
ホーム > English 毎日新聞社 > Message from the President

Message from the President


A ‘communicator company’ vision

The Mainichi Shimbun marked the 150th anniversary of its founding in February 2022. That makes it the longest-lived newspaper in Japan.

Valuing the weight of that history, we will continue our work as a trustworthy news organization, while responding to the changing times.

On the occasion of our 150th anniversary, we compiled our “2030 Vision” outlining the form we are seeking as a media organization in 2030 and the role we should play.

“Looking at the individual, conveying information to the world and connecting society to become a communicator company.”

Embedded in the phrase “communicator company” are the ideas of linking people through conveying information and becoming a company that can create positive change in society and people’s lives.

The coronavirus pandemic that began in 2020 has had enormous impacts, and we are under pressure to respond to the “post corona” new normal. In this age, the Mainichi Shimbun will aim to become a media company that does not only convey information but also solutions, being able to solve issues faced by companies and our readers.

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