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Use of Foreign Mobile Phones, Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) Devices, and Wireless LAN Devices Brought Into Japan

1.Program Overview

To prevent interference in the use of radio waves, radio equipment used in Japan must conform to the technical standards listed in Chapter 3 of the Radio Act. (Whether a device conforms to the technical standards can be confirmed via the technical conformity mark (Figure 1).)
However, to allow tourists visiting Japan to easily use their wireless equipment (mobile phones, BWA devices, wireless LAN devices, etc.), even devices that do not have the technical conformity mark may be used in Japan for up to 90 days as long as they meet certain conditions, such as the equivalent technical standards defined in the Radio Act.

Figure 1: Example of mark certifying that the device complies with technical standards.(Technical conformity mark and technical standards compliance certificate number)

2.Applicable Mobile Phones and BWA Devices

This refers to devices that comply with standards (international standards) that are equivalent to Japanese technical standards and that are brought from overseas and used for international roaming, or with a SIM card from a Japanese mobile carrier or BWA carrier.
For details, please contact the mobile or BWA carrier.

3.Applicable Wireless LAN Devices

This refers to devices that comply with standards (international standards) that are equivalent to Japanese technical standards and are applicable to the following cases regarding low-power data communication radio stations (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices) that use the 2.4 GHz, 5.2 GHz, 5.3 GHz, 5.6 GHz, and 6 GHz frequency bands.

  1. Wi-Fi functionality on smartphones, tablets, and mobile game consoles must use wireless equipment that can be confirmed to meet IEEE 802.11a/b/n/ac/ax/be standards with the Wi-Fi logo (Figure 2) and
    • the device is connected to a free public wireless LAN spot (access point)
    • the device connects to a smartphone or other device via tethering*1
    • the two devices directly communicate with each other*1*2
    1. *1:
      Limited to situations when 2.4 GHz or 6 GHz band VLP mode is used.
    2. *2:
      Only applicable when two devices communicate via direct connection in 6 GHz band VLP mode, and one of the connected devices is a smartphone.
  2. Wireless earphones, compact speaker, and selfie stick Bluetooth functionality

    This refers to using wireless equipment that can be confirmed to meet Bluetooth Core Specification Version 2.1 and later standards via the Bluetooth logo (Figure 3).

    Figure 2: Wi-Fi logo Figure 3: Bluetooth logo

Reference: Leaflet for visitors to Japan

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Mobile phones and BWA devices
Which mobile phones and BWA devices brought in from another country can be used in Japan?

To use mobile phones and BWA devices brought into Japan from overseas, they must have a technical conformity mark (Figure 1).
However, in the following cases, even devices without this mark may be used:

  1. When you use an international roaming service provided by a Japanese mobile or BWA carrier
  2. When you use a device from overseas that supports international roaming with a SIM card from a Japanese mobile or BWA carrier

For details, please contact the mobile or BWA carrier.

Wireless LAN devices
Can I use a LAN router from another country?

Routers can only be used if they have a technical conformity mark (Figure 1).

What should I do if my stay in Japan is longer than 90 days?

The above devices cannot be used for longer than 90 days. Please use wireless equipment with a technical conformity mark.

How can I check the frequency when using a foreign smartphone for tethering?

Before entering Japan, please check with your smartphone manufacturer or the mobile carrier in your country.

Are wireless LAN devices restricted to certain areas?

2.4 GHz, 5.6 GHz, and 6 GHz band VLP is for both indoor and outdoor use, whereas 5.2 GHz, 5.3 GHz, and 6 GHz band LPI is for indoor use only.
To find out which frequency your device uses, please check the setting screen on the device or its user guide.


  • しかく
    General information on this program, applicable wireless LAN devices, etc.
    Core Communications Office, Fixed and Satellite Radio Communications Division, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau
    TEL: 03-5253-5886
  • しかく
    Applicable mobile phones and BWA devices
    Mobile Communications Section, Radio Department, Telecommunications Bureau
    TEL: 03-5253-5893

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