• >Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

MIC Website Privacy Policy

  • 1. Basic concept

    MIC, collects basic information on anyone visiting the website (https://www.soumu.go.jp/ hereinafter referred to as "this website") to the extent necessary for smooth operation of services (provision of information, acceptance of opinions and delivery of e-zine, newsletter, etc.) on this website of MIC. The information collected is only used within the scope necessary for the prescribed purposes.

  • 2. Scope of information to be collected
    • (1) This website automatically collects information pertaining to visits to this website, such as domain names, originating IP addresses and query information. Use of cookies (files that a web server sends to your browser and which are stored on your hard drive, allowing the web server to identify you) is limited only for the purpose of boosting your conveniences in operation and do not contain any personal information.
    • (2) When you use a mail form (a form for submitting your opinions/proposals), entries of your name, prefecture of your residence and e-mail address are voluntary.
    • (3) We may ask you to fill in these attributes if it is found necessary to know your information for such cases as registrations of PR events.
  • 3. Purposes of using collected information
    • (1) Information collected through proceedings under section 2. (1) shall be used as reference data to implement delivery of services through this website.
    • (2) "Opinions and proposals" collected through proceedings under section 2 (2) shall be used as reference data to develop future policy plans. To this end, according to content, those proposals may be sent to MIC's internal bureau in charge of relevant proposals. We will use your "title, name and e-mail address" to respond to or clarify the content of your inquiry. Please be aware that, according to the content, the information concerned may be transferred to the relevant office and ministries.
    • (3) Information collected through proceedings under section 2 (3) shall be used only for the purpose of carrying out such events smoothly.
  • 4. Restrictions on use and provision of the information

    MIC shall not, except in cases where a request has been made to disclose collected information by law and where there are special reasons, including cases where unlawful acts, such as illegal access, threats, etc. have occurred, use the said information for other purposes under section 3 nor provide a third party with the said information.

    However, with regard to information on accessible on this website, proposals and opinions sent to MIC, and proposal attributes pertaining to the information, statistically processed data on the information or opinions, etc. may be released or posted on this website.

  • 5. Security measures

    MIC shall take the necessary measures to properly administer collected information, such as prevention of leakage, mutilation and alteration of the information.

  • 6. Applicable scope of this policy

    This privacy policy shall apply to this website (directories under https://www.soumu.go.jp/). Please be aware that when you visit other websites of the relevant office and ministries, your information will then be subject to the privacy policies of these websites.

For further information, please contact:
Public Relations Office Policy Evaluation and Public Relations Division Minister's Secretariat, MIC
1-2, Kasumigaseki 2-chome, Chiyoda-City, Tokyo, 100-8926
For inquiry, click here

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