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Archived Content
Census user consultation and testing program
Before each census, Statistics Canada embarks on an extensive user consultation and testing program. Data users and interested parties across Canada are asked for their views on the type and extent of information they believe should be available from the census. The goal is to ensure that Statistics Canada takes account of emerging social and economic trends and, where appropriate, uses the census to shed light on them.
The 2011 Census Content Consultation focussed on the questionnaire content for the 2011 Census of Population and was held from April to November 2007.
The 2011 Census and Geography Dissemination Consultation centred on the dissemination strategy for the 2011 Census of Population and was held from October 2008 to March 2009.
The 2008 Census Test: Content Analysis Report presents the findings generated during the census test conducted from May through July 2008.
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