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Future Earth

Future Earth Global Hub Director for Japan has been reappointed

On 8th March 2018, Dr. Fumiko KASUGA(Member of Science Council of Japan) was reappointed as Future Earth Global Hub Director for Japan
Her term of office is two years, beginning from 1st April 2018

Japan Consortium for Future Earth has extended Dr. Fumiko KASUGA's term in office as Global Hub Director for Japan

The Japan Consortium for Future Earth, which is led by Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and supports Japan's Global Hub of the Future Earth Global (Permanent) Secretariat, announced on the 29th of March, 2016 that it had extended Dr. Fumiko KASUGA's term in office as the Future Earth Global Hub Director for Japan (*). She is a member of Science Council of Japan (Advisor to the President of SCJ, former Vice-President).

* Her term will end on March 31, 2018 along with the other Global Hub Directors (Canada, France, Sweden, and the United States.).
* The decision was approved by the Executive Director of Future Earth, Dr. Paul Shrivastava.

Future Earth meetings were held in japan from Nov. 14 to 23, 2015.

In Japan there were Future Earth Science and Engagement Committees progress plans for research, fundraising, capacity building and regions from Nov. 14 to 23, 2015. The summary of these meetings are viewed on the website of Future Earth.

Future Earth meetings in Japan.

In November, there will be three public events about Future Earth.
All of them are to be operated in Japanese or English with simultaneous interpretation.
Please find more information from each individual websites.

  • Science Agora:Future Earth -Research for Sustainability-
    14 November 2015(Sat.) 13-17 hours
    Innovation Hall, Miraikan
  • International Conference on Science and Technology for Sustainability2015‐Future Earth
    15 November 2015(Sun.) 13:30-18 hours
    Auditorium, Science Council of Japan
  • International Symposium on Sustainability Science: Future Earth: a new platform promoting science for society
    21 November 2015 9:30-16 (Sat.)hours
    Yasuda Auditorium, University of Tokyo Hongo campus

Japan Consortium for Future Earth appointed Dr. Fumiko KASUGA as Global Hub Director in Tokyo

The Japan Consortium for Future Earth, which is led by Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and is supporting the Global Hub - Tokyo of the Future Earth Global (Permanent) Secretariat, announced on 12th of May, 2015 that it appointed Dr. Fumiko KASUGA as the Future Earth Global Hub Director in Tokyo(*). She is a Director at National Institute of Health Sciences, as well as a member of Science Council of Japan (Advisor to the President of SCJ, former Vice-President) . The Japan Consortium expects this decision would facilitate Japan’s contribution to Future Earth smoother than before. * Her initial term will be ended on March 31, 2016. *According to an agreement among five Global Hubs, Professor Paul Shrivastava, Executive Director of Future Earth had joined the selection process. Her appointment has been endorsed.

Post Vacancy for Future Earth Secretariat Global Hub Director -Japan

The Japan Hub of the Future Earth Global Secretariat is supported by The Japan Consortium for Future Earth.

The Japan Consortium is seeking a Director of the Japan Hub. This will be a 10.5-month appointment, commencing on May 18, 2015, with possible extension subject to satisfactory performance and/or change in the financial condition after re-selection process. No salary will be paid for the 1st year, and therefore the selected person will be hired as the secondment from his/her current affiliation. The contracting mechanism will be discussed with the selected candidate. Details of application for Global Hub Director-Japan are provided as this PDF file.

The Japan Consortium for Future Earth: Currently composed of following organizations although not limited to them through further development. Science Council of Japan, Hokkaido University of Education, Tohoku University, Ibaraki University, The University of Tokyo - Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science (IR3S), Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance, Nagoya University, Kyushu University, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, United Nations University - IAS, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Research Institute of Humanity and Nature, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan Science and Technology Agency/ Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society and ICLEI Japan.

The Future Earth initiative

Future Earth is the global research platform providing the knowledge and support to accelerate our transformations to a sustainable world.

Bringing together and in partnership with existing programmes on global environmental change, Future Earth will coordinate new, inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches to research on three themes: Dynamic Planet, Global Sustainable Development and Transformations towards Sustainability. It will also be a platform for international engagement to ensure that knowledge is generated in partnership with society and users of research. It is founded on the principle of the co-creation and co-design of these knowledge products. Future Earth is open to all stakeholders of interest including researchers of all disciplines of the natural and social sciences, as well as engineering, health, law and civil society.

Future Earth is sponsored by the Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability ("the Alliance") comprising the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), the Belmont Forum of funding agencies, the United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations University (UNU), and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

A globally distributed Secretariat

The architecture of the globally distributed Secretariat is unique and currently encompasses five Global Hubs located in five different countries, connected through a dynamic, networked structure. This will include Regional Hubs and partners. The distributed model unites a diversity of perspectives, stakeholders and geographical locations. The new Future Earth Secretariat is committed to inclusivity and to fostering the creativity and innovation required to address the challenges of global environmental change. In this spirit it will provide coordination and enabling services to Future Earth communities of researchers, decision makers and practitioners. While distributed on 3 continents, the Secretariat will operate as a single entity under the direction of an Executive Director. The distributed governance infrastructure is placed in the five hubs under the direction of five Global Hub Directors.

Short Description of the position of Global Hub Director

Future Earth Global Hub Directors will engage the world's leading experts in sustainability and environmental research from a trans-disciplinary perspective. Directors will engage various stakeholders in strategic dialogues with these research communities to both understand and find solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems, based on the best available knowledge. Directors will ensure that Future Earth integrates this knowledge, based on research performed with integrity from different disciplines in a process of collaboration and co-design.

Global responsibilities: The Global Hub Directors work with and report to the Executive Director. Together with the Executive Director, the five Global Hub Directors form the Executive team responsible for the overall leadership of the secretariat.

Future Earth Program, please refer to the following websites.

Vacancy on five Global Hubs-directors, please refer to the following website.

Paul Shrivastava is appointed as Executive Director of Future Earth

The International Council for Science(ICSU), on behalf of the Science & Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability, announced February 13th 2015 the appointment of Paul Shrivastava as Executive Director of Future Earth.

SCIENCE COUNCIL OF JAPAN  7-22-34, Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-8555, Japan

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