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Minister Saito Visits the United States


June 28, 2024

External Economic Policy

From Tuesday, June 25, to Friday, June 28, 2024, Mr. Saito Ken, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, visited Washington, D.C., the United States. During his stay, he attended the Japan-Republic of Korea-United States Commerce and Industry Ministerial Meeting, meetings with his counterparts, and business-focused events.

1. Multilateral meetings

(1) Japan-Republic of Korea-United States Commerce and Industry Ministerial Meeting (Wednesday, June 26)

Minister Saito attended the first-ever Japan-Republic of Korea-United States Commerce and Industry Ministerial Meeting. In the meeting, the three countries confirmed the significance and importance of trilateral economic cooperation and held discussions toward the enhancement of trilateral collaboration. Following the meeting, the three ministers released a joint statement.

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(2) U.S.-EU-Japan-Republic of Korea Ministerial Meeting (Wednesday, June 26)

Minister Saito held a four-party meeting with Ms. Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, the U.S., Ms. Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice President, European Commission,* and Mr. Ahn Dukgeun, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, the ROK.
*Note: Executive Vice President Vestager attended the meeting online.

After the meeting, the four parties jointly released the "Readout of U.S.-EU-Japan-Republic of Korea Ministerial Meeting" as follows.

On June 26, Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Saito Ken held a meeting with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, European Commission Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager, and Republic of Korea Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Ahn Duk-geun to discuss the importance of trustworthy and resilient supply chains in key sectors.

The ministers discussed shared concerns regarding the potential for non-market policies and practices to distort markets and undermine our workers, industries, and the resilience and security of our economies. In alignment with the approach taken through other multilateral forums, including the U.S.-Japan-Republic of Korea Trilateral Commerce and Industry Ministerial Meeting, the Ministers discussed the need to diversify supply chains where necessary and appropriate, and will continue to communicate on this issue.


2. Bilateral meetings

(1) Meeting with U.S. Secretary of Commerce Raimondo (the Fourth Japan-U.S. Commercial and Industrial Partnership (JUCIP) Ministerial Meeting) (Wednesday, June 26)

Minister Saito held the Fourth JUCIP Ministerial Meeting with Secretary of Commerce Raimondo.


(2) Meeting with Ambassador Katherine Tai, U.S. Trade Representative (Wednesday, June 26)

Minister Saito held a meeting with the U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai. Welcoming the progress of METI-USTR cooperation, the two principals confirmed the importance of cooperation among like-minded countries and global outreach to realize a free and fair international trade order.
They also exchanged notes on the G7 Trade Ministerial Meeting, the WTO, and other topics. Minister Saito shared his intention to lead relevant discussions by Japan and the U.S.


(3) Meeting with Minister Ahn Dukgeun, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the ROK (Wednesday, June 26)

Minister Saito held a meeting with Minister Ahn. The two sides exchanged views on cooperation in carbon neutrality and the field of trade, including WTO and IPEF issues, to enhance future Japan-ROK economic ties, and they agreed that Japan and the ROK will continue to engage in communication.

In particular, the Ministers focused on Japan-ROK cooperation in the fields of hydrogen and ammonia, and they agreed that their countries will establish a working group to help both public and private sectors to integrally advance discussions that contribute to improving the negotiation skills of both countries, as an effort to develop a global supply chain and build some fields in which hydrogen and ammonia are utilized. The Ministers also agreed to facilitate discussions at a private platform to be established under the leadership of Japanese and ROK companies.


3. Other efforts

(1) Attending the Japan Session at the 2024 SelectUSA Investment Summit (Tuesday, June 25)

Minister Saito attended the Japan Session, an event hosted by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) at the 2024 SelectUSA Investment Summit, which encourages investment in the U.S. hosted by the U.S. Department of Commerce. He delivered a speech about Japanese companies’ contribution to the local economy of the U.S. through their investment and employment, the realization of supply chain resilience under Japan-U.S. collaboration, and the enhancement of Japan-U.S. economic ties through support provided by JETRO.

Taking this opportunity, Minister Saito talked with Mr. Don Graves, Deputy Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Kevin Stitt, Governor of Oklahoma, and Ms. Lou Leon Guerrero, Governor of Guam, who all attended the Japan Session.

Minister Saito also visited several booths exhibited by the state governments of the U.S. participating in the SelectUSA Investment Summit. At the booth showcased by North Carolina, he talked with Mr. Roy Cooper, Governor of North Carolina.

Minister Saito with Deputy Secretary of Commerce Graves (left of the Minister) and Governor Stitt, Oklahoma (right of the Minister)
Minister Saito with Governor Guerrero, Guam
Minister Saito with Governor Cooper, North Carolina

(2) Attending a U.S.-Japan-Korea business event (Wednesday, June 26)

Minister Saito attended the U.S.-Japan-Korea Business Dialogue bringing together representatives of Keidanren (Japan Business Federation), the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the Federation of Korean Industries.

At the event, Minister Saito from Japan, Deputy Secretary of Commerce Graves from the U.S., and Minister Ahn from the ROK delivered keynote speeches as government representatives of each country.

Minister Saito mentioned that [i]Japan, the U.S., and the ROK share basic values, [ii] the three countries have mutually complemental industrial structures and face common challenges, and [iii] it is necessary to build trilateral cooperation to solve global issues. He also stated the significance of such cooperation and showed his expectations for the development of partnerships among industrial players.

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Division in Charge

Information on the visit to the U.S. as a whole

Americas Division, Trade Policy Bureau

Information on the relationship with the ROK

Korea Office, Trade Policy Bureau

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