TOP > Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center

You are requested to pay attention to any letters, documents and e-mail illegally using our corporate name.

Lately, we have confirmed that a demand letter illegally using the name of Tokyo Metropolitan Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center, which requests to supply construction workers, has been issued by fax or e-mail to prevail in various business fields. Such a document has never any relation and connection with our Center and Managing Director. We do not engage in any arrangement of employment of workers.
We would like to draw your attention in order for you not to reply to such a document for fear of not only being deceived, but also virus mail being sent through communication, the sender stealing your important information for misuse and infection of computer virus.
If you receive such a suspicious unclear document, e-mail and the like, and have any question on it, please contact us at our rep.

Business Support

Consult us regarding your business needs.

Contact us regarding business-related issues, including how to start a business.

Business Development Support

Support as you meet new challenges.

We motivate you to take the next step, helping develop your business and expand into new areas. Start here for any kind of consultation.

Personnel Support

Personnel are one of the keys for development and growth.

We help establish foundations for efficiently developing skills and motivation to make your firm more successful.

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