Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, JAPAN
  1. MIC ICT Policy
  2. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

  • *
    Japan Broadcasting Corporation (Public broadcaster)


For the prevention of the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic, it is important to reduce the risk of infection in places where many people gather. One of the effective measures is telework, in which workers can avoid the rush hour and crowds and make it possible to work from home.

The Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease Control Headquarters decided a basic policy for countermeasures against the novel coronavirus pandemic on February 25, 2020. From the viewpoint of reducing the chances of contact with patients and infected people based on this basic policy, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) wishes to ask that you actively use telework as much as possible.

(Reference) Website of Office for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control, Cabinet Secretariat Open a new window

Telework-related Support Information

MIC and related ministries and government agencies provide support for the introduction of telework.

Ensuring Security in Telework

Cyberattacks that take advantage of the turmoil of the novel coronavirus pandemic have also been confirmed. Please take appropriate security measures when implementing telework.

Telephone / Internet Charges

NHK* Receiving Fees

  • *
    Japan Broadcasting Corporation (Public broadcaster)

Other Arrangements

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