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Outline of Japanese Official Statistics

Last updated: 26 Sep. 2016

Chapter I Brief History of the Statistical System in Japan (PDF:197KB)PDF

  1. Start of Modern Statistical Survey System
  2. Reconstruction of the Statistical System after World War II
  3. Transition of the Statistical Standards organization from AMA to MIC
  4. Revision of the Statistics Act and Reform of Statistical System
  5. Notes on International Statistical Affairs
    5.1 The Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP)
    5.2 Cooperation for International Statistical Organization
    5.3 Participation in International Statistical Activities

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Chapter II Statistical Organization (PDF:314KB)PDF

  1. The Central Government
    1.1 Coordinating Organizations
    1.2 Major Statistics Compiling Organizations
  2. Local Statistical Organizations
    2.1 History
    2.2 Division of Functions between the National Government and Local Governments
    2.3 Statistical Systems in Local Regions
  3. Statistical Enumerators
    3.1 Responsibilities of Statistical Enumerators
    3.2 Status of Statistical Enumerators

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Chapter III Legal System of Statistics (PDF:156KB)PDF

  1. Purpose of Official Statistical Law in general
  2. Outline of Official Statistical Laws
    2.1 Types of Statistical Laws
    2.2 Contents of the Statistics Act
    2.3 Other Legislations related to Statistical Activities
  3. Statistics Act(Act No.53 in 2007) (PDF:210KB)PDF
  4. Master Plan Concerning the Development of Official Statistics (March 25, 2014 Cabinet Decision) (PDF:518KB)PDF

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Director-General for Policy Planning (Statistical Policy)

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