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For Students

Last amended:2021年02月10日

Privacy Policy for Students

This Privacy Policy describes how National University Corporation Kyushu University in Japan ("KU" or "we") collects, uses fairly and stores safely your personal data about students (both current and former) we hold. If you have any questions concerns or if you would like more information about our privacy policy, please contact us at joho-kokai@jimu.kyushu-u.ac.jp.

1. The personal data we collect

The personal data we will collect from you are as followings:
・Personal contact details: your name, home address, email address and phone number;
・Personal details: date of birth, gender, nationality/citizenship and photograph;
・Identity personal data: passport number, date of issue, expiry date, place of birth, marital status and a copy of your
・National Identity Card, personal ID number, ID photo, bank accounts and job title,
・A copy of your Driving License and your motor vehicle inspection certificate;
・Financial information for tuition fee and other payments;
・Academic history before studying at KU: including the name of your higher education, your GPA (Grade Point Average),
your activities and achievements, your language proficiency certificate (if you are not a native Japanese speaker) and
your academic certificates;
・Work history or work experience details including organization name, position and achievement where required;
・Information including your specific requests, preferences, feedback, and survey responses;
・Data about you which have been generated during your time at KU (study and assessment);
・Data when you access or use KU’s resources (library, websites, virtual, learning environments);
・Contact details about your family, next of kin or guardian in the event of emergency;
・Where relevant, information related to special exam arrangements or special exchange program; and
・Information about your health status.

2. How we collect your personal data

The personal data will be collected from you directly when you:
・request or enquire any KU information to be sent to you;
・complete an online application system;
・access any web account on KU’s platforms; and
・request certificates or information regarding your study period at KU.

3. How we use your personal data

We may process your personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest. For fulfilling this respect, we use your personal data for the following:
・to manage the accommodation service;
・to provide library, IT and information services;
・to provide study support service;
・to provide our course details and schedules, exchange programs and other events;
・to provide an exchange program for study outside Japan;
・to collect feedback from you;
・to administer financial documents, statements and receipts;
・to ensure your safety and security;
・to evaluate your work performance according to our internal personnel evaluation standards;
・to process your personal data which you provide additionally for other purposes
・to monitor your interactions and contact you if necessary to offer support;
・to use your name for your email address;
・to evaluate and monitor the performance and effectiveness of KU, including training and monitoring our staff
performance according to our internal and external personnel evaluation standards; and
・to maintain Kyushu University Researcher’s Activity Developments & Reports System (Q-RADeRs) and Kyushu
University Institutional Repository (QIR).

We may also process your personal data in relation to compliance with our legal obligations and our missions. For fulfilling this respect, we may use your personal data for the following:
・diplomas and degree verification;
・financial audits;
・compliance with our regulatory and legal obligation; and
・prevention and detection of crime.
If you access certain optional services, we will ask for your consent for data processing.

We may further process your personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you or in order to take step at your request prior to entering into the contract. For fulfilling this respect, we use your personal data for the following:
・to provide your personal data to foreign education/research institutions; and
・to provide student support service in KU, including, additional learning support, Careers and Advising Services, and psychologist services.

Information such as health or religion may be considered "sensitive personal data" under the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). These personal data might include information necessary to fulfill medical purposes, or to protect your or other person’s vital interests. We are only prepared to accept sensitive personal data on the condition that we have your explicit consent.

4. Sharing your personal data with third parties

Your personal data may be shared with the following types of relevant organization:
・Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology;
・Immigration Bureau, Ministry of Justice; and
・Japan Society For the Promotion of Science.
Your personal data may be shared with travel agency which you request related service and your personal data may be transfer to insurance companies, as part of our legal obligations.
If we want to use your personal data for a reason other than those purposes provided herein, or transfer your personal data to any other third parties set out above, you will be notified and asked for consent.

5. How long we keep your personal data

Your personal data that we collected either through the application process or directly from you, will only be kept for a period, that is set base on the legal requirements of the national and local authorities in Japan.
On graduation, or completion of your studies, your personal data will be automatically provided to the "Federation of Alumni Associations of Kyushu University" (hereinafter referred to as the "Alumni") and you will be a member of Alumni*.
A transcript record of your results and qualifications will be kept permanently by KU.

* list of the Alumni

6. Your rights

Once your personal data has been collected, you have the right
・to request an access to a copy of your personal data that we hold;
・to rectify or erasure your personal data;
・to restrict or object to processing concerning your personal data;
・to ask for a copy of your personal data in a format that allows easy transfer ("data portability"); and
・to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before this withdrawal.

7. Cookies* policy:

We will use cookies to collect some personal data when you browse our website.
The personal data collected by cookies will only be used for our services mentioned above.
We also use cookies to deliver our services (including, but not limited to, "Application Form", "Language Setting", and "Survey") and targeted advertising based on your use of our web site.
Advertising technologies which may set cookies on our site including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others.
We also use Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics and others to collect information on how visitors use our site.

Cookies policy for Google Analytics

Cookies policy for Adobe Analytics
Data about how cookies can be controlled within the various browsers:
Cookies in Internet Explorer

Cookies in Safari

Cookies in Opera

Cookies in Google Chrome

Cookies in Firefox

Please refer the website above to each cookies policy to opt out cookies.

*Cookies are small text files including a unique identifier, which are stored to your computer or other device when you visit our website, if your browser allows it.

8. How we protect your personal data

We are improving security measures to protect your personal data and information security policies that must be read and understood by all member of staffs. The personal data is only available to those members of staffs who require access as part of their duties.
We may update this Privacy Policy at any time. The most current version will be available on our website or it can be notified to you by e-mail.

Please refer to the following for the Japanese translation:

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