄: 北太平洋亜熱帯モード水の物理・化学・生物過程. 月刊海洋, 41, 667, 2009.

Otobe H., Onishi H., Inada M., Michida Y. and Terazaki M.: Estimation of water circulation in Otsuchi Bay, Japan inferred from ADCP observations. Coastal Marine Science, 33, 78-86, 2009.

Tanaka K., Michida Y., Komatsu T. and Ishigami K.: Spreading of river water in Suruga Bay. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 165-177, 2009.

田中 潔・道田 豊・小松輝久・石神健二: 数値モデルから見た 駿河湾の流況―風と河川水流入への応答. 月刊海洋, 41, 63-73, 2009.

Ueno H., Freeland H.J., Crawford W.R., Onishi H., Oka E., Sato K. and Suga T.: Anticyclonic eddies in the Alaskan Stream. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39, 934-951, 2009.

Wada A., Niino H. and Nakano H.: Roles of vertical turbulent mixing in the ocean response to Typhoon Rex (1998). Journal of Oceanography, 65, 373-396, 2009.

Chemical Oceanography

Amakawa H., Sasaki K. and Ebihara M.: Nd isotopic composition in the central North Pacific. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 4705-4716, 2009.

蒲生俊敬: 海底熱水活動. 「ブリタニカ国際大百科事典」, ブリタニカ・ジャパン (編), ブリタニカ・ジャパン株式会社, pp. 1-8, 2009.

Hara Y., Obata H., Doi T., Hongo Y., Gamo T., Takeda S. and Tsuda A.: Rare earth elements in seawater during an iron-induced phytoplankton bloom of the western subarctic Pacific (SEEDS-II). Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2839-2851, 2009.

Hori M., Suzuki T., Monthum Y., Srisombat T., Tanaka Y., Nakaoka M. and Mukai H.: High seagrass diversity and canopy height increase the associated fish diversity and abundance. Marine Biology, 156, 1447-1458, 2009.

Ijiri A., Tsunogai U., Gamo T., Nakagawa F., Sakamoto T. and Saito S.: Enrichment of adsorbed methane in authigenic carbonate concretions of the Japan Trench. Geo-Marine Letters, 29, 301-308, 2009.

Kameyama S., Tanimoto H., Inomata S., Tsunogai U., Ooki A., Yokouchi Y., Takeda S., Obata H. and Uematsu M.: Equilibrator inlet-proton transfer reaction-mass spectrometry (EI-PTR-MS) for sensitive, high-resolution measurement of dimethyl sulfide dissolved in seawater. Analytical Chemistry, 81, 9021-9026, 2009.

Kobayashi Y., Kim C., Yoshimizu C., Kohzu A., Tayasu I. and Nagata T.: Longitudinal changes in bacterial community composition in river epilithic biofilms ―influence of nutrients and organic matter. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 54, 135-152, 2009.

Maki K., Kim C., Yoshimizu C., Tayasu I., Miyajima T. and Nagata T.: Autochthonous origin of semi-labile dissolved organic carbon in a large monomictic lake (Lake Biwa) ―Carbon stable isotopic evidence. Limnology, 11, 143-153, 2010 (published online 2009).

Miki T., Giuggioli L., Kobayashi Y., Nagata T. and Levin S.A.: Vertically structured prokaryotic community can control the efficiency of the biological pump in the oceans. Theoretical Ecology, 2, 199-216, 2009.

Miyajima T., Tsuboi Y., Tanaka Y. and Koike I.: Export of inorganic carbon from two Southeast Asian mangrove forests to adjacent estuaries as estimated by the stable isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, G01024, 2009.

Miyajima T., Yoshimizu C., Tsuboi Y., Tanaka Y., Tayasu I, Nagata T. and Koike I.: Longitudinal distribution of nitrateδ15N and δ18O in two contrasting tropical rivers -implications for instream nitrogen cycling. Biogeochemistry, 95, 243-260, 2009.

Motegi C. and Nagata T.: Addition of monomeric and polymeric organic substrates alleviates viral lytic pressure on bacterial communities in coastal seawaters. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 57, 343-350, 2009.

Motegi C., Nagata T., Miki T., Weinbauer M.G., Legendre L. and Rassoulzadegan F.: Viral control of bacterial growth efficiency in marine pelagic environments. Limnology and Oceanography, 54, 1901-1910, 2009.

永田 俊: 海のなかのミクロな環. 「海洋生 命系のダイナミクス5 海と生命―「海の生命観」を求めて」, 塚本勝巳 (編), 東海大学出版会, pp. 306-322, 2009.

Ozaki H., Obata H., Naganobu M. and Gamo T.: Long-term bottom water warming in the North Ross Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 235-244, 2009.

Saito T., Kawamura K., Tsunogai U., Chen T.-Y., Matzueda H., Nakatsuka T., Gamo T., Uematsu M. and Huebert. B.J: Photochemical histories of non-methane hydrocarbons inferred from their stable carbon isotope ratio measurements over East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, D11303, 2009.

Sano Y., Kameda A., Takahata N., Yamamoto J. and Nakajima J.: Tracing extinct spreading center in SW Japan by helium-3 emanation. Chemical Geology, 266, 50-56, 2009.

Sano Y., Tokutake T., Takahata N., Shirai K., Fujio S. and Tanaka K.: Distribution of 3He plume and deep-sea circulation in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, A1153, 2009.

Sugimoto R., Kasai A., Miyajima T. and Fujita K.: Nitrogen isotope ratios of nitrate as a clue to the origin of nitrogen on the Pacific coast of Japan. Continental Shelf Research, 29, 1303-1309, 2009.

Sugimoto R., Kasai A., Miyajima T. and Fujita K.: Transport of oceanic nitrate from the continental shelf to the coastal basin in relation to the path of the Kuroshio. Continental Shelf Research, 29, 1678-1688, 2009.

Sugimoto R., Kasai A., Miyajima T. and Fujita K: Controlling factors of seasonal variation in the nitrogen isotope ratio of nitrate in a eutrophic coastal environment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 85, 231-240, 2009.

Sugimoto R., Kasai A., Miyajima T. and Fujita K.: Modeling phytoplankton production in Ise Bay, Japan ―use of nitrogen isotopes to identify dissolved inorganic nitrogen sources. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 86, 450-466, 2010 (published online 2009.)

Tanaka Y., Miyajima T. and Ogawa H.: Bacterial degradability of dissolved organic carbon in coral mucus. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 7-11 July 2008 Session number 19, 945-949, 2009.

田中泰章・宮島利宏・小川浩史・林原 毅・小池勲夫: 栄養塩負荷に対する石灰化応 答機構の解明.月刊地球, 号外 59, 34-38, 2009.

Tanaka Y., Miyajima T., Umezawa Y., Hayashibara T., Ogawa H. and Koike I.: Net release of dissolved organic matter by the scleractinian coral Acropora pulchra. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 377, 101-106, 2009.

Yamamoto J., Nishimura K., Sugimoto T., Takemura K., Takahata N. and Sano Y.: Diffusive fractionation of noble gases in mantle with magma channels: Origin of low He/Ar in mantle-derived rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 280, 167-174, 2009.

Ocean Floor Geoscience

芦 寿一郎・川村喜一郎・木下正高: 南海付加体の海底観察・観測. 「付加体と巨大地震発生帯,南海地震の解明に向けて」, 木村 学・木下正高 (編),東京大学出版会, pp. 65-122, 2009.

Catto N.R., Yim W.W.-S., Antonioli F. and Yokoyama Y.: Continental shelves, including contributions from the 17 th INQUA Congress, Cairns. Quaternary International, 206, 1-2, 2009.

Chang. Y.-P., Chen M.-T., Yokoyama Y., Matsuzaki H., Thompson W.G., Kao S.-J. and Kawahata H.: Monsoon hydrography and productivity changes in the East China Sea during the past 100,000 years ―Okinawa Trough evidence (MD012404). Paleoceanography, 24, PA3208, 2009.

DeDeckker P. and Yokoyama Y.: Micropalaeontolobical evidence for Late Quaternary sea-level changes in Bonaparte Gulf, Australia. Global and Planetary Change, 66, 85-92, 2009.

Felis T., Suzuki A., Kuhnert H., Dima M., Lohmann G. and Kawahata H.: Subtropical coral reveals abrupt early 20th century freshening in the western North Pacific Ocean. Geology, 37, 527-530, 2009.

Imanishi Y.: High-frequency parasitic modes of superconducting gravimeters. Journal of Geodesy, 83, 455-467, 2009.

Imanishi Y., Tamura Y., Ikeda H. and Okubo S.: Permanent gravity changes recorded on superconducting gravimeters fromearthquakes in central Japan ―The Noto Hantou and Niigataken Chuetsu-oki events in 2007. Journal of Geodynamics, 48, 260-268, 2009.

井龍康文・川幡穂高・黒田潤一郎・西 弘嗣・横山祐典・大河内直彦: 地球表層環境―古環境から未来環境へ,現状を生き抜くために. 月刊地球, 32, 112-119, 2009.

Ishizaki Y., Ohkushi K., Ito T. and Kawahata H.: Abrupt changes of intermediate-water oxygenation in the northwestern Pacific during the last 27 kyr. Geo-Marine Letters, 29, 125-131, 2009.

Isono D., Yamamoto M., Irino T., Oba T., Murayama M., Nakamura T. and Kawahata H.: The 1,500-year climate oscillation in themid-latitude North Pacific during the Holocene. Geology, 37, 591-594, 2009.

川幡穂高: 縄文時代の環境,その1―縄文人の生活と気候変動.地質ニュース,659, 11-20, 2009.

川幡穂高・蓑島佳代: 海底のコアサンプルが解き明かす三陸沖大漁場の歴史.「海洋生命系のダイナミクス5 海と生命―「海の生命観」を求めて」, 塚本勝巳 (編), 東海大学出版会, pp. 13-30, 2009.

川幡穂高・蓑島佳代: 風送塵の地球環境に与える影響―氷期・間氷期,完新世,現代. 第四紀研究,49,163-178,2009.

Kawahata H., Minoshima K., Ishizaki Y., Yamaoka K., Gupta L.P., Nagao M. and Kuroyanagi A.: Comparison of settling particles and sediments at IMAGES coring site in the northwestern North Pacific ―effect of resuspended particles on paleorecords―. Sedimentary Geology, 222, 254-262, 2009.

川幡穂高・鈴木 淳: 石灰化による海洋酸性化効果―サンゴ礁における負のフィードバック機構.月刊地球, 362, 584-587,2009.

Kim Y.-M., Lee S.-M. and Okino K.: Comparison of gravity anomaly between mature and immature intra-oceanic subduction zones in the western Pacific. Tectonophysics, 474, 657-673, 2009.

北田幸男・川幡穂高・ 鈴木 淳・大森 保: 危険化学物質による環境汚染,その5―琉球列島サンゴ礁および隣接地域の農薬汚染.地質ニュース,656,39-44, 2009.

Kuroyanagi A., Kawahata H., Suzuki A., Fujita K. and Irie T.: Impacts of ocean acidification on large benthic foraminifers: Resultsfrom laboratory experiments. Marine Micropaleontology, 73, 190-195, 2009.

Mishima M., Kawahata H., Suzuki A., Inoue M., Okai T. and Omura A.: Reconstruction of Paleoenvironment at 16 ka in the last glacial period by Faviidae coral collected from Ryukyus, southwestern Japan. Journal of Quaternary Science, 24, 928-936, 2009.

Miyahara H., Yokoyama Y., Yamaguchi Y.T.: Influence of the Schwabe/Hale solar cycles on climate change during the Maunder Minimum, Solar and Stellar Variability ―Impact on Earth and Planets. Proceedings IAU Symposium, 264, 59-63, 2009.

Moore G.F., Park. J.-O., Bangs N.L., Gulick. S.P., Tobin H.J., Nakamura Y., Sato S., Tsuji T., Yoro T., Tanaka H., Uraki S., KidoY., Sanada Y., Kuramoto S. and Taira A.: Structural and seismic stratigraphic framework of the NanTroSEIZE Stage 1 transect. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Dorilling Program, 314/315/316, 2009.

Morishita T., Hara K., Nakamura K., Sawaguchi T., Tamura A., Arai S., Okino K., Takai K. and Kumagai H.: Igneous, alteration, and exhumation processes recorded in abyssal peridotites and related fault rocks from an oceanic core complex alongthe Central Indian Ridge. Journal of Petrology, 50, 1299-1325, 2009.

Nakamura K., Morishita T., Bach W., Klein F., Hara K., Okino K., Takai K. and Kumagai H.: Serpentinized troctolites exposednear the Kairei Hydrothermal Field, Central Indian Ridge: Insights into the origin of the Kairei hydrothermal fluidsupporting a unique microbial ecosystem. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 280, 128-136, 2009.

Nakazawa T., Ueno K., Kawahata H., Fujikawa M. and Kashiwagi K.: Facies stacking patterns in high-frequency sequences influenced by long-term sea-level change on a Permian Panthalassan oceanic atoll ―An example from the Akiyoshi Limestone, SW Japan. Sedimentary Geology, 214, 35-48, 2009.

Okino K., Ohara Y., Fujiwara T., Lee S.-M., Koizumi K., Nakamura Y. and Wu S.: Tectonics of the southern tip of the Parece Vela Basin, Philippine Sea Plate. Tectonophysics, 466, 213-228, 2009.

Park. J.-O., Hori T. and Kaneda Y.: Seismotectonic implications of the Kyushu-Palau ridge subducting beneath the westernmost Nankai forearc. Earth, Planets and Space, 61, 1013-1018, 2009.

Sato T., Okino K. and Kumagai H.: Magnetic structure of an oceanic core complex at the southernmost Central Indian Ridge ―Analysis of shipboard and deep-sea three-component magnetometer data. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 10, Q06003, 2009.

Simms A.R., Aryal N., Yokoyama Y., Matsuzaki H. and Dewitt R.: Insights on a proposed mid-Holocene highstand along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico from the evolution of small coastal ponds. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 79, 757-772, 2009.

Strasser M., Moore F.G., Kimura G., Kitamura Y., Kopf A.J., Lallemant S., Park J.-O., Screaton J.E., Su X., Underwood B.M. and Zhao X.: Origin and evolution of a splay fault in the Nankai accretionary wedge. Nature Geoscience, 2, 648-652, 2009.

鈴木 淳・遠藤一佳・川幡穂高: バイオミネラリゼーションと石灰化―遺伝子から地球環境まで. 月刊地球, 362, 581-583, 2009.

鈴木 淳・角田友明・川幡穂高: サンゴ骨格気候学―石垣島のサンゴ記録に見られる冬期モンスーン変動とレジームシフト. 月刊地球, 362, 599-603, 2009.

Takashima R., Nishi H., Hayashi K., Okada H., Kawahata H., Yamanaka T. and Mampuku M.: Litho-, bio- and chemostratigraphy across the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (OAE 2) in the Vocontian Basin of southeastern France. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 273, 61-74, 2009.

Takeuchi M., Kawahata H., Gupta L.P., Itouga M., Sakakibara H., Ohta H., Komai T. and Ono Y.: Chemistry of fly ash andcyclone ash leachate from waste materials and effects of ash leachates on bacterial growth, nitrogen-transformation activity, and metal accumulation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 165, 967-973, 2009.

Thomas A.L., Henderson G.M., Deschamps P., Yokoyama Y., Mason A.J., Bard E., Hamelin B., Durand N. and Camoin G.: Penultimate deglacial sea level timing from uranium/thorium dating of Tahitian corals. Science, 324, 1186-1189, 2009.

Tobin H., Kinoshita M., Ashi J., Lallemant S., Kimura G., Screaton E., Thu M.-K., Masago H., Curewitz D. and IODP Expeditions314/315/316 Scientific Party: NanTroSEIZE Stage 1 expeditions 314, 315, and 316 ―First drilling program of the Nankai Trough seismogenic zone experiments. Scientific Drilling, 8, 4-17 , 2009.

Tsuji T., Park J.-O., Moore G., Kodaira S., Fukao Y., Kuramoto S. and Bangs N.: Intraoceanic thrusts in the Nankai Trough offthe Kii Peninsula ―Implications for intraplate earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L06303, 2009.

Uraki S., Kido Y., Sanada Y., Kuramoto S., Okano T., Saga H. Park J.-O., Moore G.F. and Taira A.: Kumano-nada 3D seismicdata acquisition and processing. Geophysical Exploration (BUTSURI-TANSA), 62, 277-288, 2009.

山口保彦・力石嘉人・横山祐典・大河内直彦: アミノ酸(エトキシカルボニル/エチルエステル誘導体)のGC/MSによる解析. Researches in Organic Geochemistry, 25, 71-83, 2009.

Marine Ecosystem Dynamics

Adachi T., Hagihara S., Itoh M., Shinohara G., Hayashi I. and Kojima S.: Genetic population structure and morphological characters of Japanese psychrolutids of genus Malacocottus (Scorpaeniformes: Psychrolutidae). Ichyological Research, 56, 323-329, 2009.

Baki M.A., Motegi C., Shibata A., Fukuda H., Shimode S. and Kikuchi T.: Temporal changes in chlorophyll a concentrations, bacterial, viral and heterotrophic nanoflagellate abundance in the coastal zone of Sagami Bay, Japan ―implications of bottom-up and top-down effects. Coastal Marine Science, 33, 29-38, 2009.

Chiura, H.X., Uchiyama N., Kogure K: Broad-host range gene transporter particles produced by Aliivibrio fischeri. Microbes and Environments, 24, 322-329. 2009.

藤倉克則・西田周平・白山義久: 海洋生物のセンサス. 日本プランクトン学会報, 56, 131-135, 2009.

Higgins J.L., Kudo I., Nishioka J., Tsuda A. and Whilhelm S.W.: The response of the virus community to the SEEDS II mesoscale iron fertilization. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2788-2795, 2009.

Iwamoto Y., Narita Y., Tsuda A. and Uematsu M.: Single particle analysis of oceanic suspended matter during the SEEDS II iron fertilization experiment. Marine Chemistry, 113, 212-218, 2009.

Kameyama S., Tsunogai U., Nakagawa F., Sasakawa M., Komatsu D.D., Ijiri A., Yamaguchi J., Horiguchi T., Kawamura H., Yamaguchi A. and Tsuda A.: Enrichment of alkanes within a phytoplankton bloom during an in situ iron enrichment experiment in the western subarctic Pacific. Marine Chemistry, 115, 92-101, 2009.

Kamiyama T., Yamauchi H., Iwai T. and Hamasaki K.: Seasonal variations in abundance and biomass of picoplankton in an oyster farming area of northern Japan. Plankton and Benthos Research, 4, 62-71, 2009.

Kataoka T., Suzuki K., Hayakawa M., Kudo I., Higashi S. and Tsuda A.: Temporal changes in community composition of heterotrophic bacteria during in situ iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific (SEEDS-II). Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2779-2787, 2009.

Kodama Y. and Kojima S.: The population history of the deep-sea demersal fish Bothrocara hollandi in the Japan Sea revealed by tandem repeat units in the mitochondrial non-coding region. Plankton and Benthos Research, 4, 115-119, 2009.

木暮一啓:高熱菌再考. 「海洋生命系のダイナミクス5 海と生命―「海の生命観」を求めて」, 塚本勝巳 (編), 東海大学出版会,pp.262-277, 2009.

小島茂明: 日本沿岸における底生動物の分散と遺伝的分化. 「海洋生命系のダイナミクス5 海と生命―「海の生命観」を求めて」, 塚本勝巳 (編), 東海大学出版会,pp. 141-154, 2009.

Kojima S., Moku M. and Kawaguchi K.: Genetic diversity and population structure of three dominant myctophid fishes (Diaphus theta, Stenobrachius leucopsarus, and S. nannochir) in the North Pacific Ocean. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 187-193, 2009.

小島茂明・渡部裕美・藤倉克則: 化学合成生物群集の進化生態に基づく熱水活動史の推定. 地学雑誌, 118, 1174-1185, 2009.

Lizotte M., Levasseur M., Ku I., Suzuki K., Tsuda A., Kiene R.P. and Scarratt M.G.: Iron-induced alterations of bacterial DMSP metabolism in the western subarctic Pacific during SEEDS-II. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2889-2898, 2009.

Machida R.J., Hashiguchi Y., Nishida M. and Nishida S.: Zooplankton diversity analysis through single-gene sequencing of a community sample. BMC Genomics, 10, 438, 2009.

Morimoto A., Takikawa T., Onitsuka G., Watanabe A., Moku M. and Yanagi T.: Seasonal variation of horizontal material transport through the eastern channel of the Tsushima Straits. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 61-71, 2009.

西田周平: 深海生態系:動物プランクトンの多様性と食物網. 「海洋生命系のダイナミクス5 海と生命―「海の生命観」を求めて」, 塚本勝巳 (編), 東海大学出版会, pp. 338-363, 2009.

西田周平・藤倉克則・白山義久: Census of Marine Lifeの成果と展望―海洋生物多様性情報の総合化に向けて. 日本プランクトン学会報, 56, 129-130, 2009.

西田周平・Lindsay D.J.・町田龍二: 全海洋動物プランクトンセンサス(Census of Marine Zooplankton: CMarZ)の成果と展望. 日本プランクトン学会報, 56, 139-144, 2009.

西川 淳・Ngyen Thi Thu・Fatimah Mohd-Yusoff・Dhugal J. Lindsay・Mulyadi・Nova Mujiono・大塚 攻・西田周平: 東南アジア,特にベトナム,インドネシア,マレーシアにおけるクラゲ漁業. 月刊海洋, 41, 401-411, 2009.

Ohtsuka S., Koike K., Lindsay D., Nishikawa J., Miyake H., Kawahara M., Mulyadi Mujiono M., Hiromi J. and Komatsu H.: Symbionts of marine medusae and ctenophores ―a brief review. Plankton and Benthos Research, 4, 1-13, 2009.

大塚 攻・谷村 篤・町田龍二・西田周平: 浮遊性カイアシ類の両極および反赤道分布について. 化石, 85, 6-13, 2009.

Onitsuka G., Morimoto A., Takikawa T., Watanabe A., Moku M., Yoshikawa Y. and Yanagi T.: Enhanced chlorophyll associated with island-induced cyclonic eddies in the eastern channel of the Tsushima Straits. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 81, 401-408, 2009.

Sawabe T., Koizumi S., Fukui Y., Nakagawa S., Ivanova E.P., Kita-Tsukamoto K., Kogure K., Thompson F.L.: Mutation is the main driving force in the diversification of the Vibrio splendidus clade. Microbes and Environments, 24. 281-285. 2009.

Shimode S., Hiroe Y., Hidaka K., Takahashi K. and Tsuda A.: Life history and ontogenetic vertical migration of Neocalanus gracilis (Dana) in the western North Pacific. Aquatic Biology, 7, 295-306, 2009.

Suzuki K., Saito H., Isada T., Hattori A., Kiyosawa H., Nishioka J., McKay R.M.L., Kuwata A. and Tsuda A.: Community structure and photosynthetic physiology of phytoplankton in the northwest subarctic Pacific during an in situ iron fertilization experiment (SEEDS II). Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2733-2744, 2009.

Tada Y., Taniguchi A. and Hamasaki K.: Phylotype-specific productivity of marine bacterial populations in eutrophic seawater, as revealed by bromodeoxyuridine immunocytochemistry combined with fluorescence in situ hybridization. Microbes and Environments, 24, 315-321, 2009.

Takagi K., Yatsu A., Itoh H., Moku M. and Nishida H.: Comparison of feeding habits of myctophid fishes and juvenile small epipelagic fishes in the western North Pacific. Marine Biology, 156, 641-659, 2009.

津田 敦: 水圏生態系. 「水圏生物科学入門」, 会田勝美 (編), 恒星社厚生閣,pp. 34-48, 2009.

津田 敦: 海洋鉄散布と地球環境. 「鉄137億年の宇宙誌」, 宮本英明・橘 省吾 (編), 東京大学総合研究博物館,pp. 103-108, 2009.

Tsuda A., Saito H., Machida R.J. and Shimode S.: Meso- and microzooplankton responses to an in situ iron fertilization experiment (SEEDS-II) in the northwest subarctic Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2767-2778, 2009.

Tsumune D., Nishioka J., Shimamoto A., Watanabe Y.W., Aramaki T., Nojiri Y., Takeda S., Tsuda A. and Tsubono T.: Physical behaviors of iron fertilized patch in SEEDS II. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2948-2957, 2009.

渡部裕美・小島茂明: 熱水噴出域固有動物群の分散と種分化.「海洋生命系のダイナミクス1 海洋の生命史―生命は海洋でどう進化したか」, 西田 睦 (編), 東海大学出版会,pp. 244-260, 2009.

Yoshida N., Nishimura M., Inoue K., Yoshizawa S., Kamiya E., Taniguchi A., Hamasaki K. and Kogure K.: Analysis of nanoplankton community structure using flow sorting and molecular techniques. Microbes and Environments, 24, 297-304, 2009.

Yoshizawa S., Wada M., Kita-Tsukamoto K., Yokota A. and Kogure K.: Photobacterium aquimaris sp. nov., luminous marine bacteria isolated from seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 59, 1438-1442, 2009.

Yoshizawa S., Wada M., Kita-Tsukamoto K., Yokota A. and Kogure K.: Vibrio azureus sp. nov, a luminous marine bacterium isolated from seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 59, 1645-1649, 2009.

Marine Bioscience

Aoyama J.: Spawning areas of anguillid eels in the world. In: “Eels at the Edge, 58”, Casselman J. and Cairns D. (eds.), American Fisheries Society, pp. 847-849, 2009.

Aoyama J.: Life history and evolution of migration in catadromous eels (Genus Anguilla). Aqua-BioScience Monograph, 2, 1-42, 2009.

青山 潤: ウナギの系統と大回遊の謎. 「海洋生命系のダイナミクス1 海洋の生命史―生命は海洋でどう進化したか」, 西田 睦 (編), 東海大学出版会,pp. 341-358, 2009.

Boisnier E., Sagawa T., Komatsu T., Takagi N., Katayama M. and Katayama T.: A habitat association index to distinguish resident species. Community Ecology, 10, 165-172, 2009.

Chow S., Kurogi H., Mochioka N., Kaji S., Okazaki M. and Tsukamoto K.: Discovery of mature freshwater eels in the open ocean. Fisheries Science, 75, 257-259, 2009.

Filippi B., Komatsu T. and Tanaka K.: Simulation of drifting seaweeds in East China Sea. Ecological Informatics, 5, 67-72, 2010 (published online 2009).

Fukuda N., Kuroki M., Shinoda A., Yamada Y., Okamura A., Aoyama J. and Tsukamoto K.: Influence of water temperature and feeding regime on otolith growth in Anguilla japonica glass eels and elvers ―does otolith growth cease at low temperatures? Journal of Fish Biology, 74, 1915-1933, 2009.

Gagnaire P.A., Minegishi Y., Aoyama J., Réveillac E., Robinet T., Bosc P., Tsukamoto K., Feunteun E. and Berrebe P.: Ocean currents drive secondary contact between Anguilla marmorata populations in the Indian Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 379, 267-278, 2009.

Hanashima A., Kubokawa K. and Kimura S.: Structure of the amphioxus nebulin gene and evolution of the nebulin family genes. Gene, 443, 76-82, 2009.

Hanashima A., Kubokawa K. and Kimura S.: Characterization of amphioxus nebulin and similarity to the human nebulin. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212, 668-672, 2009.

Hashiguchi Y. and Nishida M.: Screening the V2R-type putative odorant receptor gene repertoire in bitterling Tanakia lanceolata. Gene, 441, 74-79, 2009.

兵藤 晋・角村佳吾・高部宗一郎・山口陽子: オーストラリア・ハワイとの共同研究をとおした新たな軟骨魚類研究の推進. 月刊海洋, 号外52, 149-158, 2009.

Iida M., Watabane S. and Tsukamoto K.: Life history traits of the temperate amphidromous goby Sicyopterus japonicus and its relatives, compared with other amphidromous fishes. In: “Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment, 69”, Haro A. et al. (eds.), American Fisheries Society, pp. 355-373, 2009.

Inoue J.G., Kumazawa Y., Miya M. and Nishida M.: The historical biogeography of the freshwater knifefishes using mitogenomic approaches: A Mesozoic origin of the Asian notopterids (Actinopterygii: Osteoglossomorpha). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 51, 486-499, 2009.

石崎大介・大竹二雄・佐藤達也・淀 大我・吉岡 基・柏木正章: 耳石微量元素分析を用いた三重県加茂川におけるウグイの回遊履歴の推定. 日本水産学会誌, 75, 419-424, 2009.

Johnson G.D., Paxton J.R., Sutton T.T., Satoh T.P., Sado T., Nishida M. and Miya M.: Deep-sea mystery solved: astonishing larval transformations and extreme sexual dimorphism unite three fish families. Biology Letters, 5, 235-239, 2009.

Kakioka R., Watanabe K., Takeshima H. and Nishida M.: Isolation and characterization of 12 microsatellite loci for crossspecies amplification in the cyprinid gudgeons Squalidus chankaensis and S. japonicus. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9, 1141-1144, 2009.

Kakumura K., Watanabe S., Bell J.D., Donald J.A., Toop T., Kaneko T. and Hyodo S.: Multiple urea transporter proteins in the kidney of holocephalan elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B, 154, 239-247, 2009.

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Kawaguchi M., Fujita H., Yoshizaki N., Hiroi J., Okouchi H., Nagakura Y., Noda T., Watanabe S., Katayama S., Iwamuro S., Nishida M., Iuchi I. and Yasumasu S.: Different hatching strategies in embryos of two species, pacific herring Clupea pallasii and Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus, that belong to the same order Clupeiformes, and their environmental adaptation. Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part B: Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 312B, 95-107, 2009.

Kawahara R., Miya M., Mabuchi K., Near T.J. and Nishida M.: Stickleback phylogenies resolved: Evidence from mitochondrial genomes and 11 nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 50, 401-404, 2009.

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Miller M.J., Kimura S., Friedland K.D., Knights B., Kim H., Jellyman D.J. and Tsukamoto K.: Review of ocean-atmospheric factors in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans influencing spawning and recruitment of anguillid eels. In: “Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment. American Fisheries Society, Symposium, 69”, Haro, A., Smith K.L., Rulifson R.A., Moffitt C.M., Klauda R.J., Dadswell M.J., Cunjak R.A., Cooper J.E., Beal K.L. and Avery T.S. (eds.), American Fisheries Society, pp. 231-249, 2009.

Miller M.J., Powell J. and Tsukamoto K.: Observation of a large metamorphosing leptocephalus in coral reef habitat of Sangeang Island, Indonesia. Zoological Studies, 48, 107, 2009.

Minegishi Y., Aoyama J., Inoue J.G., Azanza R.V. and Tsukamoto K.: Inter- specific and subspecific genetic divergences of freshwater eels, Genus Anguilla including a recently described species, A. luzonensis, based on whole mitochondrial genome sequences. Coastal Marine Science, 33, 64-77, 2009.

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Living Marine Resources

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Kawamura T., Onitsuka T., Fukazawa H., Takami H. and Horii T.: Maturation and spawning processes of abalone ―strategies for successful fertilization, larval and post-larval survival. Proceedings of the 5th World Fisheries Congress, CD-ROM, 2009.

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Kitagawa T., Kimura S., Nakata H., Yamada H., Nitta A., Sasai Y. and Sasaki H.: Immature Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, utilizes cold waters in the Subarctic Frontal Zone for trans-Pacific migration. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 84, 193-196, 2009.

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Miller M.J., Kimura S., Friedland K.D., Knights B., Kim H., Jellyman D.J. and Tsukamoto K.: Potential effects of oceanatmospheric changes on recruitment of temperate anguillid eels in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 69, 231-249, 2009.

Miyake Y., Kimura S., Kawamura T., Horii T., Kurogi H. and Kitagawa T.: Simulating larval dispersal processes for abalone using a coupled particle-tracking and hydrodynamic model ―implications for refugium design. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 387, 205-222, 2009.

Miyazawa Y.,Zhang R.,Guo X.,Tamura H.,Ambe D.,Lee J.-S.,Okuno A.,Yoshinari H.,Setou T. and Komatsu K.: Water mass variability in the western North Pacific detected in a 15-year eddy resolving ocean reanalysis, Journal of Oceanography, 65, 737-756, 2009.

Nakamura. Y., Shibuno T., Lecchini D., Kawamura T. and Watanabe Y.: Spatial variability in habitat associations of pre- and post-settlement stages of coral reef fishes at Ishigaki Island, Japan. Marine Biology, 156, 2413-2419, 2009.

大原一郎・星野浩一・高嶋康晴・小林敬典・難波亜紀・重信裕弥・猿渡敏郎・米沢純爾: Cytbを利用したハマトビウオ属6種の種判別について. DNA多型, 17, 121-125, 2009.

Onitsuka T., Kawamura T., Horii T. and Watanabe Y.: Reproduction and early life ecology of abalone Haliotis diversicolor. Proceedings of the 5th World Fisheries Congress, CD-ROM, 2009.

Oshima M., Kato Y., Masuda R., Kimura S. and Yamashita Y.: Effect of turbulence on feeding intensity and survival of Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus pelagic larvae. Journal of Fish Biology, 75, 1639-1647, 2009.

Shimizu Y., Takahashi K., Ito S.-I., Kakehii S., Tatebe H., Yasuda I., Kusaka A. and Nakayama T.: Transport of subarctic large copepods from the Oyashio area to the mixed water region by Oyashio intrusions. Fisheries Oceanography, 18, 312-327, 2009.

白木原国雄: 海洋保護区と資源管理. 月刊海洋, 41, 535-542, 2009.

Tadokoro K., Ono T., Yasuda I., Osafune S., Shiomoto A. and Sugisaki H.: Possible mechanisms of decadal scale variations in PO4 concentration in the western North Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L08606, 2009.

Takahashi M., Hayakawa J., Kawamura T., Ohashi S., Horii T. and Watanabe Y.: The settlement cues of an articulated coralline alga Marginisporum crassissima for the Japanese top shell Turbo cornutus. Journal of Shellfish Research, 28, 569-575.

Takahashi M., Watanabe Y., Yatsu A. and Nishida H.: Contrasting responses in larval and juvenile growth to a climate-ocean regime shift between anchovy and sardine. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 66, 972-982, 2009.

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Watanabe Y.: Recruitment variability of small pelagic fish populations in the Kuroshio-Oyashio transition region of the western North Pacific. Journal of North Atlantic Fisheries Science, 41, 197-204, 2009.

渡邊良朗: 変動する海の生物資源. 「海洋生命系のダイナミクス5 海と生命―「海の生命観」を求めて」, 東海大学出版会,pp. 388-401, 2009.

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Multiple Field Marine Science

青木優和・田中克彦・熊谷直喜・伊藤 敦・ベギネール サバン・小松輝久: 流れ藻葉上動物群集の形成パターン. 沿岸海洋研究, 46, 137-140, 2009.

Chambers S., Zahorowski W., Matsumoto K. and Uematsu M.: Seasonal variability of radon-derived fetch regions for Sado Island, Japan, based on 3 years of observations: 2002-2004. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 271-279, 2009.

Harino H., Arai T., Ohji M. and Miyazaki N.: Contamination profiles of antifouling biocides in selected coastal regions of Malaysia. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 56, 468-478. 2009.

Harino H., Arai T., Ohji M. and Miyazaki N.: Organotin contamination in deep sea environment. In: “Ecotoxicology of Antifouling Biocides”, Arai T., Harino H., Ohji M. and Langston W.J. (eds.), Springer, pp. 95-108, 2009.

Harino H., Arai T., Ohji M. and Miyazaki N.: Asia. 2009. In: “Ecotoxicology of Antifouling Biocides”, Arai T., Harino H., Ohji M. and Langston W.J. (eds.), Springer, pp. 345-362, 2009.

Hashimoto S., Toda S., Narita Y., Kurihara M.K., Akatsuka Y., Oda H., Nagai T., Nagao I., Kato S., Kudo I., Suzuki K. and Uematsu M.: Production and air-sea flux of methyl halides in the western subarctic Pacific in relation to phytoplankton pigment concentrations during iron fertilization experiment (SEEDS II). Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2928-2935, 2009.

Isobe T., Ochi Y., Ramu K., Yamamoto T., Tajima Y., Yamada T.K., Amano M., Miyazaki N., Takahashi S. and Tanabe S.: Organohalogen contaminats in striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) from Japan ―Present contamination status, body distribution and temporal trends (1978-2003). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58, 396-401, 2009.

Jung. J., Jang. Y., Arimoto R., Uematsu M. and Lee G.: Atmospheric nitrogen deposition and its impact to Lake Sihwa in South Korea from January 2004 to September 2005. Geochemical Journal, 43, 305-314, 2009.

Kato S., Watari M., Nagao I., Uematsu M. and Kajii Y.: Atmospheric trace gas measurements during SEEDS-II over the Northwestern Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2918-2927, 2009.

Kawahata H., Yamamoto K., Ohkushi K., Yokoyama Y., Kimoto K., Ohshima H. and Matsuzaki H.: Changes of environments and human activity at the Sannai-Maruyama ruins in Japan during the mid-Holocene Hypsithermal climatic interval. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 964-974, 2009.

Kohzu A., Tayasu I., Yoshimizu C., Maruyama A., Kohmatsu Y., Hyodo F., Onoda Y., Igeta A., Matsui K., Nakano T., Wada E., Nagata T. and Takemon Y.: Nitrogen-stable isotopic signatures of basal food items, primary consumers and omnivores in rivers with different levels of human impact. Ecological Research, 24, 127-136, 2009.

Matsumoto K. and Uematsu M.: Geographical distribution of particle number density in the accumulation mode range over the North Pacific Ocean. Atmospheric Research, 92, 251-257, 2009.

Matsumoto K., Minami H., Uyama Y. and Uematsu M.: Size partitioning of particulate inorganic nitrogen species between the fine and coarse mode ranges and its implication to their deposition on the surface ocean. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 4259-4265, 2009.

道田 豊: 海水に触れたことがありますか. 学校教育, 1103, 70-73, 2009.

Miller N.L., Duffy P., Cayan D., Hidalgo H., Jin J., Kanamaru H., Kanamitsu M., O’Brien T., Schlegel N., Sloan L., Snyder M. and Yoshimura K.: An evaluation of simulated California climate using multiple dynamical and statistical downscaling techniques. California Energy Commission Report, CEC-500-2009-017-F, 2009.

Nagao I., Hashimoto S., Toda S., Narita Y., Suzuki K., Tsuda A., Saito H., Kudo I., Kato K, Kajii Y. and Uematsu M.: Responses of seawater and atmospheric DMS to iron enrichment experiment (SEEDS-II) in the subarctic western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2899-2917, 2009.

中山哲嚴・八木 宏・藤井良昭・渡邉浩二・岡野崇裕・武田真典・渡辺秀俊・高城隆昌・小川浩史: 湧昇マウンド礁による低次生産効果把握のための現地調査および数値計算手法の開発, 土木学会論文集B2(海岸工学), 65, 801-805, 2009.

Nishioka J., Takeda S., Kondo Y., Obata H., Doi T., Tsumune D., Wong C.S., Johnson W.K. and Tsuda A.: Changes in iron concentrations and bio-availability during an open ocean mesoscale iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific, SEEDS II. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2796-2809, 2009.

Oka A., Hasumi H., Obata H., Gamo T. and Yamanaka Y.: Study on vertical profiles of rare earth elements by using an ocean general circulation model. Global Biogeohemical Cycles, 23, GB4025, 2009.

Oka M., Arai T., Shibata Y. and Miyazaki N.: Concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in masu salmon, Oncorhynchus masou. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 83, 393-397, 2009.

Oka M., Arai T. and Miyazaki N.: Differences in accumulation pattern of organochlorine compounds in masu salmon between fluvial and sea-run form. American Fisheries Society Symposium, 69, 863-865, 2009.

Radhakrishnan G., Yamamoto M., Maeda H., Nakagawa A., Katare Gopalrao R., Okada H., Nishimori H., Wariishi S., Toda E., Ogawa H. and Sasaguri S.: Intake of dissolved organic matter from seawater inhibits atherosclerosis progression. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 387, 25-30, 2009.

Saito H., Tsuda A., Nojiri Y., Aramaki T., Ogawa H., Yoshimura T., Imai K., Kudo I., Nishioka J., Ono T., Suzuki K. and Takeda S.: Biogeochemical cycling of N and Si during the mesoscale iron-enrichment experiment in the western subarctic Pacific (SEEDS-II). Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2852-2862, 2009.

猿渡敏郎: 水族館との共同研究―魅力,実績,注意点. 「研究する水族館―水槽展示だけではない知的な世界」, 猿渡敏郎・西 源二郎 (編), 東海大学出版会, pp. 13-34, 2009.

猿渡敏郎・西 源二郎 (編): 「研究する水族館―水槽展示だけではない知的な世界」, 東海大学出版会, 238pp, 2009.

Shibata A., Yasui H., Fukuda H., Ogawa H., Kikuchi T., Toda T. and Taguchi S.: Fate of the bacterial cell envelope component, lipopolysaccharide, that is sequentially mediated by viruses and flagellates. Coastal Marine Science, 33, 39-45, 2009.

Suzuki I., Naito Y., Folkow L.P., Miyazaki N. and Blix A.S.: Validation of a device for accurate timing of feeding events in marine mammals. Polar Biology, 32, 667-671, 2009.

Takahashi T., Nakata H., Hirano K., Matsuoka K., Iwataki K., Yamaguchi H. and Kasuya K.: Upwelling of oxygen-depleted water (Sumishio) in Omura Bay, Japan. Journal of Oceanography, 65, 113-120, 2009.

田中宏典・猿渡敏郎: カニ類幼生研究の実際―スベスベマンジュウガニとアカマンジュウガニの個体発生を例に. 「研究する水族館―水槽展示だけではない知的な世界」, 猿渡敏郎・西 源二郎 (編), 東海大学出版会, pp. 119-134, 2009.

植松光夫: 黄砂の科学―大空に舞い,深海底に降り積もる黄砂. オームブレテン, 44, 8-9, 2009.

植松光夫:大気汚染が地球 温暖化を抑止する? Japan Geoscience Letters, 5, 1-3, 2009.

Uno I., Eguchi K., Yumimoto K., Takemura T., Shimizu A., Uematsu M., Liu Z., Wang Z., Hara Y. and Sugimoto N.: Asian dust transported one full circuit around the globe. Nature Geoscience, 2, 557-560, 2009.

Williams A.G., Chambers S., Zahorowski W., Crawford J., Matsumoto K. and Uematsu M.: Estimating the Asian radon flux density and its latitudinal gradient in winter using ground-based radon observations at Sado Island. Tellus, 61B, 732-746, 2009.

Yang J., Oshima Y., Ito S. and Miyazaki N.: Metabolism of tributyltin and phenyltin by Dall’s porpoise hepatic microsomes. Chemosphere, 76, 1013-1015, 2009.

Yoshimura T., Ogawa H., Imai K., Aramaki T., Nojiri Y., Nishioka J. and Tsuda A.: Dynamics and elemental stoichiometry of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in particulate and dissolved organic pools during a phytoplankton bloom induced by in situ iron enrichment in the western subarctic Pacific (SEEDS-II). Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56, 2863-2874, 2009.


Jamieson A.J., Fujii T., Solan M., Matsumoto A.K., Bagley P.M. and Priede I.G.: Liparid and Macrourid fishes of the hadal zone ―In situ observations of activity and feeding behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society Part B, 276, 1037-1045, 2009.

Jamieson A.J., Fujii T., Solan M., Matsumoto A.K., Bagley P.M. and Priede I.G.: First findings of decapod crustacea in the hadal-zone. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 56, 641-647, 2009.

Jamieson A.J., Solan M. and Fujii T.: Imaging deep-sea life beyond the abyssal zone. Sea Technology, 50 (3), 41-46, 2009.

Jamieson A.J., Fujii T., Solan M. and Priede I.G.: HADEEP: Free-falling landers to the deepest places on Earth. Marine Technology Society Journal, 43(5), 151-160, 2009.

Kaim A., Bitner M. A., Jenkins R.G. and Hikida Y.: A monospecific assemblage of terebratulide brachiopods in the Upper Cretaceous seep deposits of Omagari, Hokkaido, Japan. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 55, 73-84, 2009.

Kaim A., Jenkins R.G. and Hikida Y.: Gastropods from Late Cretaceous Omagari and Yasukawa hydrocarbon seep deposits in the Nakagawa area, Hokkaido, Japan. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 54, 463-490, 2009.

Machida S., Hirano N. and Kimura J.-I.: Evidence for recycled plate material in Pacific upper mantle unrelated to plumes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 3028-3037, 2009.

Oji T., Ogawa Y., Hunter A. and Kitazawa K.: Discovery of dense aggregations of stalked crinoids in Izu-Ogasawara Trench, Japan. Zoological Science, 26, 406-408, 2009.

澤井悦郎・山野上祐介・坂井陽一・橋本博明: 日本近海で採集されたマンボウ属 (Mola spp. A and B) の形態異常個体. 広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科紀要, 48, 9-17, 2009.

Yamanoue Y.: Redescription of Amioides grossidens Smith and Radcliffe 1912 as a valid genus and species of Acropomatidae (Perciformes). Ichthyological Research, 56, 407-410, 2009.

Yamanoue Y., Johnson G.D. and Starnes W.C.: Redescription of a poorly known acropomatid, Verilus sordidus Poey 1860, and comparison with Neoscombrops atlanticus Mochizuki and Sano 1984 (Teleostei: Perciformes). Ichthyological Research, 56, 400-406, 2009.

Yoshita Y., Yamanoue Y., Sagara K., Nishibori M., Kuniyoshi H., Umino T., Sakai Y., Hashimoto H. and Gushima K.: Phylogenetic relationship of two Mola sunfishes (Tetraodontiformes: Molidae) occurring around the coast of Japan, with notes on their geographical distribution and morphological characteristics. Ichthyological Research, 56, 232-244, 2009.


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