Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, JAPAN
  1. MIC ICT Policy
  2. White Paper
  3. Information and Communications in Japan 2021 (summary)

Information and Communications in Japan 2021 (summary)

Part 1 Special Theme: Livelihood and Economy Supported by Digital Technologies

  1. Introduction PDF
  2. Chapter 1 Present Status and Challenges for Digitalization PDF
    1. Section 1 PDF
    2. Section 2 PDF
    3. Section 3 PDF
  3. Chapter 2 Digitalization Accelerated by the COVID-19 Pandemic PDF
    1. Section 1 PDF
    2. Section 2 PDF
    3. Section 3 PDF
    4. Section 4 PDF
  4. Chapter 3 Toward Realizing Digital Transformation that “Leaves No One Behind” PDF

Part 2 Basic Data and Policy Directions

  1. Chapter 4 Basic Data on the ICT Field PDF
    1. Section 1 PDF
    2. Section 2 PDF
    3. Section 3 PDF
  2. Chapter 5 ICT Policy Directions PDF
    1. Section 1 PDF
    2. Section 2 PDF
    3. Section 3 PDF
    4. Section 4 PDF
    5. Section 5 PDF
    6. Section 6 PDF
    7. Section 7 PDF
    8. Section 8 PDF
    9. Section 9 PDF
    10. Section 10 PDF


Economic Research Office, ICT Strategy Policy Division, Information and communications Bureau,
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
1-2, Kasumigaseki 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8926, Japan

Phone: +81-3-5253-5720

Fax: +81-3-5253-5721


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