研究成果 Research Results

Research Results: 2019

Research ResultsEnvironment & Sustainability
Difference in air temperature change depending on chemical components of PM2.5— toward suitable mitigation both for climate change and air pollution — 2019年03月15日
Research ResultsPhysics & Chemistry
The Origin of Star’s Birth Cry 2019年02月26日
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryMaterials
Magnetization Reversal achieved at room temperature using only an electric field 2019年02月25日
Research ResultsLife & Health
A cluster of neurons discovered: New evidence for fat as a primary taste quality 2019年02月05日
Research ResultsEnvironment & Sustainability
Abundance of pelagic microplastics in the present and future oceans (Kyushu University, Tokyo University of Marine Science & Technology, Civil Engineering Research Institute for Cold Region, Ministry of the Environment) 2019年01月25日
Research ResultsPhysics & Chemistry
Mystery of the Mercury’s anomalous magnetic field solved 2019年01月23日
Research ResultsLife & Health
Direct reprogramming of microglia into functional neurons by a single transcription factor, NeuroD1 2019年01月10日
Research ResultsLife & Health
DYNAMO1 drives division of mitochondria and peroxisomes by fuelling GTP 2019年01月07日


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