Promoting International Cooperation

Collaborating with international organizations, the Administrative Management Bureau (AMB) is working to promote sustainable development, achieve efficient administrative management, etc.

OECDOpen link in a new browser window

OECD, often referred to as "the world’s largest think tank," is an international organization established in 1961, with the goals to achieve a) economic growth, b) free trade, and c) assistance to developing countries by providing a forum for free exchange of views and information among developed countries.

・Participation in Public Governance Committee (PGC)Open link in a new browser window

(注記)Recent Major Activities
The OECD Recommendation of Council on Public Integrity (2017)Open link in a new browser window, the Recommendation of Council on Open Government (2017)Open link in a new browser window, the Recommendation of Council on Public Service Leadership and Capability (2019)Open link in a new browser window, and the Declaration on Public Sector Innovation (2019)Open link in a new browser window were developed.

(注記)Participation in the PGC Bureau as vice-chair by Dr. FUKAYA Takeshi, Professor at Musashino University, since 2017

(注記)Attendance at the Public Governance Ministerial Meeting of October, 2015 in Helsinki, Finland (State Minister MATSUSHITA, Vice Minister for Policy Coordination - Japanese only)
Speech by State Minister MATSUSHITA at Ministerial MeetingPDF

IIASOpen link in a new browser window

IIAS is an international research organization that deals with activities related to administrative sciences, from theoretical analysis to practical business.

AMB collects information on the latest theories and practices of administrative management through dispatching officials to the annual IIAS conferences and analyzing papers from International Review of Administrative Sciences (IRAS)Open link in a new browser window, the official journal of IIAS.

Participation in the annual IIAS Congress(Japanese only)

(注記)Participation in the IIAS Council of Administration Meeting as Vice-President by Dr. AGATA Koichiro, Professor at Waseda University, since 2019

(注記)Attendance at the IIAS-Lien 2019 Conference of June, 2019 in the Republic of Singapore

(注記)AMB official made a presentation at the IIAS 2020 Online Conference in June, 2020Open link in a new browser window

ASPAOpen link in a new browser window

ASPA is an interdisciplinary public service organization established in 1939 with the aims to advance the art, science, teaching, and practice of public and non-profit administration.

  • Participation in the ASPA Annual Conference
    • (注記)Attendance at the 2019 Annual Conference.
    • (注記)The AMB took part in a joint panel with the Cabinet Bureau of Personnel Affairs, as well as researchers of administrative sciences in the 2018 Annual Conference. AMB’s presentation was on its office reform initiative.

      Presentation at ASPA Conference

Administrative Management Bureau

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