Coronation has been part of the Sun Bowl since the first-ever college Sun Bowl game was played in 1936. Coronation played a huge social role in the "Sun Carnival", the week-long pageantry associated with the Sun Bowl.
According to the 1938 Sun Bowl game program, "The social side of the Sun Carnival centers around the Coronation of the Sun Queen with Ladies-In-Waiting and her Royal Court of Princesses from all the cities of the Sun Empire and the Grand Ball tendered by the Association in honor of Her Majesty and Court."
In the early years of the coronation, about 30 young women were part of the formal coronation, and each participant represented an organization.
Today, from 10-to-14 individuals are chosen for the court, including one queen. Selection is based on poise, appearance, personality, communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to demonstrate knowledge of the Sun Bowl and the Borderland Region. Contestants must be enrolled as full-time students.
The Sun Court serves as ambassadors for the city of El Paso. They volunteer at various community events and make appearances at the Glasheen, Valles & Inderman Injury Lawyers Sun Bowl Parade, WestStar Don Haskins Sun Bowl Invitational, Tony the Tiger Sun Bowl Game, Sun Bowl Flag Football Tournament and other events throughout the year.
Raegan Jabor Sun Queen
Ashley Rios Lady-in-Waiting
Anai Gomez Princess
Kyra Hayes Princess
Estrella Luna Princess
Caroline Glenne Mann Princess
Janais Millan Amato Princess
Tiffany Murillo Princess
Griselda Sainz Princess
Faith Spade Princess
Sun Bowl Association
4150 Pinnacle Street
Suite 100
El Paso, Texas 79902
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