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[画像:Business Support Consult us regarding you business needs.]

Contact us regarding business-related issues, including how to start a business.

Business Advice

Consultation on a variety of issues Free! An introduction to our consultation services

One-stop comprehensive advice

Comprehensive General Affairs Support Section

Specialists offer advice on how to resolve various issues.

Consultation areas and types of consultants

Consultation Area Types of Consultants
General management, loans/subsidies/financing, marketing, business plans/management innovation, etc. SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) business consultants
Business startup/company founding, expansion into new fields, registration of incorporation, venture support, etc. SME business consultants, judicial scribes, administrative scribes
Legal affairs (contracts, problems, debt collection, business consolidation etc.)* Lawyers
Labor-related issues (salary, employment, social insurance, human resource organization, capacity development, etc.) Licensed social insurance consultants
Tax affairs, returns, bookkeeping, accounting, direct financing (privately placed bonds), listing shares publicly, etc. Licensed tax accountants, certified public accountants
IT (computerization) support IT coordinators, SME business consultants
Support for acquiring ISO certification, etc. ISO examiners
Design support (product development, packaging, catalogs, web design, commercial facilities, displays, etc.) (Fridays, AM) Designers

* Advanced reservation required for legal consultation (consultation visit only).

Obtaining consultation

In person:
In order of arrival (proceed to Comprehensive Support General Affairs Section)

Regional support

Joto , Jonan , Tama

Our branch offices also have specialists to provide consultation in areas including general management, business startup, finance, labor, etc.

Note: Available consultation services and days vary depending on branch office. Contact each office for details.

Industrial seminar
Lecture on current business environment and challenges as well as a panel discussion, etc.

Support for networking
A room is available for networking activities. We also provide information and consultation regarding effective networking.

Joto office (in the Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center for the Joto region)
Jonan office (in the Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center for the Jonan region)
Tama office (in the Industrial Support Square TAMA)

Professional dispatch service

Comprehensive Support General Affairs Section

On request from an SME(Small and Medium Enterprise), our business consultants, IT coordinators, licensed social insurance consultants, licensed tax accountants and other experienced private-sector professionals will visit your office for consultation.

Note: The SME is responsible for half the cost of the dispatch.

Business Startup

Starting a business

Tokyo Entrepreneur School

New Business Creation Section

Targeting people who want to start (or who have just started) a business, the school offers comprehensive support through seminars, business startup consultation/support. It also has a room for networking activities.

Seminar content
Business Startup Course for Beginners, Practical Courses (Female entrepreneurs/Venture entrepreneurs/Step-up entrepreneurs/Social entrepreneurs/Senior entrepreneurs)

Facilities supporting business startups

New Business Creation Section

Training seminars, onsite counseling and networking events are held for corporate tenants.

Note: Contact the Tama branch office for the Incubation office TAMA.

Time 24 (Aomi, Koto-ku)
Venture KANDA (Kanda, Chiyoda-ku)
Social venture office SUMIDA (Honjo, Sumida-ku)
Incubation Office TAMA (Azumacho, Akishima-shi)
Shirahigenishi R&D Center; manufacturing (Minami-senju, Arakawa-ku)

Student entrepreneur championship

Tama Branch Office

A contest in which students compete with each other to produce the best business plan. Winners are provided with continuous support to put their plan into action.

Dispute Resolution

Resolving business-related problems

Advice on complaints and disputes

Tokyo Sub-contract Center
Tama Support Division

Professional counselors and lawyers provide advice and present specific solutions to various problems that may arise when doing business.

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Seminars on fair sub-contracting practices

Business Succession

Business succession and revitalization

Business succession and revitalization

Comprehensive Support General Affairs Section

Advice on business succession, business revitalization, etc./Seminars to educate and raise awareness for business succession/Business succession school


Shops and shopping districts

Strategies for promoting shopping districts

New Business Creation Section

Professionals are dispatched to provide advice and tips on management.

Merchants College

10 seminars offering a practical business curriculum.

Training leaders of shopping districts

Practical training aimed at nurturing management skills for people working in shopping districts.

Note: We also provide small- and medium-size retail commerce activity forums, promotion support for entrepreneurs in shopping districts and study groups for young merchants.

Traditional Crafts

Promoting the traditional crafts industry

Tokyo Traditional Crafts Exhibition

Joto Branch Office

Demonstration, exhibition and sale of 42 traditional craftworks recognized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Tokyo Traditional Crafts Challenge Awards

A contest for introducing other types of traditional craftworks that employ alternative designs, materials or techniques.

Utilization of Facilities

Reserving meeting rooms and exhibition rooms

Exhibition rooms, meeting rooms, etc.

Industrial Trade Center, Hamamatsucho,
Industrial Trade Center, Taito,
Akihabara Head Office

Meeting rooms, etc.

Chusho Kigyo Kaikan
Keihin Jima Kinrosha Kousei Kaikan

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