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S&P Global Commodity Insights strives to provide information of the highest standards and to conduct its business with integrity.

However, we recognize that occasionally, external stakeholders may have questions about the assessments provided by Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, and ask for published assessment to be reviewed. As a first recourse, please contact the editorial team responsible for publishing the assessment to discuss.

To request a review of, or a challenge to, a published price assessment, which may or may not result in a correction, please submit a request in writing to the email below.

If you have a serious concern about our price assessments or the application of a methodology and would like to raise a complaint, please contact the Pricing Complaint Team:


S&P Global Commodity Insights maintains a complaints handling policy by which anyone may submit a complaint regarding any issue relating to our price assessments and related methodologies.

  • All complaints will be acknowledged in writing by S&P Global Commodity Insights within three (3) business days of receipt.
  • S&P Global Commodity Insights will assign an individual to investigate any complaint and determine an appropriate course of action. The complaint handler will not have been directly involved in the assessment process.
  • S&P Global Commodity Insights will seek to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible. In most cases, S&P Global Commodity Insights will provide a written response to the Complainant within twenty-five (25) business days from the date of receipt of the complaint by S&P Global Commodity Insights explaining any course of action being taken or recommended by S&P Global Commodity Insights. However, if the scope of the complaint demands further investigation after twenty-five (25) business days, S&P Global Commodity Insights will write to the complainant explaining why the matter has not been resolved and indicating when a final response is likely to be made.
  • A complaint may be referred to S&P Global's Legal Department where, for example, a complaint alleges fraud, ethical lapses, libel in S&P Global Commodity Insights publications, restraint of trade, etc.
  • Where a complaint regarding a specific price assessment is determined by S&P Global Commodity Insights to be valid, S&P Global Commodity Insights reserves the right to exclude any retroactive price adjustments to price assessments.
  • Should a complainant be dissatisfied with the way a complaint has been handled by S&P Global Commodity Insights, the complaint may be referred to an independent third party.
  • The Independent Complaint Reviewer will investigate the complaint and provide a written response to the complainant within a reasonable period from the date of referral.
  • S&P Global Commodity Insights retains all information pertaining to each complaint for a minimum period of five (5) years.

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