
English library guide

How to find books and journals
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog)
You can search books and journals in Saitama University
Publication Finder
You can search online journals
How to use Saitama University Library
Service for students and staffs at Saitama University
Entering the library
Apply for a library card
Borrowing and returning

Return by mail
If you are late for the due date of borrowed books
Reservation of books on-loan
Special loan

Arrangement of materials
How to use audiovisual materials
Learning Commons
Group Study Rooms and Seminar Rooms (How to Use)
Library Assistants (LA)
Book purchase request
Reference service
Copying materials in the library
Visiting other university libraries

・National university libraries
・Private university libraries
・SALA member libraries
・Rikkyo University Library

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service – for photocopy
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service – for borrowing

Library Information
Library outline
Service hours
Brochure (PDF version)
How to use electronic resources
Electronic journals, databases, and eBook usage guide
Use of electronic resources from outside Saitama University through GakuNin
Information on Open Access to academic papers
  • マイライブラリ
  • Microsoft365大学アカウント(埼玉大学発行のメールアドレス)とパスワードでログイン
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