研究成果 Research Results

Research Results: 2015

Research ResultsLife & Health
Gene Responsible for Bile Duct Cancer Identified and Relevant Therapy Discovered 2015年12月22日
Research ResultsLife & Health
Intronic regulation of Aire expression by Jmjd6 for self-tolerance induction in the thymus 2015年11月05日
Research ResultsPhysics & ChemistryTechnology
World first optical mode switch 2015年10月23日
Research ResultsLife & HealthEnvironment & Sustainability
Selection Technique That Dramatically Improves the Germination Rate of Tree Seeds Developed: Discovery will Contribute to Turning Forestry into a Growth Industry by Cutting Costs 2015年06月18日
Research ResultsPhysics & Chemistry
Why is the Dense Polymorph of Silica Present in Lunar and Martian Meteorites? Understanding the Collisional History of Asteroids and Formation process of Planets Recorded in Shocked Meteorites 2015年05月11日
Research ResultsEnvironment & Sustainability
Results of a Fact-finding Study of Floating and Sea Floor Marine Debris Conducted in Offshore Waters in FY2014 2015年04月23日
Research ResultsHumanities & Social Sciences
Future Motor Action Rewrites Emotion Evoked by Previous Event: Emotion Modified by Swiping Up or Down on a Screen Discovered! 2015年03月25日
Research ResultsPhysics & Chemistry
Selective Removal of the Odor Associated with Stale Sake (Hineka) Achieved in a World First! 2015年03月20日
Research ResultsLife & Health
Two Types of Intestinal Bacterial Flora Discovered in Asian Children: Japanese Children Found to Have an Abundance of Bifidobacterium 2015年02月24日
Research ResultsLife & Health
Known Drug Found to Powerfully Inhibit Cancer Metastasis 2015年01月03日


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