Chemical Management

Notification Requirements of the PRTR system

PRTR substances

515 Class 1 Designated Chemical Substances are subject to PRTR substances. PRTR substances are selected focusing on hazards or exposure potential. In particular, 15 Specific Class I Designated Chemical Substances are designated from view of carcinogenicity and germ cell mutagenicity"

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Type of business: 24 industries

Industries List

Industries List

Business scale

Business operators employing 21 and over regular employees

Business operators with facilities that meet special requirements(If the handling amounts are less than the required amounts, notification is required)

・Relevant facilities under the Mine Safety Law
・Sewage disposal facilities
・Domestic waste disposal facilities/Industrial waste disposal facilities
・Specific facilities under the Act on Special Measures against Dioxins

Handling amounts

Facilities handling 1 tone and over per year of Class I Designated Substances
(0.5 tone and over per year of Specific Class I Designated Chemical Substances ).

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What must be reported?

Amounts released

Amounts released to the environment due to business activities
i. Air emissions
ii. Surface water discharges : river, lake, sea
iii. Land emissions (excluding iv)
iv. Landfills

Annual amounts transferred

Amounts transferred from the operation site to off-site for the treatment of waste generated as a result of business activities
i. Transfers to sewage
ii. Off-site transfers in waste: Transferred to industrial waste contractors

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