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Collaborative Research Group on Environmental Economics and Evaluation



Collaboration Between Social Science Fields and Biological/Ecosystem Fields

At the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), the Social Systems Division and the Biodiversity Division have organized interdisciplinary seminars since 2011, with presentations from invited outside lecturers. We have been stimulating cross-disciplinary research activities and exploring the possibilities for solving conservation and management issues related to biodiversity and ecosystems.

Launch of the Collaborative Research Group on Environmental Economics and Evaluation

In August 2014, we launched the Collaborative Research Group on Environmental Economics and Evaluation (Group Leader: Professor Akira Hibiki of Tohoku University) to further promote research using a cross-disciplinary approach, based on the discussions conducted at previous seminars. The Group works on the analysis of environmental policies taking an integrated approach not only in the fields of social science and biology, but also in economics and other social and natural sciences. Information on past and future seminars will be announced on this page.

Core Members

(in an alphabetical order)
ARIGA Toshinori (Chiba University)
ASAYAMA Shinichiro (Social Systems Division)
FUKAYA Keiichi (Biodiversity Division)
HAYASHI Takehiko (Social Systems Division)
HIBIKI Akira (Group Leader, Collaborative Research Group on Environmental Economic Evaluation / Tohoku University)
ISHIHAMA Fumiko (Biodiversity Division)
KAMEYAMA Yasuko (The University of Tokyo)
KUBO Takahiro (Biodiversity Division)
MAKI Seiya (Social Systems Division)
OKAGAWA Azusa (Social Systems Division)
TAKAKURA Junya (Social Systems Division)
TSUCHIYA Kazuaki (Social Systems Division)
TSUJI Takashi (Fukushima Regional Collaborative Research Center)
YAMAGUCHI Rintaro (Social Systems Division)
YAMANO Hiroya (Biodiversity Division)

YOKOO Hide-Fumi (Visiting Researcher, Social Systems Division / Hitotsubashi University)
YOKOMIZO Hiroyuki (Health and Environmental Risk Division)

Seminar series

Seminar on environmental policies and behavior change

6th seminar
Date:September 19, 2024, 15:00-
Presenter:Masayuki Sato (Kobe University)
Title:Use and valuation of urban ecosystems

Venue:NIES (Middle Meeting Room)

Abstract:Urbanization is changing people's lifestyles and affecting the use and valuation of ecosystems, as indicated by the “loss of natural experience”. This is not necessarily a positive trend for ecosystem conservation. Previous studies have shown that as urbanization progresses, people's perception and valuation of nature and ecosystems have declined, and as a result, people's behavior in urban areas and ecosystem conservation have become inconsistent.
In this seminar, we discuss the issue of disparities in the use of nature (enjoyment of ecosystem services) as well as economic and time disparities as one of the problems of modern urban life, while taking into account the actual status of nature use by urban dwellers. Opportunities, possibilities, and choices of people's use of ecosystems will be discussed in relation to the evaluation of ecosystem services in terms of wellbeing.

5th seminar

Date:July 2, 2024, 14:00-
Presenter:Takehiko Hayashi (NIES)
Title: A crash course on the backdoor criterion, or the question of whether partial regression coefficients in multiple regression analysis can be interpreted as estimates of causal effects.
Venue:Online / NIES (Ohyama Memorial Hall)
Abstract: Multiple regression analysis is one of the most widely used and also one of the most widely misunderstood methods. In this seminar, I will explain the “backdoor criterion,” which provides a criterion for variable selection from the perspective of statistical causal inference, and consider what the partial regression coefficient in multiple regression analysis can mean.

4th seminar
Date:October 13, 2023 15:0016:00
Presenter:Yuki Yamamoto(Kansai University)
Title:Ecosystem Degradation and Human Capital: Evidence from Mangrove Deforestation in Indonesia
Venue:NIES, Ohyama Memorial Hall

3rd seminar

Date:July 10, 2023 , 15:00-16:00
Presenter:Satoshi Tachibana(Univ. of Tsukuba)
Title:Illegal Logging and Timber Trade and the History of Global Measures
Venue:NIES, Middle meeting room

2nd Seminar

Date:July 10, 2023, 13:30-14:30
Presenter:Keita Abe (Musashi Univ.)

Venue:NIES, MIddle meeting room

1st Seminar
Presenter:HIde-Fumi Yokoo (Hitotsubashi University/NIES)
Date:July 4, 2023, 15:00-16:00
Title Green nudge messages and information-collection behavior of wineries: Field experiments in Japan
Abstract:Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the agriculture, food, and beverage sectors is a challenge. In this paper, we study the decisions of 376 Japanese wineries to participate in webinars on life cycle assessment (LCA). We observe whether these wineries participate in the webinars. We find that 16% of the wineries registered for the webinars at least once, and 11% participated. Newer and larger wineries are more likely to participate in the webinars. Counter-intuitively, wineries that are highly aware of ongoing climate change are less likely to participate. These wineries may have already given up on climate change mitigation and are more interested in adaptation. Furthermore, we attempted to use a nudge message to encourage participation. We adopted the "leadership by example" concept and introduced a leading winery that had already purchased green electricity. However, this treatment does not encourage participation; we even find a negative effect on wineries close to the leading winery. Careful field surveys and policy design are required to advance climate change mitigation in this sector.

Climate science and economy seminar (co-organized by CRGEEE)

Date:January 29, 2025
Presenter :Tatsuya Abe (Waseda University)
Title:Energy-augmenting Productivity and Carbon Trading: Evidence from Production Microdata (joint with Arlan Brucal and Yuta Toyama)
Venue:Kobe University andMicrosoft Teams

Date:October 4, 2024

Presenter:Keita Abe (Musashi University)
Title:Penalty, Uncertainty, and Underutilization of Fishing Quota
Venue: Kobe University

Date:June 6, 2024 15:10-16:40
Presenter :Florian Diekert(University of Augsburg)
Theme:Balancing the risk of tipping: Early Warning Systems from detection to management
Venue:Kobe University and Zoom

Date:March 22, 2024 15:10-
Presenter: Masakazu Ogami(NIES)
Theme:Justifiability of Social Discounting using Mini-publication Method
Venue:Kobe University and Zoom

Date:November 24, 2023

Presenter:Junichi Tsutsui(Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)
Theme:The Role of Emulators in Scenario Research

Date:November 17, 2023
Presenter: Kazuhiko Matsumoto (Osaka University)
Collaborator:Hiroaki Sakamoto(Kobe University)
Venue:Kobe University

Date:April 22, 2023
Workshop on Climate and Environmental Economics Agenda
Date:April 13, 2023
Presenter :Christian Traeger(University of Oslo)

Date: March 24, 2023
Presenter:Shun Chonabayashi (Soka University)
Title: Temperature Measurement Errors and Climate Change Impact Estimates

Date: March 17, 2023
Presenter: Nobuyuki Takashima(Hiroshima University)
Title :TBA

Date: March 3, 2023
Presenter: Yutaro Sakai (The University of Tokyo)
Title: Altruism, Information, and the Value of Traceability in Seafood

Date: February 21, 2023
Presenter: Hiroaki Sakamoto (Kobe University)
Title:Social cost of carbon with intragenerational inequality and economic uncertainty

Date: February 17, 2023
Presenter: Tatsuhiro Shichijo (Osaka Metropolitan University)

Date: February 10, 2023
Presenter: Junya Takakura (National Institute for Environmental Studies)
Title: Assessments of global-scale economic impacts of climate change

Date: January 20, 2023
Presenter: Hideki Shimada ( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
Title:Pricing schemes for solar energy matter in residential electricity use (with Tomonori Honda)

Date: November 25, 2022
Presenter: Jun Yoshida (Kyushu University)
Title: Natural disasters and firm selection: heterogeneous effects of flooding events on manufacturing sectors in Japan

Date:November 11, 2022
Presenter: Hiroaki SAKAMOTO(Kobe University)
Title:Temperature-related mortality

Date: July 29, 2022
Presenter: Shinichiro ASAYAMA (NIES)

Date: July 22, 2022 13:20-14:50
Venue: Kobe University and Zoom
Presenter:Shiba SUZUKI (Seikei University)
Title:Green bonds and term structure

Date: July 15, 2022 15:10-16:40

Venue: Zoom
Presenter: Shiro TAKEDA (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Title : Analysis of regional impacts of carbon dioxide mitigation in a computable general equilibrium model

Date: July 1, 2020 15:10-16:40
Venue: Kobe University and Zoom
Presenter: Daiju NARITA(The University of Tokyo)
Title: Economic evaluation of climate change adaptation policies under uncertainty

Date: Friday June 24, 2022 15:10-16:40

Venue: Kobe University and Zoom
Presenter: Shinsuke Uchida (Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya City University)
Title: Rainfall Intensity and Flood Damages: Hidden Risk of Agricultural Land in Floodplains

Date: June 17, 2022
Venue : Kobe University and Zoom
Presenter:Dai YAMAZAKI (THe University of Tokyo) , Yuki KITA(THe University of Tokyo・Gaia Vision )
Title: Challenges of global flood risk estimation in climate change impact assessments / Climate-related risk analysis methodology and a business venture to support the private sector to address climate change



33rd NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date:February 13, 2025, 16:00-17:30 (Japan time)/ 8:00-9:00 (Sweden time)
Venue:Online (URL will be annouced later.)
Presenter:Masahiro Suzuki(Chalmers University of Technology)
Dr. Suzuki received his Ph.D. from Central European University this summer and published his thesis analyzing the feasibility of the energy transition in the G7 and the EU in comparison with past historical changes. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.103281
He is currently working with Dr. Jessica Jewell's research group at Chalmers University of Technology on an empirical study of the feasibility of the energy transition.
In this seminar, he will present his latest research at Chalmers University of Technology as well as his previous work.

32nd NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: January 7, 2025, 14:00-15:30
Venue: NIES (Middle Meeting Room) and Online
Language: Japanese
Presenter: Gregory TRENCHER (Kyoto University)
Title: Empirical analysis of downsizing policies to promote decarbonization under the Paris Agreement

31th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date:November 28, 2024, 14:00-15:00
Venue:NIES and Teams
Presenter: Jude Bayham (Colorado State University)
Title: The promise and peril of mobile device data for recreation demand
Abstract: Executive order 14072 directs the US government to build and maintain government-wide natural capital accounts. Economists have long recognized outdoor recreation as one of the key values derived from our natural capital stocks. However, estimates of these values require expensive primary data collection. Passively collected mobile device data promises a low-cost alternative to primary data that can be used to estimate recreation demand models. This promise hinges on our ability to credibly estimate recreation values as measured by current methods. We compare recreation demand model estimates from conventional survey data and mobile device data to provide evidence for the credibility of value estimates based on this new alternative data source. We argue that despite its limitations, mobile device data enables credible estimates of economic value over time, especially when anchored by occasional individual survey data. These methods could be deployed at scale with minimal investments wherever mobile device data is collected.

30th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date:November 19, 2024, 14:00-17:00
Venue:NIES and Teams
14:00-15:00 Ambar Lineth Chavez Espinosa (Tohoku University)
Health and sustainability at risk: An empirical study on the household solid waste challenge in Panama
15:00-17:00 Kimberly Burnett (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
Identifying wastewater management tradeoffs: Costs, nearshore water quality, and implications for marine coastal ecosystems in Kona, Hawai‘i.

29th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date:October 28, 19, 2024 15:00〜16:00
Venue:NIES and Teams
Presenter:Nori Tarui (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Theme:Wastewater management in the face of sea level rises
Abstract: In coastal areas around the world, many houses are not connected to public wastewater systems and rely on onsite disposal systems (OSDS) such as cesspools. Sea level rise is exacerbating the risks of OSDS failures and wastewater contamination with potentially devastating ecosystem and health impacts. By applying Hawaiʻi's data on property transactions and coastal risk factors including OSDS locations, we find that the houses with cesspools sell at lower prices than those without. Across time and space, we observe variations in the tax credit eligibility for converting cesspools to alternatives that treat wastewater onsite. We find that tax credits enhance cesspool conversions though the additionality of conversions due to Hawaiʻi's recent tax credit support may be limited.

28th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date:September 25, 2024 13:30-15:00
Venue:NIES and Teams
Presenter:Zijin Xie(Hokkaido University)
Title:How should the number and size of protected areas be determined? Economic Theory for 30 by 30

27th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date:February 19, 2024 14:30〜16:00
Venue:NIES, Middle meeting room
Presenter:Minami Kito (Fukuoka Institute of Technology)
Title:Is Carbon Neutrality in the Aviation Industry Achievable?

26th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: November 15, 2022 13:00-14:30
Venue: Zoom
Presenter: Minami SUGIMOTO (Toho University / The University of Tokyo)
Title: Nutritional epidemiological studies on diet-related greenhouse gas : Exploring sustainable diets for Japanese

25th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: July 11, 2022 13:30-15:00
Venue: NIES and Zoom
Presenter:Keiichi SATOH (Hitotsubashi University)
Title:Climate change policy networks and social network analysis: Theories, data collection, and analytical perspectives

24th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: November 10, 2021 16:00-17:30
Venue: Zoom
Presenter: Katsumasa Tanaka (NIES/Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement )
Title: Cost-effective implementation of the Paris Agreement using flexible greenhouse gas metrics

23rd NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: October 19, 2021 16:00-17:30 (9:00-10:30 in Germany)
Venue: Zoom
Presenter: Bjoern Soergel(Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK))
Title: A sustainable development pathway for climate action within the UN 2030 Agenda

22nd NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: February 24, 2021 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: Zoom
Presenter: Koichi Ushijima (University of Tsukuba)
Title: Benefits of Heavy-Duty Diesel Emission Regulations: Evidence from the World's Largest Low Emission Zone

21st NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: Thursday, July 30, 2020 16:00-17:30
Venue: Zoom
Language: English
Presenter:Payal Shah(Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University)
Title: Application of portfolio theory to conservation planning with climate change uncertainty

20th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: December 11, 2019 10: 00-12: 00
Venue: NIES (Exchange Conference Room, Global Warming Research Building)
Language: Japanese
Presenter: Koichiro Shiba (Ph.D. in Population Health Sciences, Harvard University)
Title: How to estimate the "effect of something" from observation data: A 3-step introduction to statistical causal reasoning

19th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2019 15: 00-17: 00
Venue: NIES (Exchange Conference Room, Global Warming Research Building)
Language: Japanese
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Scientific Research C 16K03690 "Empirical Study on Japanese Agricultural Policy-Inefficiency of Agricultural Sector and Impact on Economic Welfare” (PI: Azusa Okagawa)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) 19H03095 "Conservation of farmland ecosystems using marketing theory: Resolving trade-off between conservation and food production” (PI: Takahiro Kubo)

Presenter 1:Kiyokazu Ujiie (University of Tsukuba)
Title: Environmental protection agriculture and consumer evaluation
Abstract: This report introduces some findings on consumer evaluation of environmentally friendly agricultural products. First, we analyze scanner panel data for organic and specially cultivated agricultural products, and examine the characteristics of consumer evaluation and purchase motivation. Next, we will conduct a comparative analysis of Japan and Thailand using a virtual selection experiment on consumer evaluation of rice attributes, and point out that there is a potential purchasing power market in Southeast Asia as well.

18th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: Monday, August 6, 2018 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: NIES (3rd floor meeting room, Circulation and Waste Research Building)
Language: Japanese (Slides, Q & A: English)
Presenter:Shinsuke Tanaka(Tufts University)
Title: Driving the Gap: Tax Incentives and Incentives for Manipulating the Fuel Efficiency in the Automobile Industry
Abstract: This study examines and identifies the underlying incentives for falsifying fuel efficiency on the part of the automobile industry. Using novel microdata on on-road fuel consumption in Japan, we find a discontinuous increase in the fuel efficiency gap—the disparity between official test results and real-world fuel efficiency—of 6 percent at the tax-incentive eligibility thresholds. Further evidence shows that the extents of manipulation respond directly to marginal tax incentives. Our findings suggest that large incentive schemes, especially those with nonlinear payoff schedules, may induce incentives on the part of automakers to “cook the books” on fuel efficiency figures.

17th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: August 1, 2018 15: 30-18: 00
* There will be a social gathering around Tsukuba Station from around 18:30
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room, Research Main Building I 3rd floor)
Language: Japanese (Slides, Q & A: English)
Presenter 1:Yasuhiro Nakamoto(Kansai University)
Title: Pollution Externalities and Corrective Taxes in a Dynamic Small Open Economy
Abstract: This study examines the effects of environmental tax policies in a dynamic model of a polluted small open economy in which there are two sources of pollution, consumption and production, controlled by consumption and income taxes, and accumulated pollution affects a negative effect on household's utility. In a decentralized dynamic competitive equilibrium under exogenous tax rates, we show that particularly a permanent increase in each of the consumption and income taxes unambiguously reduce the steady-state stock of pollution, a temporary increase in these taxes may lead to more pollution in We also derive the social optimal solution and examine the optimal tax paths to achieve the social optimum. If distaste and leisure effects are sufficiently strong, tax rates. decrease along the optimal path as pollution increases over time, and if these effects are not so stron g, the opposite occurs.

Presenter 2:Masako Ikefuji(University of Tsukuba)
Title: Environmental policy in a stagnant economy (with Yoshiyasu Ono, ISER Osaka University)
Abstract: Using a dynamic optimization model of a monetary economy in which persistent unemployment occurs, we examine the effects of environmental policies on aggregate consumption and pollution emission in a stagnant economy with persistent deflation. If full employment is achieved, environmental policies, such as imposing If unemployment prevails, however, those environmental policies stimulate private consumption by expanding total employment and mitigating deflation. Their effects on welfare are also examined.

16th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: NIES (1st Conference Room, Research Main Building I 1st floor)
Language: Japanese
Presenter: Takahiko Kiso (University of Aberdeen)
Title: A Subsidy Inversely Related to the Product Price
Abstract: This paper proposes a new subsidy scheme for promoting a target good's consumption, where subsidy payment is inversely related to the good's price. Under imperfect competition, this scheme makes the demand faced by producers more elastic, thereby reducing their power to raise prices and Increasing subsidy pass-through to consumers. Compared to commonly-used specific or ad valorem subsidies, it can lower government expenditure for inducing a given output, and flexibly adjust the incidence on producers. Simulations based on an actual U.S. subsidy programme on electric vehicles indicate up to 50-81% reductions in government spending if it replaces the current specific subsidy.

15th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: May 9, 2018 (Wednesday) 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: NIES (3rd floor meeting room, Circulation and Waste Research Building)
Language: English
Presenter:Akio Yamazaki(University of Calgary)
Title: The Competitiveness Impacts of Carbon Tax: Evidence from British Columbia
Summary: In the recent years, many jurisdictions have been considering a carbon pricing policy as their future climate action plan. To better inform policymakers and the public about the potential costs and benefits of such policies, I investigate the impacts of British Columbia's carbon tax. I use detailed confidential micro-level data to estimate its impacts on the competitiveness of plants and firms in BC. The findings from my research suggest that the carbon tax induces job shifts across industries while the net aggregate employment effect is rather small. However, it These findings can be useful for designing the future carbon tax policy does impose costs in the manufacturing sector in the short-run, leading to declines in output, employment, and productivity. Yet, such negative shocks can be eased by recycling the tax revenue. in other jurisdiction.

14th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: April 13, 2018 (Friday) 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: NIES (3rd floor meeting room, Circulation and Waste Research Building)
Language: Japanese
Presenter: Kengo Igei (Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Research Institute)
Title: Impact assessment in collaboration with practitioners: Introduction of randomized controlled trials on the impact of disability equality training in South Africa
Co-sponsored by:
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory) 17K18547 "Establishing RCT Methodology in the Environment and Energy Policy Research" (PI: Hisako Nomura; Co-Investigators: Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Takahiro Kubo, Aya Suzuki; Research Collaborators: Yohei Kobayashi, Ken Haig)
Abstract: With the recent advocacy of Evidence-Based Policy Making, the distance between researchers and practitioners has narrowed, and opportunities to jointly evaluate the impact of policy intervention have increased. However, the interests of researchers and practitioners often do not match, and it can be said that it is important to consider and adjust the intentions of both parties in order to carry out a fruitful impact evaluation. In this seminar, the Presenter:: will introduce the details of the research process such as the design of the evaluation design along with the analysis results, based on the case of the impact evaluation of the disability equality training in South Africa being carried out with JICA project experts.

13th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: March 9, 2018 (Friday) 14: 00-16: 00
Venue: NIES (3rd floor meeting room, Circulation and Waste Research Building)
Language: English
Presenter: Prof. Jan R. Magnus (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Econometrics and Operations Research)
Title: Expected Utility and Catastrophic Risk in a Stochastic Economy-Climate Model (joint with Masako Ikefuji, Roger J. A. Laeven, and Chris Muris)

12th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: Friday, October 6, 2017 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room, Research Main Building I 3rd floor)
Language: English
Performer: Douglas MacMillan (University of Kent)
Title: The economics of conservation and sustainable land use

11th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: October 4, 2017 (Wednesday) 9: 45-11: 15
Venue: NIES (Exchange Conference Room, Global Warming Research Building)
Language: English
Presenter 1: Prof. Ferdinando Villa (BC3, Spain)
Title: "Characterizing beneficiaries in integrated ecosystem services assessments: an artificial intelligence approach (TDB)"
Presenter 2: Ronald C. Estoque (NIES, Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research)
Title: "Future changes in Southeast Asia's forest cover and its ecosystem service value under the shared socioeconomic pathways: Initial results for the Philippines (TDB)"

10th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: Friday, July 21, 2017 15: 00-17: 00
Venue: NIES (3rd floor meeting room, Circulation and Waste Research Building)
Presenter 1: Rintaro Yamaguchi (Kyushu University)
Title: Corruption, institutions and sustainable development: Theory and evidence from inclusive wealth
Presenter 2: Ryo Takahashi (Gakushuin University)
Title: When do consumers stand up for the environment? Evidence from a large-scale social experiment to promote environmentally friendly coffee

9th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: May 11, 2017 (Thursday) 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room, Research Main Building I 3rd floor)
Presenter: Koun Sugimoto (Assistant Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University)
Title: Trends in tourism behavior research applying geospatial information

8th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: April 14, 2017 (Friday) 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: NIES (3rd floor meeting room, Circulation and Waste Research Building)
Presenter: Kensuke Teshima (Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology)
Title: Offshoring Health Risks: The Impact of the U.S. Lead Regulation on Infant Health in Mexico
Co-sponsored by: Resource Recycling Research Program PJ2 "Resource Conservation and Environmental Impact Assessment of Flow Stock of Recycling Resources and Accompanying Substances"

7th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: February 7, 2017 (Tuesday) 15: 30-17: 00
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room)
Presenter: Keitaro Aoyagi (Global Group 21 Japan Co., Ltd.)
Title: Tips for Practitioner Collaboration in Field Experiments: From Experience of RCT Practice at JICA
Commentator: Hisako Nomura (Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyushu University)

6th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: May 27, 2016 (Friday) 15: 00-17: 00
Venue: National Institute for Environmental Studies 2nd Conference Room
Presenter: Yoshito Takasaki (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo)
15: 00-16: 00 Peruvian Amazon Rural Livelihoods and Poverty (PARLAP)
16: 00-17: 00 Research paper presentation / Q & A
Title: Environmental and market determinants of economic orientation among rain forest communities: Evidence from a large-scale survey in western Amazonia
Authors: Oliver T. Coomes, Yoshito Takasaki, Christian Abizaid and J. Pablo Arroyo-Mora

5th Historical Demography Seminar

Date: December 7, 2015 (Monday) 15: 00-16: 30
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room)
Presenter: Hiroshi Kito (President of the University of Shizuoka)
Title: Long-term changes in the local population in the Japanese archipelago: Thinking from the relationship with resources, environment, and civilization system
Date: Friday, March 13, 2015 14: 00-17: 50, Saturday, March 14, 2015 9: 30-12: 20
Venue: NIES (2nd and 1st meeting rooms)
【Day 1】
Critical capital stock and optimal steady states in a continuous time aggregate growth model with convex-concave production function (Ken-Ichi Akao, Waseda University)
Consumption salience, learning and information acquisition: Evidence from a field experiment (Isamu Matsukawa, Musashi University)
Job Change and Self-Control of Waste Pickers: Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Philippines (Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Resource Recycling and Waste Research Center, NIES)
Field experiment with Filipino fishermen (Kenta Tanaka, Musashi University)
【Day 2】
Effect of renewable energy promotion system considering strategic behavior of transmission companies (Yukihide Kurokawa, Waseda University)
Environmental Policy Decisions Incentives and the Possibility of Environmental Improvements in China (Eiji Sawada, Waseda University)
About the impact of climate change on China's mortality rate: Empirical research (Akira Hibiki, Sophia University and NIES)

4th NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: Friday, March 6, 2015 9: 30-11: 00
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room)
Presenter: Takahiro Kubo (Kyoto University Graduate School Doctoral Program)
Title: Thinking about the National Park Brand-Trade-off between Conservation and Recreation-

3rd NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: January 23, 2015 (Friday) 15: 30-18: 00
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room)
Economic study of cost-effective measures against red soil runoff (Tetsuya Horie, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nagasaki University)
Borneo Indigenous Forest Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Toward Biodiversity Conservation Considering the Needs of Local Communities (Yayoi Takeuchi, Biological and Ecosystem Environmental Research Center, NIES)

2nd NIES-CRGEEE Seminar
Date: December 5, 2014 (Friday) 15: 30-17: 30
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room)
Ecology of abandoned villages: Future biodiversity conservation measures based on the history of land use and abandonment (Keita Fukasawa, Biological and Ecosystem Environmental Research Center, NIES)
Evaluating the connection between society and ecosystem: Attempt to evaluate geographical and quantitative ecosystem services (Makoto Oba, Social and Environmental Systems Research Center, NIES)
Examination of methods for promoting job changes for dump sites and waste pickers: Field experiments at a waste disposal site in Iloilo City, Philippines (Hide-Fumi Yokoo, Resource Recycling and Waste Research Center, NIES)

1st kick-off seminar
Date: Friday, November 7, 2014 15: 30-17: 30
Venue: NIES (2nd Conference Room)
Presentation 1: Introduction of research results so far, overall picture of environmental economics, and future group management (Akira Hibiki, Collaboration Research Group Leader, NIES)
Title 2: Significance of Environmental Economics Evaluation Research in Ecosystem Research (Hiroya Yamano, Director, Environmental Research Center for Biological and Ecosystems, NIES)
Presentation 3: Research themes that should be tackled by the Environmental Economic Evaluation Collaboration Group (Yasuko Kameyama, Vice Director, Social and Environmental Systems Research Center, NIES)
General discussion

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