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March 2, 2022 Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Inc. Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.

Kyuden Group received the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the 30th the Global Environment Awards

At the 30th Global Environment Awards hosted by FUJISANKEI COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, the Kyuden Group received the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award. This is the second time for the the Kyuden Group to receive this award, following the first time in 2018 (27th edition).

In April 2021, the Kyuden Group established its "Carbon Neutral Vision 2050" in which it aspires to become carbon neutral by 2050 by making carbon reduction efforts in the areas of both energy supply and demand. The main two strategies are "decarbonizing / lowering the carbon intensity of energy sources", which includes the transition to renewable energy as the main power source, and to "accelerate the shift toward electricity-based energy consumption", which includes promoting allelectric households, electrification of heating and hot water supply equipment in the business sector and the promotion of electric vehicles.

The Group received this award for the following various activities:

  • "Proactive Development of Renewable Energy" such as hydro, geothermal and wind power.
  • "Adoption of Renewable Energy" through efforts such as maximizing the utilization of the current available capacity of transmission and substation facilities.
  • "Utilization and Promotion of EVs", including efforts to convert 100% of the company vehicles to EVs and the development of EV sharing services.
  • "Contributing to the Creation of Sustainable Societies Overseas" by strengthening overseas project development and operational structure through the acquisition of Thermochem, a U.S.- based company that provides geothermal technology services.
  • "Biodiversity Conservation" such as environmental conservation activities in collaboration with local communities.

Fig.1: Development of Renewable Energy

Fig.2: Biodiversity Conservation

Fig.1: Development of Renewable Energy (Kushima Wind Power Plant in Miyazaki Prefecture)
Fig.2: Biodiversity Conservation (Controlled burning in the Kuju Bogatsuru-shitsugen Oita Prefecture)

Through these efforts, the Kyuden Group will strive to become carbon negative as soon as possible before 2050, which will result in an overall carbon reduction for society as greenhouse gas removals will be higher than greenhouse gas emissions.

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