Quantum Technologies Collaboration at PSI (QTC@PSI)

A nucleation point of PSI competences towards the quantum technology initiative.


PSI's expertise in the study of quantum matter and engineering of nanoelectronics is directly connected to the availability of world-class large-scale facilities, such as the SINQ neutron and SμS muon source, the SLS synchrotron and the SwissFEL x-ray free-electron laser.

The Quantum Technology Collaboration at PSI (QTC@PSI) serves as a platform to coalesce key competences and know-how (imaging, spectroscopy, sample synthesis, nanofabrication and theory) that will lead to the development of components required to implement quantum technology in everyday life. Critical expertise in nanofabrication, optical amplifiers & microwave technology, metrology, cryogenics & magnet engineering, as well as detector technology exist at PSI today. This combination of scientific excellence in materials science and quantum materials along with the technological know-how and large scale facilities means PSI is uniquely positioned to make significant contributions to the quantum revolution that now is unfolding worldwide.

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Forschungsstr. 111
CH-5232 Villigen PSI