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The Ministry of Justice


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  7. System for International Transfer of Sentenced Persons

System for International Transfer of Sentenced Persons

The System for International Transfer of Sentenced Persons transfers sentenced persons who were sentenced and imprisoned in a foreign country back to their home countries and allows them to complete their sentence there in order to encourage their reform and rehabilitation and smooth reentry into society and to enhance international cooperation in the criminal justice field.
In Japan, transfer in and transfer out are implemented under the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons (Law No. 1 of 2003) adopted by the Council of Europe, and the Law on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (Law No. 66 of 2002). “Transfer in” refers to the transfer of Japanese nationals serving sentences in state parties back to Japan to serve their sentences in Japanese penal institutions, while “transfer out” refers to the transfer of foreign nationals who are serving their sentences in Japan back to their home countries (state parties) to serve their sentences there.

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