
International Cooperation

Local Government Officials Training Programme

Local Government Officials Training Programme (LGOTP)


In recent years, international exchange between Japan and the world occurring through sister city relationships is flourishing. Simple cultural exchange is developing into more substantial projects of mutual cooperation. Local governments' significant know-how and technology as the managing agency of the region are at the core of these efforts. This technology and know-how is developed largely through mutual human resources development including the receiving/dispatching of trainees and specialists between Japan and the rest of the world.
This programme assists prefectures, designated cities, and municipalities that wish to receive trainees from overseas. The training covered is extensive including general administration, the environment, education, and agriculture etc. and is highly regarded at home and abroad for its large contributions to regional development. In recent years you can also see trainees' contributions to local government problem solving efforts particularly in the fields of tourist attraction and multiculturalism.

Program Details
・Target applicants : Employees from local governments
・Period : 6 months to 12 months
・Fields : Every field (ex) tourism, industry, agriculture, medical care, etc.

・Application, placement, recruitment, notice of decision
・Assistance with travel and immigration procedures, meet at the airport when the trainee arrives in Japan
・Funding arrangement based on local allocation tax
・Training for living in Japan

Application example
・We invite Filipino administrative officials as trainees to support Filipino residents in Japan
・We invite water officials from Myanmmar as trainees for technical cooperation support

Project Overview

Purpose of project
Overseas local government: acquire know-how and specialist techniques
Japanese local government: receive the trainees input in internationalisation policy development to get an international perspective

Target audience
Prefectural governments, designated cities, and municipalities

Period of training
The training period is from 6-12 months

Cost burden and funding
The hosting local government will bear the costs of the trainees' round trip plane ticket, accommodation, training costs, domestic travel etc. but this will be reimbursed to prefectural governments through the normal tax allocation and to designated cities/municipalities through the special tax allocation.

Trainee Eligibility
Employee of overseas local government, high-level spoken English or Japanese, somebody who has the qualities that would allow them to eventually succeed as a leader in their field

Trainee application/selection/placement
MIC and CLAIR will process applications, carry out selection of trainees, and place them based on the wishes of the host local government. Local governments with sister city relationships, or other strong ties with a certain overseas local government can choose a trainee from there.

Training conditions
Operation of the training will be left to the discretion of local governments so they are free to match trainee work schedules with those of other government employees

Training content
The host local government, MIC, and CLAIR will cooperate to implement the following training.

Tokyo Orientation
MIC and CLAIR implement this training to ensure the trainees lives in Japan and overall training progress smoothly

Japan Intercultural Academy of Municipalities (JIAM) training
Trainees learn the Japanese necessary to make the most of their training and lives in Japan as well as the basics of local governance in Japan and Japanese culture.

Specialized training
This is the main portion of the training. Trainees undergo specialized training in their field at their placement. Training content is decided by the host local government and will be from 5 - 11months.

Training Outline
A timeline of the training process from arrival in Japan to departure (including photographs)
2019 LGOTP list.pdf PDF
・LGOTP Pamphlet LGOTP(front).pdf PDF LGOTP (back).pdf PDF

For Enquiries
International Cooperation and Economic Relations Division
Tel : +81-3-5213-1726
Fax : +81-3-5213-1742
Email : kokukyou@clair.or.jp

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