זהו דף העזרה לעורכי ויקיפדיה ומשתמשי קצה אחרים שמשתמשים בDiscussionTools .
DiscussionTools is the default talk page system provided with MediaWiki . It is the default discussion system at all Wikimedia wikis. It is available on the desktop and mobile web site, but not in Wikimedia Apps.
שליחת תגובה
נוספים קישורים אחרי כל תגובה בשביל שליחת תשובות מהירה לשיחות קיימות.
תחילת העבודה
- בסוף כל הודעה חתומה, יהיה קישור תגובה. יש ללחוץ על הקישור הזה כדי להשיב להודעה.
- תיפתח תיבה. ההודעה שלך תמוקם במקום של התיבה.
- יש להקליד את התשובה שלכם בתיבה. החתימה שלך והתאריך יתווספו לתגובה שלך אוטומטית.
- כשהתגובה מוכנה לשליחה, יש ללחוץ על כפתור תגובה.
- אפשר לעבור בין מצב חזותי למצב עריכת קוד ויקי.
- במצב עריכת קוד ויקי, תצוגה מקדימה חיה מראה איך ההודעה שלך תיראה בעת ההקלדה שלה.
- במצב החזותי אפשר להשתמש בקיצורי מקשים כדי לעשות קישורים, כדי לאזכר בתו @ את האדם שהתשובה מופנית אליו, וכדי להוסיף עיצוב תווים.
- If someone else posts a comment in the same section while you are typing your own comment, it will alert you. Click הצגת תגובה חדשה to see the new comment. If you have already typed part of your comment, it will try to keep your comment. Restoring your comment is sometimes slow on large pages.
- Replying can be disabled on individual pages and sections as described at Help:DiscussionTools/Magic words and markup .
- נכון ל־2022 הכלי הזה לא עובד עם תבניות בעלות שורות מרובות או עם קוד ויקי שצריך להיות בתחילת השורה (למשל, קוד ויקי של טבלאות). לא תהיה לך אפשרות לעבור למצב חזותי אם התגובה שלך מכילה קוד כזה. ר' מגבלות של כלי התשובה במצב חזותי.
- הכלי יוצג רק ב־:
- דפים במרחבי שיחה
- דפים במרחבים שהוגדרו להציג את כלי "הוספת חתימה" (
). ברוב האתרים את מרחבי "פרויקט" ו"עזרה". - דפים שהוסיפו ידנית את כפתור פסקה חדשה באמצעות
- כלי התגובה מוצג כשהוא מזהה קישור לחשבון משתמש וחותם־זמן באותה השורה. חתימות מותאמות אישיות אחדות לא תזוהינה. ר' למה אינני יכול לענות להערה הזאת?.
New topic tool
The new topic tool starts a new discussion topic on the page. The features and limitations are very similar to the features and limitations of the reply tool. Complex formatting, such as tables, is allowed.
התחלת דיון חדש
- At the top of the page, click the "פסקה חדשה" tab.
- A box will open at the end of the page. Your message will be placed where the box is located.
- Type a subject heading in the box, where it says "נושא". A subject heading is required.
- Type your message in the big box. Your signature and the date will be added to the end of your message automatically.
- When you are ready to post your message, click the הוספת נושא button.
Preloading message content
Since March 2023, the new topic tool includes support for preloading the talk page message, similar to native MediaWiki preloading . Support of this feature was introduced as part of T269310.
To enable the preloading, it is necessary to provide the dtpreload=1
parameter (or usedt=1
in InputBox ).
If the enabling parameter is provided, the following preloading URL parameters are recognized:
- if provided, the value is used as the talk page message's subjectpreload
- if provided, the page specified in the value is used to preload the talk page message contentpreloadparams[]
- if provided, the value is used to replace parameters in the preloading template; each parameter is specified as1ドル
. This parameter can be provided multiple times.editintro
- if provided, a templated message to display at the top of the new topic tool.
Topic subscriptions
The topic subscriptions feature adds a link to מינוי at the end of the discussion section headings. Click the מינוי link to receive notifications if and when new comments are added to that section in the future.
You can enable automatic topic subscriptions in העדפות → דפי שיחה. Only edits made with the reply and new topic tools will cause you to be automatically subscribed.
After you have subscribed to this section, there will be an ביטול מינוי link. Click that to stop receiving notifications about new comments in that section.
You can see a list of your subscriptions at Special:TopicSubscriptions. You can unsubscribe from topics on that page, too.
- Notifications are based on the first comment and its timestamp. Changes to the section heading do not affect the subscription.
- You can only subscribe to a ==Level 2 section==.
- You will receive notifications about new comments regardless of the editing interface used to post them.
- Subscriptions will remain intact even when conversations are moved to other pages or the section heading changes.
- You can read technical information at Extension:DiscussionTools/How it works#Notifications.
- Subscribing to a thread that was initiated by a Massmessage distribution will subscribe you to all threads created at the same time.[1]
Page subscriptions
You can subscribe to a whole talk page and be notified of new topics.
This "מינוי" link is present in the "כלים" menu. Depending on your configuration, this menu can be either collapsed under the "כלים" menu or visible.
When you click on it, the מינוי link becomes an ביטול מינוי link.
This is different from watching the page. Watching the page will highlight all edits made on the talk page: new topics, comments, edits... If you subscribe to the talk page, you will only be notified about new discussion topics.
Information and appearance
Discussion pages will show additional information about each section. Discussion pages will not look the same as article pages, to help newcomers recognize them as places for talking to other users.
This feature adds new information about:
- the number of users and the number of comments in each topic and how old the most recent comment is – at the top of each ==section heading==
- the most recent comment on the page – at the top of the page
- the number of comments in each thread – in the Table of Contents (Vector 2022 skin only)
This feature also changes the appearance of the talk pages, particularly for ==Level 2== section headings.
You can turn off this feature in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion. Look for "הצגת פעילות דיון".
Talk pages permalinking
Each comment receives a permalink. This link keeps track of the comment, even if moved elsewhere. This feature was enabled on most Wikimedia wikis on January 29, 2024, and on English Wikipedia on June 27.[2]
The link to a comment is available from its timestamp, in the signature. Clicking (or tapping on mobile) on the link copies the permalink to your clipboard.
If a comment has been moved from the linked-to page, a message is shown to the user, with a link to the new location.
The comment accessed using this link will be highlighted by a colored background.
Permalinks formats
The URL fragment is now a unique identifier, stored in a database. The page the comment is currently on doesn’t matter anymore. It applies to either new topics or any responses.
Each new comment is identified using the author of the new message and its timestamp, and also the user and timestamp of the comment being replied to. The most common format is: #c-<username1>-<timestamp1>-<username2>-<timestamp2>
New topics are identified by their author, timestamp, and the new topic title: #c-<username>-<timestamp>-<topic title>
In addition, most recent existing section links to topics in the format #<topic title>
will also trigger this message if the topic was moved and can be found elsewhere.[3]
Each comment with a proper signature is taken into account. A proper signature is a signature with a link to a user page, or user talk page, or user contributions, and a timestamp formatted according to the wiki's language. Custom timestamps might not be detected.
All comments matching the signature requirements are taken into account for a permalink, no matter their age; this change is retroactive on older comments.
Changing the username in the signature, or the timestamp of an already posted message, will corrupt the permalink.
If a comment is deleted, it can be traced back. The last old revision where the comment appeared will be shown. This is available on Special:FindComment
Talk pages permalinks won't work in any page that transcludes sections under <h1>
All of the above features are also available on the mobile web site. Their design is adapted to fit in with the design of the mobile skin and the mobile editor.
The reply tool's comment box shows vertical placement of your comment. It does not show horizontal placement ("indentation"), to provide more space for editing on narrow mobile screens.