
Business risks factors

The following is a list of some significant risk factors that may have an effect on the operating results,financial position, and other aspects of the Kyuden Group (consolidated).

1. Changes in systems affecting the electricity business

With regard to energy policy, revisions to the government's Strategic Energy Plan are ongoing.
With regard to the matter of electricity system reforms, legal unbundling of the transmission/distribution sector will start in April 2020.
Moreover, we are also considering specific priorities from the standpoint of addressing issues affecting the public interest amid further intensification of competition and liberalization in the electricity market. We are considering the creation of a base load and capacity market, as well as the expansion of the already established non-fossil value trading market.
Changes such as these to the systems affecting the electricity business could have an impact on the Group's performance.

2. Status of the environment surrounding nuclear power

We believe that nuclear power generation is important in terms of energy security and global warming concerns. We will comply with the New Nuclear Regulatory Requirements enforced by the government based on the lessons learned from the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and continue our voluntary efforts to improve safety and reliability. In conjunction with this, we are also vigorously implementing activities to allay the concerns of local residents. However, the Group's performance could be affected by any long-term suspension of our nuclear power stations or increase in capital investments, depending on the new regulatory requirements and the results of lawsuits regarding their operations.

3. Fluctuations in electricity sales volume

Electricity sales volume in the electricity business fluctuates according to factors such as economic trends, temperature changes, the spread of residential solar power systems, the development of energy conservation, and competition in the electricity market. As a result, changes in these factors could have an impact on the Group's performance. Supply and demand operations could be affected by an increase in solar power systems.

4. Fuel price fluctuations

Fuel expenses in the electricity business fluctuate as a result of trends in CIF prices and in the foreign exchange markets because we procure sources of fuel for thermal power generation including liquefied natural gas (LNG) and coal from overseas.
However, fluctuations in fuel prices are reflected in electric rates through the fuel cost adjustment system,which helps to ease the impact of fuel price volatility on the Group's performance.

5. Costs for the back-end of nuclear operations

The decommissioning of nuclear facilities and the back-end of nuclear operations such as the storage, reprocessing, and disposal of spent nuclear fuel require long-term projects that involve uncertainties. However, risks to operators have been reduced to a certain extent due to the government's institutional measures and other factors. Since the costs for the back-end of nuclear operations and so forth vary in accordance with factors such as future reviews of systems, changes to estimated future expenses, and the storage conditions of spent nuclear fuel, they may affect the business performance of the Kyuden Group.

6. Cost of measures to combat global warming

In response to global warming, the Group aims for more efficient power generation that uses less carbon, and to this end, the Group conducts a variety of measures, such as safe and stable nuclear power station operations, active development and introduction of renewable energy, and maintenance and improvement of total thermal efficiency for thermal power stations. Future changes in policies related to global warming could have an impact on the Group's performance.

7. Businesses other than electricity

The Group is enhancing its revenue basis by utilizing its management resources and steadily developing new business areas beyond the electricity business. In business operations, we put emphasis on profitability and work to improve efficiency while pursuing growth. If the planned profits cannot be achieved due to worsening business conditions, the Group's performance may be affected.

8. Deferred tax assets

The recoverability of deferred tax assets reported in the consolidated balance sheet is determined based on estimated future taxable income. Therefore, if estimated future taxable income falls due to factors such as changes in the business environment, we will have to break into deferred tax assets, and this may affect the business performance of the Kyuden Group.

9. Interest rate fluctuations

The Group's balance of interest-bearing debt as of the end of March 2018 was 3,243円.8 billion, which accounts for 69% of the Group's total assets. Future changes in interest rates have the potential to affect the Group's financial condition.
However, 96% of outstanding interest-bearing debt comprises corporate bonds and long-term debt, and most of this bears interest at fixed rates. The impact of fluctuating interest rates on the Group's performance is therefore viewed as limited.

10. Leakage of information

The Group has established strict internal frameworks to manage in-house information and personal information which Group companies hold, to ensure information security. Additionally, we have implemented thorough information management by establishing internal policies and guidelines on handling information as well as familiarizing employees with the handling procedures. However, in case of leaks of in-house information or personal information caused by computer viruses or cyber attacks, the Group's performance may be affected.

11. Natural disasters

To ensure a stable supply of electricity to our customers, the Group implements inspections and maintenance of facilities systematically to prevent any trouble from occurring. However, large-scale natural disasters, such as typhoons, torrential rains, earthquakes and tsunami, as well as unexpected accidents and illicit acts have the potential to affect the Group's performance.
We are also developing a risk management system and are preparing for numerous risks that may have a material impact on business operations. Failing to respond appropriately to a risk may adversely affect the Group's performance.

12. Compliance

To be worthy of the trust of all its stakeholders, the Group conducts its business activities from the perspective of its customers and the local people in the regions in which it operates by working together to fully instill an awareness of compliance and complying with laws and regulations. However, if problems such as compliance violations were to cause the Group's social credibility to decline, this could have an impact on the Group's performance.
The Group will continue to work to build trust-based relationships with all its stakeholders.

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