
Distribution Maps of Net Primary Productivity (NPP) of Natural Vegetation and Related Climatic Resources

Hiroshi SEINO
(National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences)

Japanese Version Here

The following distribution maps are included. Please click one.

1. Annual Mean Temperature in Japan
2. Effective Accumulated Temperature in Japan
3. Warmth Index in Japan
4. Coldness Index in Japan
5. Annual Evaporation in Japan
6. Net Primary Productivity in Japan
In this page, the distribution maps of net primary productivity and related climatic resources are presented. We developed an estimation method called "Chikogo Model" of net primary productivity (NPP) of natural vegetation using climate data (Uchijima and Seino, 1985). NPP is the net creation of organic matter by green plants and is utilized by mankind and animals. Therefore, NPP has been steadily studied by the plant ecologists, agronomists, forest scientists and others. Furthermore the fixation of carbon dioxide by vegetation on the Earth is an important link in the biogeochemical cycle of carbon, giving strong effects on CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. In this study, the following climate data sets were used to calculate the NPP under the current and future climate conditions.

    Grid Cell Climate Data in Japan

  • Source Data and Citation:
    Applied Meteorological Division: A preparatory study for the
    production of the mesh climatic data file (precipitation).
    Weather Service Bulletin, JMA, 52, 357-378 (1985) (in Japanese).
    Okamura, T., T. Wada and Y. Hayashi: A study for the production of the
    mesh climatic data file (temperature). Weather Service Bulletin, JMA,
    56, 1-16 (1989) (in Japanese).
    Masatsuka, A., S. Shinoki and K. Katsura: Calculation of the Solar Energy
    Resources in Every 1 Kilometer Grid Square All Over Japan. In: Estimation
    Method of Natural Energy Resources. GEP-I-8, Agriculture, Forestry and
    Fisheries Research Council Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
    and Fisheries of Japan, 30-40 (1988) (in Japanese).

  • Variables:
    (1) Average Monthly Surface Temperature (JMA*)
    (2) Monthly Average Precipitation (JMA*)
    (3) Average Monthly Surface Solar Radiation (NIAES**)
    *: Japan Meteorological Agency
    **: National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences

  • Geographic References:
  • Geographic Coverage:
  • Geographic Sampling:
    Originally 30sec(Lat.) x 45sec(Long.) cell values interpolated
    from station observations. In this study, compiled data set of
    sampling of 5min(Lat.) x 7.5min(Long.) was used.

    IIASA Mean Monthly Temperature, Precipitation and Cloudiness

  • Source Data Citation:
    Leemans, R., and W.P. Cramer, 1991: The IIASA Database for Mean
    Monthly Values of Temperature, Precipitation, and Cloudiness on
    a Global Terrestial Grid. Digital Raster Data on a 30 minute
    Geographic (lat/long) 360x720 grid. Laxenburg, Austria: IIASA.

  • Variables:
    (1) Average Monthly Surface Temperature
    (2) Monthly Average Precipitation
    (3) "Cloudiness", expressed as percentage sunshine hours of
    potential hours per month at the land surface

  • Geographic References:
  • Geographic Coverage:
    -90 to +90 degrees(S-N), and -180 to +180 degrees(W-E)
  • Geographic Sampling:
    30-minute cell values interpolated from station observations using
    spatial model (see Leemans and Cramer, 1992)

    General Circulation Model (GCMs)

    Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS; Hansen et. al., 1983)
    Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL; Manabe and Wetherald, 1987)
    United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO; Wilson and Mitchell, 1987)

    Related Papers

    Uchijima, Z. and Seino, H. (1985): Maps of Net Primary Productivity of
    Natural Vegetation on Continents (BCP-85-I-1-1). NIAES and KNAES,
    p.121 (in Japanese with English Summary).
    Uchijima, Z. and Seino, H. (1985) : Agroclimatic evaluation of net primary
    productivity of natural vegetation. (1) Chikugo model for evaluating
    net primary productivity. J. Agr. Met., 40(4), 343-352.
    Seino, H. and Uchijima, Z. (1985) : Agroclimatic evaluation of net primary
    productivity of natural vegatation. (2) Assessment of total net primary
    production in Japan. J. Agr. Met., 41(2), 139-144.
    (in Japanese with English Summary).
    Uchijima, Z. and Seino, H. (1985): Maps of Net Primary Productivity of
    Natural Vegetation in Japan (BCP-87-I-2-1). NIAES and KNAES, pp.102
    (in Japanese with English Summary).
    Uchijama, Z. and Seino, H. (1988) : Probable effect of CO2-induced climatic
    change on agroclimatic resources and net primary productivity in Japan.
    Bulltain of National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences, 4, 67-88.
    Seino, H. and Uchijima, Z. (1988) : Mesh Maps of Net Primary Productivity
    of Natural Vegetation of Japan (BCP-88-I-2-2). NIAES, pp.131
    Uchijima Z. and Seino, H. (1988) : An agroclimatic method of estimating net
    primary Productivity of natural vegetation. Japan Agricultural Research
    Quarterly, 21(4), 244-250.
    Seino, H. (1991) : Grid mesh maps of biomass resources in natural vegetation.
    In "Geographical Distribution of Biomass Resources in Japan
    (ed. H.Seino)", (BCP-91-I-2-1), 1-16.
    Seino, H., and Uchijima, Z. (1992) : Global distribution of net primary
    productivity of terrestrial vegetation, J. Agr. Met., 48(1), 39-48.
    Seino, H., and Uchijima, Z.(1993) : Assessment of net primary productivity
    of the Earth's natural vegetation. J. Agr. Met., 48(5), 859-862.

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