
Home > Our company > What’s new > FY2021 > Formulation of Financial Targets to Achieve Kyuden Group Management Vision 2030 -Kyuden Group Lays Down New Financial Targets and Overview of FY2021 Medium-Term Management Plan-

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April 28, 2021 Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc.

Formulation of Financial Targets to Achieve Kyuden Group Management Vision 2030 -Kyuden Group Lays Down New Financial Targets and Overview of FY2021 Medium-Term Management Plan-

The Kyuden Group established its Kyuden Group Management Vision 2030 (hereafter referred to as "Management Vision") in June 2019 as a roadmap for its business operation ahead of the year 2030, and to achieve the Management Vision, the Group has actively engaged in domestic electricity business and various other businesses.

With the Japanese government having declared to become carbon neutral by 2050, there is a growing expectation for companies' decarbonization efforts. Within this context, the Kyuden Group is set to work on lowering carbon intensity and decarbonizing from both energy supply and demand aspects under the Kyuden Group Carbon Neutrality Vision 2050 that was laid down today.

Under these circumstances, the Kyuden Group formulated financial Targets for FY2025 as a medium-term target geared toward achieving the Management Vision. In addition to accelerating the unified efforts that the Kyuden Group has made thus far, the Group will link carbon neutrality actions to further corporate growth and in turn strive to achieve the new financial Targets.

Financial Targets (FY2025)

Items Targets
Consolidated ordinary income
Domestic electricity business
Growth business
125 billion JPY or more
75 billion JPY
50 billion JPY
Capital-to-asset ratio Around 20%

The Kyuden Group also put together the Overview of FY2021 Medium-Term Management Plan, which summarizes specific initiatives that the Group will undertake to realize its Targets.

To provide a more prosperous, comfortable living experience to become our customers' No.1 choice, the Kyuden Group is creating the future, starting from Kyushu, together with the people of the region and members of society.

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